posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:07 AM
This sort of thing goes on closer to home too, as the following story illustrates.
No Photoshopping there, but a handy bit of photo cropping to, in my mind, deliberately distort and portray a lie. This is certainly not the first
time either!
Does anyone really think our western media tells us the truth, when the media corps are run by government shills, in the case of some of the BBC
reporting, or by embedded corporate entities?
I was brought up to question and examine carefully everything I am presented with as fact by the the media and government and it certainly helps in
getting to the bottom of issues. The big media corps and the government think, and are probably right, that many people live in the here and now and
will accept what they are told, without any critical thinking or analysis of historical context. Thankfully not everyone does this.