posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:34 AM
link of the 14 yr old
girl and I found
this one of a 26 yr old teacher and her boyfriend
in India.
Pretty sad how weak minded and clueless our societies have become. unable to handle such miniscule problems which amount to nothing in life. this is
what happens when we don't take responsibility and the time to properly parent our youth by shoing them love compassion and teachimng them about
life. Instead a majority throw them in front of TV, a video game or pc's and let them become corrupted and misguided.
There has also been a trend of a parent killing their families than committing suicide becuase of the circumsrtances relating to the economy. Being a
father of 3 and living through the devestating experiences I have been through, I have learned to value life. I would do
ANYTHING to keep my
family safe and alive. I honestly do not understand what the logic or reasoning is behind these peoples thoughts.Truly sad.