posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 01:21 PM
It's China that scares me. There's not been much response from China so far, so it seems they don't really mind all of this. I'm not as informed
about any of this as I would like to be, but I do know two things for certain......
First, we do NOT want to get into it with China, period. Second, the US is spread all over hell and back fighting waaaay too many wars at once. If I
were wanting to pick a fight with the US, I don't think I've seen a better time. We're spread out, and we're broke!
Don't get me wrong, I will always support our troops, and I certainly think its better to fight in someone else's yard than our own, but we need to
back up and reform the lines right about now, because N.Korea about to light the firecracker!