posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 07:10 AM
The thing I like about crop circles is that they are physical evidence that cannot be disputed unlike photos and videos, you can go and see a crop
circle with your own two eyes.
I do wonder if it's just the farmers doing it themselves though? for example Japanese farmers are known to make huge works of art in rice fields.
I think it's another one of those cases where common sense comes into it, if intelligent life did exist in other worlds would they really come here
just to make pretty pictures in our fields? Logic would suggest not. And why have none of these farmers invested in a video camera over the years,
surely if they own the land they would have the best vantage point to capture some footage of a huge UFO carving art into their field?
Has anyone ever spotted potential crop circle makers? I was once on a motorway at night when I was little and saw a pair of cars pulled into a lay by
and a few torches moving around in a field and the next day there was indeed a circle (albeit a pretty crap one!) so I'm sure at least some of them
are man made, this was back in the early 90's and happened in Hampshire where I used to live.
Although modern circles tend to be very advanced I'm sure it's not impossible for humans to achieve, especially if you have been doing it for years,
look how far graffiti has come since the 70's I mean would anyone have believed something like this could be painted onto a wall with car spray paint
in 30 minutes in the dark all those years ago?
Amazing graff
It just shows what practice, commitment and most of all, organization can achieve, it would make sense if there was an underground scene behind these
crop circles with people who have been doing it for years and years, getting better and better over the years, refining techniques and using equipment
like design software and gps systems, that may seem far fetched to some but surely it's more realistic than the notion that these pieces of art are
created by visiting super intelligent aliens?