posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by HarlieQuinn
Priority #1 is water. Clean water. If there is no stream, then you will have to sink a well and make sure the water is free of chemicals and
bacteria. An electric pump for the the well, and back up hand pump for those times when the family and the animals need water. (Have you ever hand
pumped water of livestock? Or to do laundry? I have, and I will tell you it is one of the memories I least like recalling.
If possible, a windmill to pump water into a tank might work, depending on where you will be living and how much wind is common.
You mentioned livestock. Chickens are good, especially if they can forage, but I would also suggest guienie(sp?) fowl. My grandfather kept them, and
allowed them to free forage. They keep down the bugs(especially ticks, which you most assuredly don't want.) as well as making for pretty good
eating. They also make an excellent alarm system for strangers and varmints that might show up in the middle of the night. A flock of those things
screeching can wake the dead.
As mentioned by one of the earlier posters, rabbits are good, although you can't live on just rabbit meat(a fact I learned here on ATS)because there
is not enough fat. But it makes a good change, and the manure is excellent fertilizer.
My dad raised pigs, and it was my responsibility to feed and water them. I really don't know if I would want to do it again, especially since there
isn't a slaughter house in my area any longer.
You might think about "miniture cattle" They are much smaller than regular polled herefords, but they product about 65% more edible meat(Less
waste) than full sized herefords, plus they eat less and are easier to handle.
Be prepared to fence your garden in. If you don't the rabbits will get more of it than you do.
I envy you. If I had 10 acres to myself, I think I would be in Hog Heaven.
Good luck to you.