posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:08 AM
This morning, just after dawn...and a beautiful one it was, too, I was out in the parking lot at work taking my break, I was looking east towards the
hills outside of town. In the sky was a classic crescent moon, with Venus (?) nearby. I was headed back inside when just off to the south of Venus
(?), and a little below I spotted a very bright reflection crossing the sky east to west.
From my vantage point it looked remarkably like the classic "cigar shaped" UFO we hear so much about... I was thinking "How cool is this?", well
after I asked myself "What the *bleep* is that?". Anyhoo, I rushed over to my car and grabbed my binoculars and took a look... Imagine my
disappointment when it resolved into a rather mundane, but shiny, 747. It was kinda lower than most planes that fly over the town, which I suppose is
what caught my attention...that and the "shiny"...
Oh well, maybe next time...