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New Found Respect for ATS Editors, Mods and Reporters

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posted on May, 3 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Over the weekend I read some news reports at and since we have the ability to make our own submissions I thought "hey I can do that"

Well... lol I did it... and it turned out OK, BUT not without the help of one most of all.

I had no idea how hard it was both to use a news report and add your own thoughts and keep it all within the guidelines, all while giving a report that will add to the greatness of this site.

I will tell you this for the record here, if it had not been for the much needed help and editing of one Banshee my posts would have been .. well

I chose this forum to both thank Banshee in public and if I could I would give you your share of the points I gained with your help.


Now in the future I will try to get it right the first time, if not I will only make submissions when I know Banshee is online and in ATS.

To all editors Mods and Reporters who work so hard to make this site as great as it is I THANK YOU as well.

I think some of us may not have known the work and effort you guys put into this site and well you deserve all of our thanks.

Keep up the great work!!!!

I will try to be less of a pain in the future.


posted on May, 3 2004 @ 08:53 PM
Yes Banshee is a great help, I'm very gratefull of his work on this site.

THANK YOU and of course others.

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 08:56 PM
Yes, props to Banshee, Valhall and ScepticOverlord.

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 09:09 PM
UM, I am happy that you appreciate the work of our moderators, but please allow me to take the time to explain why it is important for you to add your own contribution.

because it is likely that you weren't the source of the news item, as in you werent the journalist who was on site and witnessing the story unfold, it is very important for you to give credit to the source of your information for legal and moral reasons. It is also important for you to add your own opinion and insight on the matter, not only to substantiate the importance of the story, but also to further disallow any future legal complications that may result in using a story from the news wire sources without their consent.

just FYI, and I am positive that the mods appreciate your thanks.

[Edited on 5/3/2004 by AlnilamOmega]

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 09:11 PM
Banshee is a North Carolina 'jewel'!

Her guidance and correction, among others--Nerdling, Val, William, Kano, and those I have unintentionally failed to mention--have helped many of us.....kudos to all of them.


posted on May, 3 2004 @ 09:13 PM
Yep what would we do without them lol

Well done guys, your all doing a great job on Atsnn

UM_Gazz im sure they will be very happy that you appreciate what they do,

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 09:21 PM
I have to say that most everyone has been helpful and kind, Banshee and Valhall in particular, with submission and post help ever since I joined ATS. My time in the community as a whole has been very positive.

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 09:24 PM
wow all of you have received help on your posts? I haven't had any assistance whatsoever

i take it that I am following the rules, but I have had no such luck in getting my submissions to appear on ATSNN without 'submission' prempting the subject. I would appreciate some guidance or suggestions, however.

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