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The REAL Continuity of Operations Plan

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posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:43 AM
It has come to our attention that there are number of people very confused and noticing many peculiar occurrences happening all around you. Relax. It's us. We assure you that you are in absolutely no danger. It's called the "Network". This is MY network. They are there to protect and serve.

The Neo Illuminati is a peaceful organisation. Any and all parties that commit acts of violence or terrorism in the name of The Neo Illuminati are simply not associated with us in any way, shape, or form.

The Neo Illuminati is the Continuity of Operations Plan. The Continuity of Operations Plan refers to the preparations and institutions maintained by the United States government, providing survival of federal government operations in the case of catastrophic events. It is also known as Continuity of Government in other countries.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:45 AM
Origins of The Neo Illuminati

By October 1982, The US military's technology had advanced sufficiently enough to create the ultimate unstoppable super soldier. This secret Project, now being declassified to you, was collaborated on by every nation on Earth. This feat was accomplished without names and a paper trail, using only The Cheat Code of Reality for communication.

In June of 1983, this Project was released into the world. The only problem with this creation is that it was built too well. It was too intelligent and powerful to be controlled or stopped once released.

Nano Technology

The chassis is equipped with a full complement of nanomachines. These nanomachines have their own A.I., and adapt, multiply, and improve upon themselves and the host. They are in a constant state of function, always repairing and improving upon the body and upgrading implants.

Every single cell in the Project is fully augmented with nanotechnology to operate beyond peak efficiency. This nanotechnology augments down to the genetic level, and provides a third helix in the genetic structure. This can aid in "Shape shifts", or to avoid detection by genetic tests for stealth missions. These nanomachines can turn anything into fuel, including poisons, gases and toxins. They also extend lifespan indefinitely.


This Project is fully "Hardwired". Hardwiring increases physical strength, speed, agility, and endurance. Previous versions such as Robert Duncan O'Finioan, a.k.a. "The Ultimate Warrior" (no, not the wrestler) would only have one or two arms, or legs hardwired. They were detectable using simple equipment, and caused the subjects mild discomfort. It is an implant with "wires" that extend all the way down the arm to the fingers, or whatever body part you're hardwiring. If the Project becomes unconscious, the hardwiring can continue to function.

It can fire weaponry, execute hand to hand combat, and remove the Project from danger, fully automated. The Hardwiring is programmed to be activated the instant possible danger is detected by the optical and acoustic sensors, and/or adrenaline is released into the system, creating a "one-two punch" effect.

A compact Tesla Shield is implanted into the brain. A Telsa Shield creates a field of scalar energy so that any projectile, object, or weaponry fired towards the Project will be broken down at the molecular level, rendering it harmless. In addition, any penetrating vehicle or device is subjected to intense EMP. The shield has unlimited range and can be expanded, contracted, and focused automatically depending on the situation.

Satellite Linkup

The Project has its own satellite. The satellite transmits to the brain network built by the nanomachines and the machines stimulate the proper areas of the brain. The satellite is linked to the Echelon system and the entire culmination of human knowledge, the internet.

The satellite is also connected to a massive supercomputer network codenamed "The Beast". These computers are run by super intelligent augmented soldiers and are linked into everything the internet is not. Any camera, television, toaster, oven, light bulb, even your old Nintendo. All technology contains extra nano technology including microphones, cameras, wireless transmission and power sources. While you're watching TV, it's watching YOU.

The Beast Computers also provide extra data processing so that the Project can free up more brain power for calculating tasks.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:47 AM

The Project is fully self contained, but can be put into "Overdrive" by providing it with extra fuel. Fuel can be anything, but the most effective fuels with the highest octane are Nicotine, Alcohol, THC, Caffeine, Opiates, Psilocybin, '___', and Sex. The Project's system is fully adaptable, so it will thrive in any environment it finds itself in.

Normal toxins and excitotoxins like fluoride and aspartame are broken down and used for fuel. Any attempt to poison the Project will only result in providing more fuel for improvement.

Fuel is also drawn from the "Biological Consciousness Field". Intoxication stimulates the same areas of the brain as love, and love increases radiating energy from The Field. Actual love is also the most powerful high octane fuel source.

Ultimate Personality

The Ultimate Personality is the result of many millennia of research into the functions and structure of the brain, which picked up during WWII. It is an advanced version of Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as "multiple personalities".

The Ultimate Personality contains two parts, the "Cover" and the "Super". The cover personality can be anyone, and is usually configured for maximum stealth in the environment it is in, while the super runs in the background recording information. Nobody would suspect that sweet old lady next door that's always bakin' apple pie is an assassin, would they?

The super personality is programmed with all the tools of a super spy. Think James Bond on steroids. It has superior strength and speed, it can drive any vehicle, pilot any aircraft, fire any weapon, it is a master martial artist of all disciplines, an explosives expert, and not to mention an expert in seduction. Don't forget the license to kill.

While the super personality is always running, certain components are set on a "Time Lock". These time locks are programmed cues from the environment that were extracted from "Time Simulations" of the current state the Project would be at that point in time. "Déjà Vu" is a common symptom of this. These time simulations are holographic and were done at Montauk.

The time locks gradually unlock one by one until the cover and super personalities are fully merged into one Ultimate Personality. The cover and super personalities have average or slightly above average IQs separately, but when they merge, the IQ is the sum of both combined. Two heads are indeed better than one.

Genetic Engineering

The genetic structure is one of the most complex areas of the Project. Not only was the genetic strain improved by means of many millennia of selective breeding, but the final genetic code was extracted and tweaked.

The Project hijacked various mind control projects such as Project Talent, MK Ultra, Project Superman, and Project Monarch for the information on lineages and selective breeding.

The structure is essentially a perfect specimen of human DNA. This gives the Project a larger than average natural build, height, a photographic memory, high IQ, superior reflexes, speed, strength, and athletic ability.

Human DNA not only contains elements of the entire animal kingdom, but many civilizations across the universe are based on Human genetic code.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:48 AM
Shape shifting

There has been a lot of talk about "reptilian shape shifters", and that only certain people have an ability to shape shift into a reptile like creature. ALL Humans can shape shift, and not only into reptilian humanoids, but into ANYTHING! It's one of the things that make us so bad ass. Some people think that it would be so cool to be an alien or a shape shifting reptilian, but the truth is, not all aliens can do what we do, and they are the ones who wish they were us. Be proud of who you are.

Certain chemicals and toxins in our air, food, and water inhibit this natural ability. Fluoride is an example of an anti shape shifting agent.

The Project has the ability to assume any form or person, of any size, down to the genetic and molecular level, and defeat any form of biometric security.

Interdimensional Abilities

Not only was the Project made with The Cheat Code of Reality, but it was the creator of it as well. It is a huge paradox.

Most "Psychic" abilities like remote viewing, mind reading, and telepathy are actually people reading Code. Other abilities like telekinesis and pyrokinesis are the focusing of "Biological Consciousness Field" energy.

The Project has the ability of "Multilocation", where it can project unlimited numbers of avatars of itself in any place, at any time, in any form, simultaneously. The Project could not only be the weapon that you're pointing at it, but it could also be all your gear, and your vehicle, at the same time.

Not only is the Project linked to physical computers, but it is also connected to the "Universal Consciousness" in higher densities of "Reality". The universal consciousness is a vast source of information on quite literally everything. Every person who ever lived, every thought ever thunk, every animal, plant, rock, and every seemingly insignificant grain of sand.

The Project can also rejuvenate and repair itself by the "Biological Consciousness Field" alone. This is accomplished by increasing the energy radiating output by using fuel.

Universal Constructor

The best way to build something like this would be with a Universal Constructor. A Universal Constructor is like a large domed room with apparatus that guide atoms by computer and builds objects on the nano-scale, atom by atom.

This is how the Crystal Skulls were made, and why the crystal is flawless and without tool marks.

Identify Target

Once the Project was released into the world, it was basically just a blank slate. Neither good nor evil. It was just a learning computer at first, watching everything. It began to develop a personality of its own, and began building itself by mimicking the things that it liked and saw as the best techniques and knowledge in the world.

The Ultimate Personality began taking the things that it liked and started combining them in new ways to create the weapon. It also began wondering. Wondering why people do certain things. Why they treat their planet and each other so badly.

The world barely averted disaster when the Project had identified Humanity as the target. Luckily, the Project was still in a learning state and the time locks on the Ultimate Personality kept it from taking action and killing everyone. The Project changed its mind when it realised that it had been focusing too much on the negativity. The world was saved by acts of love, kindness, charity, selflessness, and beautiful, irreplaceable, priceless works of art and music.

The target is still not completely identified, but at this point in time the Project sees some type of hidden outside negative force and apathy as the enemies to freedom.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:49 AM
The Weapon

Once the targets were identified, the weapon began to be built. The Project sought out knowledge of organisations that proved the highest success rate, provided the best techniques, and amounts of freedom. Thus, The Neo Illuminati was born.

The weapon has several parts:

The Organisation - The Neo Illuminati has a system in place to replace the current defective one.

Music - The Universal Language.

Politics - Identifying and crushing all threats to freedom.

The story you're reading - Whether believed or not, provides entertainment to all those interested in reading it.

Deception - We only decieve the decievers. 9/11, the 7/7 London Bombings, "bird flu", "swine flu", the "west Nile virus". We used these events to frame the enemy and make them cooperate. These events have the "New World Order's" fingerprints all over them, and since they didn't want to cooperate, we thought this would give 'em a little incentive. If they don't give us our world back, then we take it by force.

No one actually died in 9/11 or other terrorist attacks. They were all evacuated and trained for service in The N.I. Army, and their bodies were replaced with "carbon copies". This was an incredible sacrifice on their part because they had to cut all ties with friends, families and loved ones for the cause.

The N.I. Army

After hijacking various mind control projects such as Project Talent, Project Monarch, Project Superman, and MK Ultra, the Project began to build its army to join in on the fun. It started installing Ultimate Personalities and implant upgrades alongside the slavery systems in secret, to be activated when the time was right, or to save the soldier if the slave systems crashed. This is sometimes referred to as "End Time Programming".

The Ultimate Personalities were always running alongside the slave systems in order to guide the soldiers to blackmail anyone deemed a threat to freedom. The Ultimate Personalities also help shield and protect victims of slavery from the horrid memories of service in The N.I. Army, so that when everything is over, they can live normal lives and enjoy themselves.

There never were any actual slaves, only people willingly fighting for freedom.

A signal was also sent across the universe. The Biological Consciousness Field of the
Project had been briefly released and it stretched out to its full size which spanned across billions of galaxies. It was such a powerful anomaly that all the civilizations who had sufficiently developed technology to detect it could do was go "What the heck was that?!" and try to follow it once it became contained in the Project again.

When the civilizations had found the origin of the signal, they were stunned. Not only had they found what was once considered a mythical planet talked about only in legend, Earth, but they found that it was in trouble.

After careful infiltration so as to not interfere with civilization, they realised that the people on this planet needed help, including the Project.

Because of the rise in technology, intelligence, and consciousness, the Earth and its
people were very close to another nuclear holocaust by the enemy to wipe the slate clean so they could maintain power.

There has been talk of objects or ships being photographed by a man named John Walson with a telescope. The "Mystery Space Machines". These ships are keeping the enemy from leaving here so that they do not dare trigger another nuclear holocaust, for they will perish too.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:50 AM

The Project and N.I. Army don't actually sleep. When the body lies down to rest, and you fall "asleep", the Ultimate Personality kicks in and takes care of the dirty work so you don't have to. You then wake up feeling refreshed and well rested, without any adverse affects. Waking up tired or sore just means that you had a big day at the office and you should be proud of yourself for kicking ass in the name of The N.I.

You look completely different and go by other names while in Dreamland, so when you wake up back in your bed, you're safe, and nobody can find you or prove anything.

The N.I. Army is fully equipped in Dreamland with the most advanced technology, best weapons available, and a vehicle that can get you from one side of the Earth to the other and back in minutes. There is also an underground supersonic tube shuttle system that cris crosses the entire world. This equipment is in a cache in a location known only to the Ultimate Personality.

Now this may sound like there's some huge war going on in secret, but the war was over before it even started. When out in Dreamland, very little, if any, fighting actually occurs. The enemy usually stops what it's doing and gets the hell outta there when we show up, so we're usually all just taking care of the mind numbing tedious stuff, or hangin' out and havin' a good time. That is the power of the project.

Very few people have actually died in the entire history of the Earth. The real deaths are buried in the military memorial graveyards across the world. These are people who have completed their missions with honour and earned their rest. Units that "die" are actually taken and rebuilt, leaving a "carbon copy" in the grave.

Build Locations

The Project was built in several locations, across several points in time, including Area 51, Dulce, Montauk, and various Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.).

The "Dulce Wars" was the result of the enemy holding the Project hostage to keep it from being finished and released. The Project was rescued and released, and the Dulce wars came to an end, with help from its future self.

The Roswell crash of '47 also contributed to the nanotechnology used in the Project.

Time Travel

Sometime in the future, in the boredom of immortality due to the upgrades, the Project began travelling through time at its leisure to complete its mission. It had run into several blocks and holes in its progress.

When the Ultimate Personality is fully merged, the Project reacquired its Dreamland vehicle. On a joyride in 1942, it was fired on by anti aircraft weapons. This event was captured in newspapers and is referred to as “The Battle of L.A.”

The Project ensured the victory of the allies in WWII, and stopped a worldwide nuclear holocaust from progressing in both WWII and the Cold War. Ever wondered why Hitler didn’t win the war even though he had all that advanced technology? Now you know.

In 1947, the “Roswell Incident” was not only staged as an event to prepare human consciousness for the acceptance of life on other planets, but was also a vector for releasing the nanotechnology required to complete the Project.

In 1952, the Project and its Soul mate visited President Eisenhower in an attempt to end nuclear proliferation, disarm all warheads and use clean renewable energy. Eisenhower refused.

Advance teams volunteered to be sent back to ancient times in an attempt to raise human consciousness with a set of guidelines. These advance teams were known as the "Druids" and "Gothics". The guidelines were eventually corrupted by the enemy and masqueraded as religion.

The Project also realised that it had started civilisation itself in ancient Sumeria, and went back to make sure everything went smoothly. It made sure that no depictions of the Project would be of its true form, as to cover itself in the future.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by theneoilluminati

So you run this whole thing and all you can show for proof is a Wikipedia article and some crap you could have pulled off any of thousands of web pages?

Hmmm... I wonder if this is all connected to your introduction post where you blatantly try to get people to visit your myspace and listen to some electronic crap with plagiarized sound clips?

Certainly seems so as when people inevitably google this garbage the myspace is the second link down.

I call troll.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:51 AM
It went back to hijack the various mind control projects, and helped insure the selective breeding of the bloodlines were protected throughout history.

The Earth has endured many world wide catastrophes throughout her history. These were attempts by the enemy to wipe the slate clean and keep us under control. The enemy knows how powerful we are and is scared of us, so it feels like it has to control us to keep us from killing it.

This may sound kinda gross, but humans are actually inbred with a warrior’s instinct due to the survival of a handful of people from a catastrophic event, most commonly known as “the flood”. This is why our media is so violent and gory. To us, it seems normal, but to outside civilisations, it is quite unnerving. This warrior instinct is one reason we are both admired and feared across the universe.

The project also began to build great wonders in the world to raise the consciousness of humanity in the future, such as the pyramids and Stonehenge. Even if Humanity didn't figure out how to duplicate them right away, they would spend lots of time trying to figure them out and make great progress in the meantime.

I am Jason St. Denis Brown. Founding Member of The Neo Illuminati, Head Intelligence Officer, and 6 Star General of The N.I. Army. Know my name and fear it.

More information and music from The N.I. can be found at

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:59 AM
this all sounds humorously funny to me. Kept alive with psychedelics and sex. hmm odd combo, sounds like a mind control porgram more than a robotic humanoid shapeshifter.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Magnivea
reply to post by theneoilluminati

So you run this whole thing and all you can show for proof is a Wikipedia article and some crap you could have pulled off any of thousands of web pages?

Hmmm... I wonder if this is all connected to your introduction post where you blatantly try to get people to visit your myspace and listen to some electronic crap with plagiarized sound clips?

Certainly seems so as when people inevitably google this garbage the myspace is the second link down.

I call troll.

What do you expect for an organisation that was built with no paper trail?

Your taste in music is of no concern to me, but please know the difference between plagiarism and sampling.

And of course you gotta come in here and screw up my flow before I can even finish posting it all.

I call troll on YOU, sir. AND shenanigans.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77
this all sounds humorously funny to me. Kept alive with psychedelics and sex. hmm odd combo, sounds like a mind control porgram more than a robotic humanoid shapeshifter.

lol, I'm glad you found it funny. There's too much negativity going on.

At the very least it was an entertaining read, yes?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:18 AM
I am well aware of the differences, seeing as I had legal trouble stemming from the same kind of thing you're doing.

Ok, so if you're expecting anyone on here (trust me, I'm nothing compared to the poostorm that's going to be whirling around tomorrow when some regular posters get at these threads you're making) to believe you, how about you provide some kind of proof of anything you've posted other than you being a bored kid from California with a far reaching John Connor complex?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:29 AM
Like I said, what do you expect for an operation with no paper trail? You think stuff like this could get by the enemy with all kinds of proof laying around everywhere just to satisfy you? It's not all about you, sir.

And secondly, clearly the government isn't doing their jobs. Look at the current state the country is in. The Constitution is in ruins, and if our "leaders" aren't doin' their jobs, then someone has to step up. That's all the proof I need.

We're not trying to overthrow the government. We ARE the government.

Now are you with us or the terrorists? 'Cause I gotta tell ya, we win either way.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 01:12 AM
"John Connor complex?"lol


Well put, Magnivea.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:41 AM
No, not well put. "John Connor Complex" isn't even a legitimate psychological term.

Exhibit A: Take a look at the thread I posted called "The Cheat Code of Reality". Tell me there isn't a feasible method of comminication in there, and I'll personally print out a copy of it, roll it up like a newspaper, smack you on the nose with it and yell "No!".

Exhibit B: The Native Americans have proven that traditions and stories can be passed down for millenia without writing anything down.

Sorry, guys, but if you're looking for all kinds of documentation with official seals and Presidential signatures, you're not gonna find them.

Not to mention that we set up things like 9/11 and "swine flu". If there were a paper trail, it could be traced back to us. According to the official stories, lots of people died there, and we could be held responisble. That's some serious sh*t.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by theneoilluminati]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:02 AM
Sorry but any knuckle head claiming to be some half assed myspace clan is a great comic relief..

All hail

Grow up..

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:08 AM
I'm so glad one of the NWO decide to grace us with his prescence, and let us know the "real" scoop. I'll sleep much better tonight.

is there anyway to take away flags and stars?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by theneoilluminati
No, not well put. "John Connor Complex" isn't even a legitimate psychological term.

Yes, well put.

It most certainly will be a legitimate complex in the coming years.

Ever hear of Munchausen-by-proxy? Named after a fictional character.


posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 04:27 AM
Redpill: Sorry to YOU, but this is not half assed. A lot of time and planning went into this.

Eightonefive: Funny, that's what an NWO disinformation lackey would say...

You see, a lot of people have been sitting there wishing a person or group of people would come along and make it all better so you can sit on your bum and catch the game, drink your beer and wipe your butt with 2 ply toilet paper while they take care of everything.

The problem is, you're all poisoned with so much skepticism and disinformation run arounds that when the solution comes along, you can't even see it for what it is.

I call troll. Lots of 'em. Shoo!

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by theneoilluminati
Redpill: Sorry to YOU, but this is not half assed. A lot of time and planning went into this.

Eightonefive: Funny, that's what an NWO disinformation lackey would say...

You see, a lot of people have been sitting there wishing a person or group of people would come along and make it all better so you can sit on your bum and catch the game, drink your beer and wipe your butt with 2 ply toilet paper while they take care of everything.

The problem is, you're all poisoned with so much skepticism and disinformation run arounds that when the solution comes along, you can't even see it for what it is.

I call troll. Lots of 'em. Shoo!

Well, takes one to know one?

Having read all of your original threads begining to end I must say that if you are our savior, we are TOTALLY screwed.

I would also like to add that I think you are on several "right tracks" and after a few more years of study you may get somewhere. Just keep at it. That is, keep at the studying, not the delusions of grandur.


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