Originally posted by Amagnon
If the Ark is revealed and the artifact IS inside - then we are likely to make contact with those who crafted mankind 'from the dust of the
The Annunaki Gods from Nibiru!
I seeing that the rastafari are one of the few religions/beleif systems/cultures left in this world that cause mayhem and conflict in the world today,
I have a lot of time for what they have to say.
Rastafari is a strongly syncretic Abrahamic religion that draws extensively from the Bible. Adherents look particularly to the New Testament Book of
Revelation, as this is where they find the prophecies about the divinity of Haile Selassie, theit living God.
Rastas claim that they, and the rest of the black race, are descendants of the ancient twelve tribes of Israel, captures by empirical forces and cast
into captivity in the carribean and the southern US as a result of the slave trade.
Some Rastafari assert that only half of the Bible has been written, and that the other half, stolen from them along with their culture, is written in
a man's heart.
This concept also embraced the idea that even the illiterate can be Rastas by reading God's Word in their hearts. hence goes the saying "listen to
your heart because it will never lie to you". Science has proven that brain cells exist in the heart as well as the brain.
Rastas also see the lost half of the Bible, and the whole of their lost culture an heritage linking them to the house of Davis and King Solomon, to be
found in the Ark of the Covenant, a repository of African wisdom, which 'was' more advanced than we are led to beleive according to levi the shaman
who was interviewed by David icke on youtube.
A covenant is an agreement. and I beleive that when King Soloman, who fathered a hundred children realised that whatever was in the Ark was the
proverbial "one ring to rule them all" he needed to give custody of it to the descendants who show the most 'hobbit like' attributed in that they
would keep it safe in an "agreement" to never let it into the hands of evil or good.
Until the time is right.
Ethiopians have shown great restraint in not unleashing the power even in the face of extreeme adversity such as the famine of the 1980's and civil
war. A trait that the modern day rastafari in the carribean show today.
Food approved for Rastfari is called ital. The purpose of fasting (abstaining from meat and dairy) is to cleanse the body in accordance to serving in
the presence of the "Ark of the Covenent".
One has to ask the question, what happens to people who eat meat and then look at the power of it?
To show the ark contents/force to the G8 of religions is significant in that it will melt their faces if they are impure (i.e most of them)
I think this was "the agreement" that the Ark (God) had with Man
- if you can see me with having a pure heart then you're cool as and can be with me at my side - just like King S who defeated every attacker and
amassed great wealth with it. But if people of impure heart see it then they get their faces melted.