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Have Bush/Cheney ever done anything that is actually illegal? Nope!

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posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by ooder57
reply to post by Zerbst

You my friend, are one of the only smart and aware people on this subject providing a good rebuttle and well known facts by all people around the world. S&f

Thank you, ooder.

I am so disappointing and embarrassed by my fellow Americans lack of even interest in their true heritage. They are far separated from the reality of freedom and what it is that affords them such. Brainwashed into believing the American way of life is unrelenting and everlasting. They believe their rights will always be there for them as if from God himself.

Wake up! Killing brown people in the desert is not protecting your freedom! The fight for freedom is happening, but the war is here at home. Your enemy is your leadership and I can assure you they are not American. America's once great system of rule has been infiltrated, not by corporations, but by foreigners. They only have power over you while you believe in them and do as they say.

Know your rights and understand the true power is in the people! Expose this foreign enemy at home and root it out. We say how our money is spent. We say when and where our young people need to risk their lives. Not them.

They are not helping you! They have ignored our demands and that is simply unacceptable. They are tearing down our country bit by bit. When will you see that? It is the right of the people to determine their fate and right now that fate should be dragging them from their high places and exterminating them one and all. This is what Americans are required to do! It is your Constitutional obligation! It is our patriotic duty. It is time to ignore their demands! WHAT IS UNCLEAR ABOUT THIS!!!

Either stop them from ruining you, or prepare for your ruin!! Fear is in them, not us. You just have to know this fact as they do.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:54 AM
Irrespective of "legality," they are guilty of gross breach of ethics.

And, as was pointed out, just because something can be shown to be technically legal, does NOT make it OK.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:13 AM
It's unfortunate how many wasted bytes this thread has consumed..

Doesn't the OP realise that the Law is there to protect the crooked? The legality of what Bush and Cheney have done has nothing to do with the Universal Laws of Love, Compassion and Respect that they have defecated all over. They use fraud in their contracts, tainted truths and have billions upon billions of dollars at their [glen] beck and call to back up their concept of reality, no matter how negatively it affects your life, my life, or your brother and sisters on the other side of the world.

If there isn't a Hell already, there is one being made personally for those two devil-cocksmokers.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Zerbst

The Bush administration has most certainly violated laws of, not only this nation, but laws instilled by all nations of the world. Torture, specifically water boarding, is a crime the US has convicted others of doing in the past and can not be justified by any means whatsoever. They have admitted to doing it, that's proof.

Water boarding may be torture, or it may be enhanced interrogation. If it is determined that it was torture and that George Bush, Dick Cheney and any member of the Bush administration (or Congress) who allowed it to happen need to be charged with a crime so be it. But no one has been charged yet.

As far as saying it cannot be justified, never say never. If someone kidnapped your daughter and stuck her in a hole somewhere and you caught him, I bet water boarding would be the least of his problems. If it was mine, I know I would do whatever it took to find her. And, is that really so different than being charged with the defense of a whole nation? Think about it.

Violating Americans right to privacy by wire tapping is a clear crime against the Constitution and cannot be changed by the courts. They admitted it, that's proof.

Oh please. That is a serious oversimplification of a law passed with the Patriot Act and a later law passed with the Protect America Act (with a yes vote from Barak Obama I might add). Both of which are perfectly constitutional. Provide me with the name and case number of an American citizen whose rights were abused under this law by Bush or Cheney personally and then we will talk.

Invading Iraq, and now Pakistan, without congressional approval is also a crime against the Constitution.

Again here, it is you that do not understand the facts. As far as congressional approval, you may want to research Public Law 107-243, The Iraq Resolution. You may also want to look at the terms of the 1991 cease fire agreement that halted the first gulf war, and the Iraqi governments’ serious noncompliance.

Lying to congress and manufacturing false evidence to obtain approval for war equates to multiple crimes. That's proof.

Face the facts. No one was out there intentionally lying to congress, particularly an upstanding patriot like Colin Powell. Much of what we suspected about Iraqi WMD turned out not to be the case. But we didn’t know that until after the invasion. Saddam himself certainly played both sides of the fence on this issue and along with his government actively thwarted efforts by the U.N. to verify just what he had. As far as manufacturing evidence, again show me evidence manufactured personally by or at the behest of Bush or Cheney and we will talk about breaking the law.

Dealing nuclear weapons secrets to Israel is multiple crimes.

You pulled this out of your hat didn’t you? Shame on you. I think everyone is pretty aware that Israel has had nuclear weapons since the late 1960s.

Outing Valerie Plame.

That was Scooter Libby, who did time for it. Poor decision made by an ultimately not so smart fellow.

Vote fraud.

I guess you saw George and Dick out there personally stopping old ladies from entering polling places? Or have you got copies of confidential memos written by either that explain exactly how to commit voter fraud? Give me a break.

The list goes on. What exactly don't you understand? What proof is enough?

What proof is enough? Some would be nice.

You are simply traitorous and a complete embarrassment to this country. Here is a little clue about government. They all break the law! But your choice to defend has gone far beyond criminal. You choose to speak up for a group that's gone way past crime for mere profit, you, my ignorant friend, are defending those that have successfully attacked your most precious assets! Your treasonous, murderous role models have violated everything you would hold sacred, had you the sense to understand it. What possible delusion are you suffering to come to such conclusions?

It truly is a shame to see that when it comes down to it you have to resort to personal insults. But I am not really surprised. "Traitorous and a complete embarrassment"? I hate to stoop to your level, but those seem like awfully big words from an awfully small mind.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Oh so now it is just a gross breach of ethics. I thought these guys were behind everything, including 911, and now all they are guilty of is a gross breach of ethics?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:31 AM
Corksoaker is as corksoaker does. Wily legal weasels can practically (though not literally) legalize child rape if they want. Secrecy-based government writes its own rules. Literally untold billions are spent annually on Black Budget crap (where primary government power resides), and the sheeple just "baaaa" merrily along like it's normal. It's the criminal system itself, with its corrupt laws, rules and regulations, that favors predators in government. Practically no one has a clue of what real transparency and effective checks and balances are.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Seth Bullock

A star for you. Thanks for your post and for defending me. I expected to be attacked and accused. After all, the whole point of my thread was that there are large groups of people, who without any proof, will just attack you and make up lies about you and accuse you of things simply because they disagree with your political views.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Reread. They have billions of dollars and billions of lies. They are murdering scum, they just happen to also be a part of the cabal that is running the show.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Dean Goldberry

Oh so I guess Bush/Cheney invented the Black Budget now. There is a need for these kinds of things. Do you really want our potential enemies to be able to go down a list of budget items to find out our military capibilities and research projects?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by purplemonkeydishwasher
reply to post by grapesofraft

Reread. They have billions of dollars and billions of lies. They are murdering scum, they just happen to also be a part of the cabal that is running the show.

Billons of dollars? Do you have proof that they have billions and/or that they obtained their money by illegal means?

Do you have proof of any murders that either of these men have committed?

Do you have proof of their involvement in a world running cabal?

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Now we are up to 6 pages and not a shred of evidence that they have commited even one crime.

Dont they call that slander when you accuse someone of something, but their is not a shred of evidence that they are guilty of your accusations?

Bush/Cheney should sue every last one of their slanderous accusers!

It appears that Bush/Cheney are only guilty of having political views different then the people who will accuse them or anything or believe any accusation against them, while their accusers are the ones actually guilty of a crime.


[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:18 AM
Hey you're entitled to your opinion. Also, nobody here is going to post all the crimes against humanity...there isnt enough bandwidth here.

If you dont think they did anything wrong, you have either been under a rock, or perhaps you are the GOP.

In either case, just think, we are still free to think what we want!!!!!

Best Regards,

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Well I am not saying that they didnt make mistakes along the way, but that they did the best they could with the info they had in the moment. Nobodies perfect, but I dont think they commited any crimes against humanity.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
Now we are up to 6 pages and not a shred of evidence that they have commited even one crime.


[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]
Picture this as a courtroom and the People of the United States VS. George W Bush & co. The charge is war crimes, and domestic crimes, intimidation, negligence, etc......
You work for the defense and you are here to state your case WHY THEY ARE NOT CRIMINALS.


Go ahead, you may have your opening statement right now.......

Then maybe we can debate. The propondrance of evidence is on your shoulders to tell us WHY WE SHOULD SPARE THEM from jail.

Go ahead. I cant wait.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Well actually the case would have never made it to court, because you guys havent given enough evidence to even get past a grand jury.

Lets start out with 911.

My clients have been accused of being behind the heinous acts of 911, but neither of them were anywhere near the WTC on 9/11/2001. Furthermore, every action they took from the moment they became aware of the attacks was to do their very best to protect the country from future attacks.

If they wanted to bring down the country by committing the acts of 911 certainly they would have moved to take over the government and/or the world in the immediate aftermath of 911, but they did not. They spent the next 7 or so years of their lives leading the hunt for the real perpetrators, members of Al-Queda.

The charges against my clients are nothing but the wild fantasies of people who either disagree with their political choices or think everything in the world is a huge conspiracy controlled by their "evil nemesis" the NWO. Are you really going to convict my clients of the charges brought forward by a bunch of people who suffer from paranoid delusions or simply accuse Bush and Cheney of things because they have an unfounded hatred against them?

What possible motive would my clients have to be behind the attrocities of 911? What have they gained, but sleepless nights and years of guilt for feeling like they failed to protect the American public?

Now your rebuttal dgTempe!

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Its a lame argument you have given here really, I could ask you to prove that cheney-bush are NOT guilty of any crime the argument go's both ways!

It is pure ignorance to say that just because they have not been convicted of a crime,one must not have been committed.

i break the law every week probably and im not convicted, does that make me a saint?

And you picked the biggest asshats to try and defend? i thought it was common knowledge that this dynamic duo was up to no good?

I find it disgusting that cheney was the secretary of defense and dodged the draft 5 TIMES!

Much like GWB who dodged the draft and then sent thousands if not hundred's of thousands of good people on both side's to an untimely death!

I dont need nobody to tell me that they didnt break the law anybody with a SHRED of MORAL right or wrong can tell you they did!

But some people just eat up what they are told like good sheeple and believe that GWB and Cheney are hero's.

Their faces should be carved into a mountain like MT rushmore but ten time's bigger, They should illegally hold 'enemy combatants' and waterboard them into building it for them

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Reading

I did not say it was about them not being convicted, I said they never commited a crime. Neither you nor anyone else has even made a case for one crime they committed in 6 pages of this thread.

Now if I made a thread of make a case that OJ killed Nicole and Ron, you could say their was a bloody glove that was OJ's, there was a footprint from a rare shoe that is the size of one owned by Mr. Simpson. He was found to be climbing over a wall of his own residence. He got in a Bronco and tried to run for freedom with a bunch of cash.

So do the same for Bush/Cheney. That is all I am asking.

If you cannot do that then maybe you should stop accusing them or agreeing with people that accuse them of things they/you have no proof of.

I could say any one of you is guilty of the most heinous crimes, but just because I said it wouldnt make it true. Further, if I ran around saying it to everyone and could not prove it then I would be guilty of slander.

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by Reading

I did not say it was about them not being convicted, I said they never commited a crime. Neither you nor anyone else has even made a case for one crime they committed in 6 pages of this thread.

are you serious-? So you think they have never committed a crime before?

we agree they havent been convicted, But what about morals and ethics? If you believe they have acted 100% morally justifiable then your off your head mate.

No less delusional than the people you accuse of hating for no reason here!

Like i said, How can they send thousands of people to an untimely death when they lack the courage to even serve for their own country>? and dodge the draft 6 times between them?

Whats your answer to that? you seem to have an answer to everything else.

I have to wonder what you are doing on a conspiracy site if you believe everything like a good litttle sheep?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Reading

This is not a conspiracy site, it is a discussion board. I did not know that you had to believe in every conspiracy to join up to a discussion board or even a conspiracy site for that matter. But, I guess if all you want on this site is people that agree with you then maybe you should have me kicked out.

I have heard of claims that Bush dodged the draft, but to be honest I havent researched it, but I will. Also, I have never once heard that Cheney dodged the draft, but I will look into it. Seems odd that a man who was once ahead of the Defense Dept was a draft dodger, but I guess anything is possible.

Morals are subjective, that is why we live by a rule of law. If it was not bad enough to have a law against it then how bad could it really be if no one decided to make it illegal in the last 200+ years?

What is more delusional, believing anything negative you hear about someone when there is no proof of their guilt or following the law of the land and say that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Heck, I might even say they were guilty before they were convicted if one of you could make a case for anything they are actually guilty of.

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:05 AM


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