posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:31 PM
i plan to head out again before it gets too cold out. I have a few new investigative tools i purchased and methods for capturing the elusive
phenomona. I'm familiar with tin foil hats lol, but seriously anyone familiar with lead lined bags the kind that is used to protect film from xray
machines at airports? We've had some very important film mysteriously erased immediatly after filming the ranch. I dont want this to happen again
on site, either by human error or....something else.
new equiptment includes more powerful video camera with 60x optical zoom, digitial night vision with video out for recording, helmet camera, and
digitial recorder with clip on windresistant mic. Also a powerful spotting scope. Really the only tools you need. This is a big upgrade from my
previous expeditions, but a necessary one. Extra powerful green laser Also some nondescript nonlethal protection.
just got another photo of the scientist looking man who was holding the unusual device (remember i was NOT there and am getting this all second
Here is a tiny thumbnail photo which really doesnt show much. He's apparently holding this device while walking around the property and it is giving
off an arc like light.
also he mentioned that the white van that was in front of his house has 7 stars on it. A researcher concluded that the van was a NSA van. Can anyone
support or refute this claim? He said the fact that there are 7 stars rather than 5 in exclusive to the NSA.
I personally think that conclusion may be persumptious and most likely local tribal police or county emblem.
[edit on 16-8-2009 by hiii_98]