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The ID on "Operation Blackjack" has a secret message

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posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by theyreadmymind
Did anybody crack this code yet? (It's the black text below the Othello picture.)


It translates to:

"The tyrant custom, most grave senators,
Hath made the flinty and steel couch of war
My thrice-driven bed of down"

Which is in Act 1, Scene 3 of Othello.

already cracked, all codes exept the babylon code are cracked

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:13 PM
yes the photo is different.

the previous one was farther out and from an angle showing more people.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:13 PM
From our good friends at the David Icke forums:

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Totakeke]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
already cracked, all codes exept the babylon code are cracked

not exactly.. this one hasn't been cracked either, from bj14.wetpaint:

G12 dd 44 55 754 55 98 hh g 99; dd .d, sss Xc 3 221 44e

and this too:


posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Totakeke
From our good friends at the David Icke forums:

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Totakeke]

Look at the filename of the new picture...

first part of filename says


posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by colloredbrothers

Where's the Babylon code? Can you direct me to that?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:16 PM
I need to go now, I will read this thread later and see if I missed something. In my country (Holland), it's 10:15pm (In a few hours it's Sunday) now, so I will go to sleep soon. Good luck to you all with decoding and stuff!

See you later!

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:16 PM
The Binary name of the key picture has not been broken to my knowledge either. From the JB14info site.

00110011 00110101 00100000 00110011 00110100 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110011 00110100 00100000 00110011 00110101 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110011 00110100 00100000 00110111 00110110 00100000 00110011 00110100 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110011 00110101 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110111 00110001 00100000 00110011 00110011 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110011 00110101 00100000 00110111 00110001 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110111 00110010 00100000 00110110 00110110 00100000 00110110 00110100 00100000 00110110 00110110 00100000 00110110 00110111 00100000 00110101 00110111 00100000 00110101 00110010 00100000 00110100 00110011 00100000 00110101 00110111 00100000 00110100 00110101 00100000 00110100 00110110 00100000 00110100 00110110 00100000 00110011 00110100 00100000 00110100 00110011 00100000 00110011 00110101 00100000 00110111 00110100 00100000 00110011 00110101 00100000 00110011 00110110 00100000 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posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Totakeke

Something to think about, is that the first date for 2010, may well fall after the next election in the UK. I'm not 100%, but it's due very soon, and it looks like David Cameron will win, next time, so it makes the story more 'accurate'.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:18 PM
C0ntractor just brought up a very important point. That new image's filename is "itsagame_1427939i.jpg".

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by jimminycricket

i was thinking the same..hmmmm

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:20 PM
If it IS a game it is without a doubt THE sickest game ever played on anyone.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Totakeke]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:20 PM
This might seem a stretch but the Babylon code looks like a midi code or a system exclusive message. I haven't kept up on it as I quit music a while ago but is there a voice emulation program that generates words using midi or sysex?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by C0ntract0r

Originally posted by Totakeke
From our good friends at the David Icke forums:

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Totakeke]

Look at the filename of the new picture...

first part of filename says


Good catch, it's all a hoax.

As much fun as playing the part of "Super Secret NSA Code Cracker Intel Operative" is, people need to stop taking this so seriously.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Totakeke

yep very f***ing sick! i hope MI5 waterboard the gits!

that's IF it a game...

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Kellter

Can you give a link for the source of that, I'm not sure if it's ATS cutting it off, or if it's meant to be that way. it's not a multiple of 8, and won't deocde properly. It seems to decoded to hex, then to base64, but I can't get anything by gibberish from it.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by theyreadmymind
reply to post by colloredbrothers

Where's the Babylon code? Can you direct me to that?

you can find the code at page 55, originaly it was a picture of babylon with a code in it and this is what we got.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Totakeke
If it IS a game it is without a doubt THE sickest game ever played on anyone.

[edit on 20-6-2009 by Totakeke]

I don't necessarily think it is a /game, in the normal senses.

I think it is an experiment, or a, collection...or, a data mining cover.

IF anyone high-up is involved in observing, then there are a lot of people who should get some praise for trying to be helpful.....if this WERE real , look at the differences in people...

some were trying to help b/c they dont want to see nothing bad happen.

some were trying to follow it vicariously, in maynard's words....

some wanted to run out the door screaming "teh sky is falling ZOMG"

some, just sat back and watched , and contributed when they had something solid.

Boy, that's a lot of (quickly and quietly gathered) info, for a person/group/org to have.....

Long time lurker by the way.

***462 from the earlier GLP big-thread, just trying to help.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Even though the new image has the "itsagame" in it, I'm not going to completely give up on this until 8:03 on Monday. (or 2010.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by jimminycricket

I saved a copy of the source code for the original jb14 site, the source code is no longer there so no link but I can send ya the portion where I am getting it.

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