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Originally posted by amantine
Come on, biologically, humans are not special at all.
Originally posted by Facefirst
But as to creationism being proved all of the world? I would like to see that proof please.
Originally posted by browha
You call yourself a man of reason yet you deny the theory of Evolution that is one of the most logical things in the world?
Originally posted by silQ
Originally posted by Camelop�rdalis
Well to me God is actually outside and inside the All.
EXACTLY! look at some of camel's previous posts! he claims that god used a clay and scanned it using some kind of machine!
Originally posted by Jakko
Shut up.
Originally posted by Camelop�rdalis
Well, your obviously not a master of sarcasm.
Yes, it was a compariso. And do you reamember what the comparison was between?
[quotePlus, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, all the old Mesopotamian religions, Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian for instance, most African Religions, Norse, the and probably the Maya, Azteks and the different Aborigine tribes, I know the North American tribes knew about the Creator too, every religion together with the rest of the religions, they all believe in a Creator. Infact the idea of a creator god who is above all and below all, who is everywhere, is one of the oldest pieces of written knowledge that exists. It's the whole idea of the Whole, the Universe, everything which is and Everyone, intellect, capacity, intelligence, humans can in theory end up conquering the whole galaxy, maybe the whole universe, our minds are quite powerful, and we are good mechanics and teachers too: "God Made All This! This Universe Was Once Like A Grain Of Sand In The Hands Of The Creator!!!" Well done. Now you're making me start writing like the Black Death too. Thank you!
Well, they have other names of course them being other nations and languages etc. But Yes, basically. In ancient Mesopotamian legends we can read the story of Eden. Or Edin it is called there. Islam and Judaism both follow the same Adam tale as Christianity. Hinduism have a slightly different apprach, more Egypt like, but basically the same thing. In Babylon they remembered Eden ofcourse. You don't forget the place you come from you know.
Well, basically since you give Christianity the blame for what the Church and the kings of Europe and the Middle-East have done in the name of God.
And no insults came from me either. Well done.
I dodn't ask you about catholic school. Neither doid I ask you about Jehova's Witness School. I asked you about science pensum. Who designs the pensum for schools and other educational systems? Well, that's the government. Which country (appart from maybe the Vatican and certain Muslim nations etc.) even mention God in their demands?
Well. Is it possible to create an athmosphere on Mars with the current technology? If there is water, YES. Is it possible to create animals and humans on Mars when there is an athmosphere on Mars using the current technology? YES. Is it possible to redo everything God supposedly did, looking at the biblical creation stories, using today's technology? Well, not everything maybe, but most of it YES INDEED. Infact appart from stuff like how to make a universe is rather difficult, modern quantum physics/mechanics discribes it as both possible and likely. Etc
It's embrasing ignorance when I say that since man can't even control the science behind atomic energy and therefore shouldn't be allowed to go much further?
Genesis was written down for the first time, i think it was around 1445 BC. Before that it was mostly an oral tradition. Why should I trust you in anything else?
well how many animals do u know that can run at over 65 mph? (cheetah). how many can jump over 30 ft in one bound? (kangaroo). how many animals can withstand crushing pressures at thousand of feet below sea level? (sperm whale). sure we have a big brain that allows us to quickly solve problems, process information, and do other amazing stuff mentally. but when it comes to survival, we suck. if u took away every scrap of technology and stuck a random person in an unfit enviroment, such as the arctic, desert, etc. they would die within days, a few weeks tops. we need a social group. many other animals dont and they can survive very well. to say that animals are stupid is wrong. there is evidence in chimp families that they have culture. dr. jane goodall found out that in one group, the chimps hold hands while grooming. in another group, they swim in the river, splash around just for fun and not for survival. the only thing we have is an amazing ability to solve problems and be creative (although being creative might not be limited to humans).
We're not biological special? Hmmm. How many species do you see around which can do all the things we humans can? How many animals can make cloathes. Physically. I'm talking motorics (or mechanics maybe in English) here. How many animals can fix a clockwork? How many species our size can balance on a line over the Niagra falls on a bike? Our bodily mechanics are supreme way above any other known species. And our ability to survive is also supreme. Our brains are far supreme.
Well, gene manipulated corn, Dolly, medicine, you name it. Cloning, semi-cloning, DNA manipulation, stemcell research. And in another post you also mentioned how me feeling this is stuff Man should never be doing, I still mean that, it's straight out unethical.
but the earth being flat...that was untested until later. evolution has been tested. also, y would any1 want to be in an iron fist of any kind? especially catholic? i'd want TOTAL freedom. if we had to chose between a free world and the "catholic iron fist," i'm pretty sure most of us would choose free world.
As was the idea that the Earth is flat to the scientific community for thousands of years. Evolution theory just doesnt make any sense. As simple as that. Had the theory been published today, it would probably not even be mentioned in the magasine Science. It's bogus. A lie, in order to build a foundation for a world outside the Catholic iron fist.
Originally posted by billybob
well, i don't agree, but i do agree that that is the party line.
remember the brontosaurus!!!
Originally posted by Muaddib
Alfv�n admited that his plasma universe theory may take a long time to penetrate the popular consciousness. "After all," he asserted to a group of physicists, "most people today still believe, perhaps unconsciously, in the heliocentric universe." The group, at first incredulous, quickly nods in agreement as Alfv�n continueed, "every newspaper in the land has a section on astrology, yet few have anything at all on astronomy."
Originally posted by silQ
Originally posted by Camelop�rdalis
You don't forget the place you come from you know.
But what about the native americans? u can't forget the native americans! hay how ah ya hey how ah ya hey how ar ya
Well, basically since you give Christianity the blame for what the Church and the kings of Europe and the Middle-East have done in the name of God.
Whoa whoa wait a sec. it was the CHURCH that put galileo on trial. it was the CHURCH who commanded the start of the crusades. not the kings. the kings were scarde sh*tless about the church cuz they might get excommunicated.
ahem.....i believe that u called me...what was it again? stupid was it?
aren't religious school all private schools so they can teach whatever they want?
well that's only cuz everything is already here and all we need to do is bring them up there on a rocket. god was divine so therefore, he wouldn't need ANYTHING. it never said anything about god bringing us here from another planet or using genetic technology to create life. all it said was that god said, "Let there be (blank)" and there it was.
just because we can't control doesn't mean that we shouldn't research it further and find other, more practical uses for it.
because ORAL tradition tends to change over time. even though archeaologists found scrolls with bible stuff unchanged, how do u know that they didn't change when they were passed down orally?
well how many animals do u know that can run at over 65 mph? (cheetah).
how many can jump over 30 ft in one bound? (kangaroo).
how many animals can withstand crushing pressures at thousand of feet below sea level? (sperm whale).
sure we have a big brain that allows us to quickly solve problems, process information, and do other amazing stuff mentally. but when it comes to survival, we suck.
if u took away every scrap of technology and stuck a random person in an unfit enviroment, such as the arctic, desert, etc. they would die within days, a few weeks tops.
Well, gene manipulated corn, Dolly, medicine, you name it. ...I still mean that, it's straight out unethical.
Those still aren't in the book. where does it say that god used all this stuff? besides, if they're unethical and god did them, are they really unethical?
but the earth being flat...that was untested until later. evolution has been tested. also, y would any1 want to be in an iron fist of any kind? especially catholic? i'd want TOTAL freedom. if we had to chose between a free world and the "catholic iron fist," i'm pretty sure most of us would choose free world.
P.S. plz point out as to where in the other books it says that genetic engineering was used to create life as well as using computers and models to make life. if the stories in all the books aren't consistant, it's pretty safe to say that it's false.
Originally posted by BlackJackal
Great post about Australlia Junglejake
Another thing about carbon dating is the dino's. In 1990, samples of various dinosaur bones were submitted for Carbon-14 dating to the University of Arizona�s department of geosciences� laboratory of isotope geochemistry. Bones from an Allosaurus and an Acrocanthosaurus were among those sent to the university�s testing facilities to undergo a �blind� dating procedure (which means that the technicians performing the tests did not know that the bones had come from dinosaurs). Not realizing that the samples were from dinosaurs prevented �evolutionary bias,� and helped ensure that the results were as accurate as possible (within the recognized assumptions and limits of the C-14 dating method). I have located�on the official stationery of the University of Arizona�a copy of the test results for the Allosaurus bones (see reproduction at right, sample B). Amazingly, the oldest C-14 date assigned to those bones was a mere 16,120 years (and only 23,760 years for the Acrocanthosaurus fossils; see Dahmer, et al., 1990). Both dates are a far cry from the millions of years that evolutionists suggest should be assigned to dinosaur fossils.
Are There Things That Can't Be Carbon-Dated?
Yes. The method doesn't work on things which didn't get their carbon from the air. This leaves out aquatic creatures, since their carbon might (for example) come from dissolved carbonate rock. That causes a dating problem with any animal that eats seafood.
We can't date things that are too old. After about ten half-lives, there's very little C14 left. So, anything more than about 50,000 years old probably can't be dated at all. If you hear of a carbon dating up in the millions of years, you're hearing a confused report.
We can't date oil paints, because their oil is "old" carbon from petroleum.
We can't date fossils, for three reasons. First, they are almost always too old. Second, they rarely contain any of the original carbon. And third, it is common to soak new-found fossils in a preservative, such as shellac. It is also standard to coat fossils during their extraction and transport. Acetone is sometimes used while extracting fossils, because it dissolves dirt. In short, unless you have evidence to the contrary, you should assume that most of the carbon in a fossil is from contamination, and is not originally part of the fossil.
We also can't date things that are too young. The nuclear tests of the 1950's created a lot of C14. Also, humans are now burning large amounts of "fossil fuel". As the name suggests, fossil fuel is old, and no longer contains C14. Both of these man-made changes are a nuisance to carbon dating.
If you hear of a living tree being dated as a thousand years old, that is not necessarily an example of an incorrect dating. Trees only grow on the outside. Wood taken from the innermost ring really is as old as the tree.
Originally posted by Camelop�rdalis
We're not biological special? Hmmm. How many species do you see around which can do all the things we humans can? How many animals can make cloathes. Physically. I'm talking motorics (or mechanics maybe in English) here. How many animals can fix a clockwork? How many species our size can balance on a line over the Niagra falls on a bike? Our bodily mechanics are supreme way above any other known species. And our ability to survive is also supreme. Our brains are far supreme.
Originally posted by Aeon10101110
Apparent religious 'thought' sickens me. For one thing, no proof is required for belief. On the other hand, none is sufficient to quell skepticism. Also, disproving one theory does not provide proof for any other hypothesis. As for me, I look at facts and form my own conclusions.
How can evolution be 'full of holes' with evidence so plain, literally set in stone? The postion of refuting evolution is completely untenable in the light of the progression of taxa seen through the fossil record. Such an hypothesis is crushed beneath megatons of rock strata.
Of course I was not swayed by the very small sampling of peoples' opinions tendered here. As I wrote previously, that I observe evidence and formulate appropriate explanations. Moreover, I note what 'holes' are apparent in competing theories. Certainly the Bible is rife with gaps and inconsistencies, not to mention the outright contradictions. For example, in the beginning, so to speak, the world already existed, according to the Genesis mythology. Then if it was created, albeit in a void, formless state, why isn't that event mentioned? Of course, there were already 'waters' as well, weren't they created too? Unfortunately, these and a myriad of other questions (holes) have no sufficient answer. No evangelist has answers to logically address them or the many hundreds of others that arise from the Bible. While pretense of a priori status of Biblical writings leads to self-justifying conclusions, they simply do not stand to reason. Once again, I must point out that no evidence is required for faith. Despite what St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus) wrote as to invisible evidentiary requirements, actual truth simply does not operate in such a fashion, though belief does. Whatever he meant by such ambiguity escapes logic, as does much of the Bible.
A medium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 41,000 forms. Using a little algebra (logarithms) we can see that 41,000=10600. Ten multiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This number is completely beyond our comprehension.
We have to sharply distinguish the two stages in the chance formation of complex molecules such as nucleotides by chemical events. The production of nucleotides one by one-which is possible-and the combination of these within very special sequences. The second is absolutely impossible.
An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle.