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Legislation in Australia allowing animals, buildings to be destroyed and people detained incase of a

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by zetabeam

I just sent an email to ABC with the link in your original post...
Maybe we can all do this and get some coverage on this story?
ABC link...

Also the commercial stations are phone or fax contact only, couldn't find an email contact but here are the contact details anyway...

channel 7

channel 9

channel 10

If anyone has an email address for the actual news rooms, could you please post them ....Thanks.

I think we'll be needing these contact details a LOT in the near future.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:01 AM
So far finding the actual legislation has been a challenge and as yet no luck

Although I have stumbled across some regulations which spell out which diseases are notifiable and controlled notifiable diseases. Note this is from 2004 and there are 8 listed diseases.

Public and Environmental Health (Notifiable Diseases) Regulations 2004

Haemolytic-uraemic Syndrome (HUS)
Infection caused by Escherichia coli capable of producing Shiga toxin
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease
Lyssavirus Infection
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Varicella-Zoster Infection.

The following notifiable diseases are prescribed as controlled notifiable diseases for the purposes of the definition of controlled notifiable disease in section 3(1) of the
Lyssavirus Infection
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome



The list has been updated where an extra 10 diseases since 2004 have been added. The lastest update was on the 7th May, 2009.

Public and Environmental Health (Notifiable Diseases) Regulations 2004— updated. 7.5.2009

4—Notifiable diseases and controlled notifiable diseases (section 3)
(1) The following communicable diseases are prescribed as notifiable diseases for the
purposes of the definition of notifiable disease in section 3(1) of the Act:
Avian influenza infection in humans *********
Chikungunya virus ********
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease ********
Haemolytic-uraemic Syndrome (HUS)
Human swine influenza with pandemic potential********
Infection caused by Escherichia coli capable of producing Shiga toxin
Influenza ****
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease
Lyssavirus Infection
Pandemic influenza *********
Rotavirus *******
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Smallpox *********
Tularaemia **********
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease *********
Varicella-Zoster Infection.

2 This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 [7.5.2009]
(2) The following notifiable diseases are prescribed as controlled notifiable diseases for
the purposes of the definition of controlled notifiable disease in section 3(1) of the
Avian influenza infection in humans ***********
Human swine influenza with pandemic potential*******
Lyssavirus Infection
Pandemic influenza ************
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Smallpox. *********


The ******** were added in by me to denote new diseases since 2004

Note smallpox (!!!!) has been included since 2004 and is a controlled notifiable disease as is Pandemic flu, bird flu and 'swine' flu! Anthrax on the list since 2004 in interesting as well. It must relate to the 'war on terror'.

You can see the 7 updates and track the ten additions since 2004 from here

This was also found...Read them carefully.

Emergency Management Regulations 2009
under the Emergency Management Act 2004

4—Prescribed powers
For the purposes of section 25(2)(o) of the Act, the State Co-ordinator or an authorised
officer may exercise the following prescribed powers:
(a) carry out, or cause to be carried out, excavation or other earthworks;
(b) construct, or cause to be constructed, barriers, buildings or other structures;
(c) remove or destroy, or order the removal or destruction of any thing;
(d) direct a person to remain isolated or segregated from other persons or to take
other measures to prevent the transmission of a disease or condition to other
(e) direct a person to undergo medical observation, examination (including
diagnostic procedures) or treatment (including preventative treatment);
(f) require a person to furnish such information as may be reasonably required in
the circumstances (other than information that may be required to be
furnished under section 6 of the Essential Services Act 1981).

Here is the Emergency Management Act 2004, itself (albeit the 'current' version - 14th Dec, 2006)

More research is required but so far this is getting very interesting indeed.

(edit fixed links hopefully)

[edit on 17-6-2009 by cams]

[edit on 17-6-2009 by cams]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:05 AM
Look at the laws being passed all over the world because of this Swine Flu.
That's all it was ever for, to pass laws completely taking away any persons rights.
Of course they say we wont be enacting these powers for swine flu.
But its just something to get through, so they can have it there to do as they please in the future.
Just like the terrorist laws which are currently being used on NON terrorists.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Cyberbian
Massachusetts just signed the same thing into effect last month.

When they get done saving people, there may be no one and nothing left to save. And it will all be perfectly legal and blameless, not like genocide or anything like that! All nice and legal.

It would be interesting to know if similar legislation to that from South Australia and Massachusetts has been introduced anywhere else ... just to get a feel for any possible trend.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by zetabeam

Actually, no- here in the US we have the same types of laws in place- but they must pass Congress or be issued by Executive Order by the President. I started a thread that is a primer for US citizens- it's from the Dept. of Homeland Security and was devised in the even of a biowarfare attack or any other de-stabilizing epidemic or pandemic. It was written under Bush and re-vamped and published under Obama, on June 9.

Essentially, it says the same things, only with contstant conditional statements about "liberties of individuals" and such- but in essence, the US can o whatever the hell it wants to do, as well, and it's outlined in lovely legalese, guaranteed to make people calm through statements about civil liberties- though the next sentence describes how they will be removed.

Here's the link:

[edit on 18-6-2009 by CultureD]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by CultureD
reply to post by zetabeam

Actually, no- here in the US we have the same types of laws in place- but they must pass Congress or be issued by Executive Order by the President. I started a thread that is a primer for US citizens- it's from the Dept. of Homeland Security and was devised in the even of a biowarfare attack or any other de-stabilizing epidemic or pandemic. It was written under Bush and re-vamped and published under Obama, on June 9.

Essentially, it says the same things, only with contstant conditional statements about "liberties of individuals" and such- but in essence, the US can o whatever the hell it wants to do, as well, and it's outlined in lovely legalese, guaranteed to make people calm through statements about civil liberties- though the next sentence describes how they will be removed.

Here's the link:

[edit on 18-6-2009 by CultureD]

At least your version apparently needs to be implemented by Congress or by Executive Order whereas our version that was passed yesterday by the State Parliament appears to have no such inbuilt safeguard.
But what's of most concern is that there was absolutely NO public awareness that such a bill was being considered and apparently was rushed through and approved. One would also consider that such a piece of provocative legislation that has serious civil liberty implications would at least make it to the media channels ... but strangely enough ... not a peep.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Cyberbian


I posted the Massachusts link on another thread- will find and post the enitre bill as it was written and passed. Kind of ironic for one of the "first colonies" to completely ignore the Constitution....

Back with info ASAP

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by zetabeam


"At least it needs to be ratified by Congress", etc., etc., is a whole lot of CRAP- it's designed to calm the sheep into believing they have rights- that's why I posted it- it's so damned hypocritical. The document spits on our Constitution every bit as much as what's going on in Aus- it's just coated in a glaze of Krispy creme conditions.

When it hits the fan, however, our 'rights' won't mean a thing- Just as Massachusets has passed, in their own legislature, a complete denial of Contiutional rights for residents of Mass., so will the same happen, state by state, until the Feds take over and nationalize the plan.

All the dicument does is tell us what our rights ought to be, if we followed the Constitution. But it has sly and creative loopholes allowing the State and Federal authorities to do whatever the hell they want.

We're just as messed up, relative to "civil liberties'. We can pray for each other and look out for ourselves and each other, but when I refuse the vaccine and find myself in a FEMA camp, we'll talk rights......

Good luck!!!

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by zetabeam

Many with H1N1 don't have fevers- or have temperatures BELOW normal- and thus, the thermal imaging is not working (discused on multiple threads).

I think the PTB feel they're done their jobs- gotten us worried (and by us I mean the world, not "us", here), and now that people are really dying- and quickly- esp. in the S. Hemisphere and major N. hemisphere metro areas, no one will notice- it's just flu or pneumonia, right? It's a brilliant psyop- when the vaccines arrive in Sept or whenever, people will remember their fear in April and May, and the Governemet will suddenly announce how many deaths have actually ocurred- people will take the vacine- problem solved, in the eyes of those with a veted interest.

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