posted on May, 3 2004 @ 01:52 PM
Under special appointment by the Superior Emperious Grand Emperor Simon Gray, a new cabinet position and department has been created within the
massive bureaucracy of the Department of Redundancy Department and the Special Inquisitor's Committee for Sanity Decency and Large
Salad Forks, to make way for the ceremonial appointment of Super Moderator and Science Inquisitor Kano as Director of the newly organized, appointed,
and sanctioned Department of Boardland Sanity (DBS).
In addition to newly appointed and proclaimed duties, perks, privileges, and rank associated with the Directorship of the DBS, Director Kano is also
herby and forthwith assigned the title and due course vague and obscurely defined duties as the Special Adjunct Analyst Extraordinare of Cyber-Drama
for the Emperor Gray.
Special Director and Inquisitor Kano has, in his capacity as the Director of Department of Boardland Sanity (DBS) and special
Special Adjunct Analyst Extraordinare of Cyber-Drama for the Emperor Gray, created the following color-coded system for analyzing and alerting ATS
Boardland citizens to the risk and/or threat of impending Cyber-Drama.
SEVERE - Drama event occurring
HIGH - Drama attack threatened
ELEVATED - Board Trolls Observed
GUARDED - Risk of Trolls/Drama
LOW - It's Too Quiet
An automated system will soon be in-place to help ATS Boardland citizens understand the highly complex nature of Cyber-Drama threats to Boardland
Stay close to your threads, and keep you heads out of offline real-space.
Had this system of Cyber-Drama alert been in place last evening, we may have avoided a significant Post of Mass Destruction (PMD) and massive fallout
of Sanity casualties.
Your Department of Boardland Sanity Department will be ever on-watch.
[Edited on 3-5-2004 by SkepticOverlord]