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Calling all Obama supporters

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 09:34 PM
I have a question I need answered.What do all you people think Obama has done in his 5 months in office that warrants the accolades and loyalty you people give him?I would like to know specific details of what he has done that you think is advantageous for this country?I am not a Bush lover ,I didn't even like him, but I was not afraid of my government when he was in office the way I am with Obama.I could list a great many things I think he is doing wrong and why but all you have to do is look at this site or read the news (the news he doesn't control)and you get a general idea of how he is failing miserably.The one thing I ask of you in responding to this question is don't tell me how he inherited all these problems from Bush(that excuse is as weak as Obama's foreign policy).He did not "inherit" anything he asked us to let him run this great country assured us he was up to the task and took an oath (sort of)so what has he actually done that"s beneficial to America?

[edit on 15-6-2009 by genius/idoit]

[edit on 16-6-2009 by genius/idoit]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:04 PM
link takers yet?

Come on now. I had to listen to so much crud about how we was gonna do us so much good....

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:09 PM
I say the biggest accolade comes from being able to do the destruction to the nation he's done in so short a time. That takes a lot of misdirection and masterful lying to accomplish.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:15 PM
I've used this once today but man does it feel GOOD.


Obama was prepped from an early age for this role as professional mesmerist of the american people. His face an "innocent" mask that america will wear, hanging it's head in shame as it walks into the new illumined order, hands tied, eyes shut, and mouth closed.

"It's all a joke"
-The Comedian

Change is all we'll have left in our pockets.

Change is on the way.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:24 PM
I think he's doing a great job, His handlers must be very proud. He's a very well designed model , the previous model was highly defective .

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:35 PM
don't see it as Obama that is causing our government to become more powerful and threatening. See it as the government taking advantage of our want for change and putting yet another pawn into office. You have to be crazy to think it's just one person or even a hundred that are causing the problems we have in front of us today. The people who want to change it will never be in the public spotlight and will never be a candidate running for president. And unless these people within this government stand up for what they know is right, we're not going to see any steady change without action on our part. ACTION, not opinion or arguments or stances. You see what's going on in Iran right now? That might be what it all comes down to sooner than you think because if citizens keep getting screwed with the mindset that Obama is the savior, and that he has our best interest in mind they'll be all the more angry when it finally hits them. Things aren't going too badly right now as i see it.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:38 PM
if I may be so bold as to reply to my own post,the only thing Obama has even claimed to have done is save 150,000 jobs(unverifiable)while the country lost 7,000,000 oh yeah he got a dog and went on a date.Am I leaving anything out?

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
I say the biggest accolade comes from being able to do the destruction to the nation he's done in so short a time.

About damn time.

US capitalism and fake democracy sucked big time lately.

As a ex-citizen of ex-socialist country economically crashed by the US I can only say one thing: Karma is the bitch

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Can we cut the generalizations? I mean seriously are we in middle school again? Not all folk who voted for Bush in 2000 are ignorant sheeple, not all folk who voted for Obama in 2008 are ignorant sheeple. If you have real issues you feel are important to discuss, then there be no need for the insults and generalizations.

Originally posted by genius/idoit
I have a question I need answered.What do all you people think Obama has done in his 5 months in office that warrants the accolades and loyalty you people give him?

Hold on I though he did too much? Now its the fact he didnt do anything? Can you make up your minds, can there be a consensus among liberal bashing conservatives to actually keep on track with their arguments to avoid hypocrisy.

His closing down Gitmo
His withdrawal from Iraq by 2011 as promised in primaries
His stimulus package (which you folk blame he for implementing but we support)
His focus put back on Afghanistan and the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.
His exposure and public acknowledgement of the unconstitutional torture that has been going on in the military.
His lifting on restrictions regarding stemcells

Wasnt it the changes he implemented that got you folk all worked up? Now its that he didnt change anything?

I could go on but that says enough, and considering its only 6 months into the mans administration, to which he has till 2012 (before he get re-elected) I really dont think your in the standing to tell us here his administration hasnt changed anything, especially after the mess left over 8years that alot of the idiots among us among us from day to day supported outright.


[edit on 15-6-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

I came into this thread because I have O.D. -- Observers's Disease. It's a fearsome thing. A person afflicted with O.D. just can't resist watching a politcal car wreck, no matter how distatesful it gets. Thus, I'm magnetically drawn to the political threads, as a moth to the candle.

OP, did you really foresee a lot of traffic debating your points?


Nobody admits to being a LOVER, genius.

Try "supporter", and see the traffic flow.


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:30 PM
Well he has done lots of things. The purchase of GM was huge. The bailout for all the banks. Teaching and showing people that if you are in debt and things are failing financialy that you must keep spending and throwing money out there intil you have fixed the problem. The only industry that he has positively increased there earnings and probably saved countless jobs by record numbers is the gun industry. I hear that he was number one marketing director last year. And for this I applaud him. The negative is now the prices are up and availibility down. They call this capitalism. If we would only use this same strategy in everyother industry things might work out.

I didnt vote for the SOB. Those that did.Do you like your Hope and Change.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

I honestly don't know why people are still disilllusioned by Obama, maybe it's stubbornness that they had been fooled by cheap political ads and talk that they don't want to admit that they had been played for fools. My other guess is that the media is telling us that he is the hottest thing since sunburn, but in reality his popularity isn't as accurate. Most people I talk to never cared for him during the campaigns, but voted for him because both guys were garbabe and they picked the one who was least likely to kick the bucket during the first year of his term. But then again, Americans are sold by image. Obama represents the stupidity that are most Americans. He's a photo op president, nothing more, nothing less, a mere puppet, but the people love the fact that he is a photo op president. "Oh look how cool he looks on GQ!" "

He likes basketball, and he goes to games with us regular people! Man that guy is cool!" The problem isn't Obama, I doubt he's a bad guy personally, but right now this country needs someone that worries about getting things done instead of making sure cameras are there when he buys a puppy. Regardless of what you thought of George Bush the 2nd, you got to admit, he got things done. He might have been a stuttering fool in speeches, but I don't think he ever cared. His problem was that he focused all of that energy into bringing us into 2 wars instead of something to actually improve the country. Imagine Obama's "promises" or "ideas" that aren't being met with George Bush the 2nds' way of getting things done.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

I see Obama as a nwo puppet just like Bush jr was but at least he's a puppet who doesn't come across as someone who has the intelligence and personality of a spoiled child. Obama will do what the nwo tells him to do and carry out their agenda by manipulating the hearts and minds of us sheeple. Obama is not the problem, our useless Congress as a whole is the problem.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

I have been trying to think of what it is that would keep me being an Obamtron, if I had been one. Can't think of a single thing. But that's not what you were asking. You wanted people who loved this man to post. However I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he wasn't my choice, never was, nor were anyone else on the ballot in my state. Yeah, I could have voted for Ron Paul with a write-in, but that wouldn't count according to my state's rules. So, I looked at the ballot and walked out without voting, to the protest of the man who was manning the booth. He said, but you gotta vote! You signed in and we set up the machine for you! heh. And I said, with all due respect, sir, I do not. And I walked out.

Um.......well. though,........ while the I saved 150,000 jobs is a silly claim, I do wonder, what if GM and Chrysler were allowed to fail completely? I hear horror stories, and think, well, maybe this was the way to go, to save jobs, etc. Even with the loss of some jobs. And I truly don't know. But my intuition tells me it would have been best to just let those two coroporations suffer and the employees and all affected suffer, and according to my understanding of what free trade, capitalism and just basic freedom tells me, is that somehow it would correct itself, even if there was pain invvolved for many people. No doubt in my mind, if the secured creditors saw the companies falling to the wayside, they would have corrected this, just in order to save their own investments. But, I am not an economist, just had 5 courses in economics and multiple courses in finance and accounting. But, gee, what could I possibly know?

Anyway, I rambled one enough. What really urged me to post was the OP. Obama claims he created 150,000 jobs. That is not what he said. He said he created or "saved" 150,000 jobs. There is no way in hell to support such a statement. Nobody has been able to formulate a way to support such a claim. A president can say, oh, jobs grew under my administration and I am the reason for it all, and people can take this statement as a fact, but there is no way to substantiate such claims, unless, say, unemployment never occured, nobody lost a job, and the government created new jobs in government, of course, off the taxpayers's dime.

Edited cuz I didn't communicate well enough, and, of course, some will say I haven't even now, and others will say I didn't comminicate anything worthwhile at all. lol. Anyone, did I miss a point? Did I just say "neo-con" talking points, etc.?

This is after all, just opinion on my part because, well, I wasn't educated at Harvard or Yale, or, I dunno, name your school. lol.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by kyred]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:52 PM


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posted on 15-6-2009 @ 10:24 PM single this post "quote"REPLY TO:

I think he's doing a great job, His handlers must be very proud. He's a very well designed model , the previous model was highly defective .

lol i totally agree with the above poster, would like to say a couple of other great things about obama

1) he bowed to the king of saudi arabia, like he has been on his knees once or twice before.

2) he bounces from left to right very nicely and precisely as his telepromter tells him everything to say!

3) his charismatic voice and promises of change have left me waiting for another check in the mail? as i and about half of idaho apply for the same state and federal jobs.

4) last but not least my kids have hope for the future as they can now join obamas little youth groups and be all they can be!


posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Hold on I though he did too much? Now its the fact he didnt do anything?

I didn't say he didn't do anything I asked what he did that was a benefit to this country(and in case you forgot what country he is president of,I am referring to America)it seems to me he has done quite a bit to benefit other countries

[edit on 16-6-2009 by genius/idoit]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Hold on I though he did too much? Now its the fact he didnt do anything?

I didn't say he didn't do anything I asked what he did that was a benefit to this country(and in case you forgot what country he is president of,I am referring to America)

Finally it has only been five months and if you were not afraid of BUSH tinkering with
the rule of law in regards to the constitution, punishment and representation
I will pay the fee for your legal name change myself...

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by DJDOHBOY]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

Well first Off I think you should just go by yer last name, but thats just me. Finally it has only been five months and if you were not afraid of BUSH tinkering with the rule of law in regards to the constitution, punishment and representation I will pay the fee for your legal name change myself...
That's 0 in the Obama has done this to benefit America column

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

His closing down Gitmo His withdrawal from Iraq by 2011 as promised in primaries His stimulus package (which you folk blame he for implementing but we support) His focus put back on Afghanistan and the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. His exposure and public acknowledgement of the unconstitutional torture that has been going on in the military. His lifting on restrictions regarding stemcells
he hasn't closed gitmo. he hasn't got us out of Iraq .it is 2009 not 2011 .if his stimulus has helped America I would like you to prove how. our focus was on Afganistan and OBL when Bush was in office .your use of the word torture is subjective at best ,and stem cell research will not IMHO be advanced in any meaningful way by the restrictions he lifted.I would say that's 0 for Obama helps America

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:53 AM
Survival of the fittest. Mother nature has a way of making sure the smartest & the strongest survive. I think the number of Obama supporters will continue to decline until one day You won't be able to find a single one.

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