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Understanding 9/11 & The Link To Your Subconscious

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:03 PM

A thread went missing a couple of days ago on this subject and no one seems to have answered some member's questions. Some threads/posts involving CIT's Investigations went missing, but they are being put into a different section, I hope.

This is totally different than those threads.

I have decided to start another thread regarding the Psychology Involved Behind The Official Released Story & the True 9//11 Story after looking at all the evidence available, the mistakes made by the U.S.A & it's Allies, before, on the 11th Of September 2001 & after.

The only reason for this new thread is that I can't find the other Psychology/9/11 thread.

This thread's Focus is completely on the Psychology involved in understanding the truth of 9/11, and it is an important issue, as Many in the Medical Profession/Mental Health Profession around the world, are now supporting the growing population of other Professionals, including: ex-Intelligence Officers, Military Officials, Politicians, Scientists, Physicists, Architects & Structural Engineers, Lawyers, Scholars/Academics, Religious Groups, Firemen, Pilots, Police Officers & the Public that 9/11 was in fact a False Flag Operation, inside job and a Criminal Act involving Murder & Treason.

Let's Stay on Topics & everyone should be careful with their sources - double check & also post links with photos (if possible) of the Medical Profession supporting 9/11 Truth in Your Country.

We all need to explore/understand why a lot of people are still believing the Official Story. I have a few answers, & I have posted them before in other 9/11 threads.

(1] TPTB have way back in the past & are still using FEAR & THE (controlled) MEDIA as weapon against the public's Psyche on a global scale. This FEAR is not just about Terrorists, it also involves SWINE FLUE and many other events that we all know about to try & keep the public worried/sidetracked/interested in these current events/news stories.

(2]When you look at History, sometimes the future is Crystal Clear.

I believe that TPTB have always & still are playing a long game of Psychological Chess, against the people of the world, just so they can stay in power, increasing their power, their money & control of their interests, -

BUT: we all know since the 1990's & especially after investigating/researching on the first WTC bombing in 1993 & other bombings in the U.S like OK, & 9/11 attacks - that they got caught out, Why? - because they are greedy & worried they are going to run out of time to achieve their ultimate goal/s.

I believe the "power" of TPTB stem from the introduction of the first Federal Reserve Banks other related Businesses/People & there enslavement of the Country, Government & and the American People by introducing their"Preferred" Monetary System.

Some early Presidents were aware of what these banks & related parties could do to the Country & tried to dissolve them. Some were dissolved, but they turned back up again when different Presidents took Office.

Once these banks got their foothold, it was too late. For more information on how these banks corrupted the system & info about the Monetary System, do a lot research yourself FIRST, & THEN watch the last part of Zeitgeist: The Movie & the Full Version of Zeitgeist: Addendum

I'll Start with the most obvious link that many have seen already.


edit, spelling grammar, more info

[edit on 15-6-2009 by Skyline666]

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:39 PM
I am also very Interested in what Tadashi Inuzuka, Kazuo Tanikawa, Hiroshi Yamada & the Japanese Medical Profession have to say regarding this topic.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Does anyone on ATS want to discuss this topic?

Are there any members, who have studied Psychology/Psychiatry , or have had years of or any Practical experience in the relevant profession/s that want to add to this thread?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:12 PM

I tried to read but I got bored half way trough...

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Skyline666

inside job done to force support for war in the middle east, feeding the war machine new cash and blood and start the slide to control and remove citizen rights

end of story in a few years it will be a crime to say 9/11 was an inside job because questioning the official story is just a big no no

[edit on 17-6-2009 by warrenb]

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by warrenb

Yes, we all know it was an inside job, involving oil control & money (& the rest) but this thread's intention was to explore the psychological reasons why many people are in denial, are ignorant to the fact & unwilling to find out the truth behind 9/11.


[edit on 28-6-2009 by Skyline666]

edits - spelling/grammar

[edit on 28-6-2009 by Skyline666]

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 01:19 PM
I think there are 2 main reasons:

Knowing all this makes you special: You are the one who sees behind the deception! You are smarter than the sheeple.

The reality of it *is* a lot more frightening than the huge, almost but not quite impossible to pull off conspiracy, so believing 911 was an inside job is comforting.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Skyline666

edit, spelling grammar, more info

[edit on 15-6-2009 by Skyline666]

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[edit on 16-6-2009 by Skyline666]

You know, I *would* suggest you delete the extra "edit on such and such a date by Skyline666" out of your post as any more than one really are unnecessary, but then you'd be deleting the most intelligent part of your post and the only part that makes sense.

[edit on 28-6-2009 by trebor451]

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Skyline666
reply to post by warrenb

Yes, we all know it was an inside job

Only if you are easily fooled by Web hoaxes.

but this thread's intention was to explore the psychological reasons why many people are in denial, are ignorant to the fact & unwilling to find out the truth behind 9/11.

Unwilling? Ignorant? Don't_make_me_laugh!

Ya see, that is the problem RIGHT THERE. You cannot fathom that others have wallowed through the bumblefisted truther propaganda and found it as stupid as that Nigerian Prince scam e-mail.

The flaw with 9/11 truth is-- if you TRULY do earnest research you begin to see it for what it is. A MONEY MAKING SCAM for out of work conspiracists and defunct professionals.


Indeed, you would have to be impaired to "really" believe this stuff.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by trebor451

I Tried To List Only The Necessary Edits. I can't Delete All These For Some Reason.

Regarding Your Comment, I Actually Should OF Put Some Extra Information Into My Post. I Should Of Posted It First, But This Is A 9/11 Thread, However It Is related as well.

I will Put It In Now For All Of You To Read.

Here It is:

When Man Changed The Original Bible Text, Around The Same Time Other Ancient Texts/Images Were In Existence - But Were Then, & Still Are Now Disregarded By Certain People/Groups, It Caused The Development Of The Man Made Religious Myth, Either By Misunderstanding Or Intentionally Corrupting The Original Bible Text.

This Event Developed The Most Powerful Myth EVER Created & In Turn CREATES/LEADS To Other MYTHS.

This Also Caused Many re-writes - Producing All Of The Different Religions We have Now. Do You Agree?

Why Don't You Do Some Real Research Regarding When & Who Pushed For & Succeeded In The Establishment Of The "Corrupted" or "Misunderstood" Christian Faith Into Society & Law.

After It Was Established, There Were Some Very DARK TIMES Ahead Wasn't There? How Many Innocent People Do You Think Died Since That Religious Establishment?

Don't Just Count The Dark Ages, There Were Far More Innocent People Killed Since The Inception Of The Religious Myth & Innocent People Are Dying Still Overseas Now Aren't They?

Bottom Line:

When Something Is Of Great Importance, Power, Real Truth & 100% Factual Is Changed Out Of Misunderstanding Or Intentionally To Benefit From It -

What Do You Get? - A Myth, Not The Truth!

I Truly Believe In God, He Is Similar To The One MAN Wrote About. He Is However, More Powerful, More Loving, More Peaceful, More Intelligent, More Divine & More Understanding Than The God Described In The Current Bibles Available To Our Kids Today.

Many millions Of People, Including Myself Believe That We Have Been Mislead From The True Meaning/Understanding & Beauty Of Our Universe.


(P.S - No Edits) I Don't have Anything To Hide Regarding Edits, & My username "Skyline666" Is A Reference To My Car - A Powerful 500HP 1995 R33 Nissan Skyline GTS-T.

The Number Is Just A Number To Me, Many Have called Me Out On this In The Past, But As I have Always Said-

"It Is Not There To Try To Offend People. I mean No Offense At All. It Is Just A NUMBER & I have used It On Nearly All OF The Forums I Have Visited, except maybe 1 or 2".


[edit on 30-6-2009 by Skyline666] Spelling/Grammar

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Skyline666]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

Ya see, that is the problem RIGHT THERE. You cannot fathom that others have wallowed through the bumblefisted truther propaganda and found it as stupid as that Nigerian Prince scam e-mail.

Mother of 9/11 Victim Seeks Answers
Mother of 9/11 Victim Seeks Answers
From Government About Attacks

I find the OS one of the most ridiculous fairytale about as equal as peter pan.
Any one who believes in the OS has to live in a different reality than the averaged person. Even this mother is not happy with the government’s lies. How about doing some real research instead of spewing venom on every 911 thread.

The flaw with 9/11 truth is-- if you TRULY do earnest research you begin to see it for what it is. A MONEY MAKING SCAM for out of work conspiracists and defunct professionals.

What bathroom walls do you get your information from? All you do is post your illogical, twisted opinions, over and over, with absolutely no evidence.

Indeed, you would have to be impaired to "really" believe this stuff.

Impaired? A five year old would have to be intoxicated to believe anything in the OS.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Here are a couple things about the psychology of an OS believer I find odd. I don't understand the belief that people who question the OS of 9/11 find it too upsetting to believe Al-Queda could have done it, so it is more comforting to believe in a conspiracy. This seems completely irrational to me. How is it harder to accept we got caught with our pants down than it is to accept elements within our own government murdered thousand of it's own citizens? That is ridiculous. Most questioners of the OS that I have come in contact with, once believed the OS, including myself. It was watching the secretive nature of certain people and hearing all the lies told to me that lead me to question.

Another thought I don't understand is OS believers will say it would take thousands of people in on the conspiracy to pull it off. Yet, they are believing a story that says 21 people did it. IF it's anyone other than Al-Queda it takes thousands. If it's Al-Queda only 21. Again this seems irrational to me.

Some will say that if the WTC were a controlled demolition, it would take thousands and thousand pounds of explosives and months of planting them. Yet they believe a story that says it takes 0. OS story believers say 2 jets can bring down 3 buildings with no explosives, but if explosives were used, it would have to be enormous. How does this make sense?

Almost anyone will say the government lies on a regular basis. Those same people (on the OS believer side) do not know me, so I have never lied to them, and there is no reason to think I would lie to them. I'm not trying to sell that person anything. Yet when you bring up the fact that certain people in our government may be lying to us, they immediately think I am the liar and the liars are the ones to be believed. Or it's preposterous to think our government would kill 3,000 people in a false flag, but seeing over 500,000 (just for arguments sake) killed in Iraq is completely different.

It seems like the same logic that misleads people to believe you go to war to achieve peace. Or we are in Iraq spreading democracy. Even though on one side we support a dictator (Pakistan Musharraf) and on another we assassinated their democratically elected leader (Iran Mossedeq).

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by RomanMaroni
Here are a couple things about the psychology of an OS believer I find odd. I don't understand the belief that people who question the OS of 9/11 find it too upsetting to believe Al-Queda could have done it, so it is more comforting to believe in a conspiracy. This seems completely irrational to me. How is it harder to accept we got caught with our pants down than it is to accept elements within our own government murdered thousand of it's own citizens?

I feel that that belief stems from the notion that our "Powers That Be" are uber-competent.. So much so that they can indiscriminatly kill thousands of people without anyone being the wiser, because of a meticulously implemented and flawlessly executed plan-- a damn near omnipotent plan.

Versus- A collection of slow-moving bureaucracies mired in red tape, vying for advantage over other departments for the prospect of appropriation moneys. In doing so no intelligence was complete and the public's safty was jeopardized.

Now, by looking at our federal system...what do you REALLY think it is?

Another thought I don't understand is OS believers will say it would take thousands of people in on the conspiracy to pull it off. Yet, they are believing a story that says 21 people did it. IF it's anyone other than Al-Queda it takes thousands. If it's Al-Queda only 21. Again this seems irrational to me.

Why? The Al Queda plan was to hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings... Simple.

A simple combination of two terrorist tactics that radical muslims have been utilizing for DECADES.. SUICIDE BOMBERS, AND HIJACKING AIRCRAFT. A logical progression, in hindsight.


The Nefarious 'Gubment plan: It would be infinitely more complex..THUS requiring MANY more people.. I mean we are talking about ALL the firefighters that *might* have stumbled across damning evidence, ALL the people required to plant explosives, remotely fly the aircraft, launch the cruise missles, deploy the space-beam satellite then push the death ray button, Many of the lead media figures from a vast array of sources, all local police departments from NYPD to Boston PD, Portland Maine, Newark NJ, Shanksville coroners, Washington DC coroners, Fire, and EMT responders.

All the people in the decision making board room that had absolutely no qualms with killing 3000 random Americans, one of which *could be your Mother, Aunt, or second cousin twice removed.

NORAD, American Airlines employees, United Airlines employees, Port Authority, Air traffic controllers, NEADS, All of the NIST scientists, Members of The FBI, CIA, Joint Cheifs of Staff, ..yawn... And that is just for starters!

Some will say that if the WTC were a controlled demolition, it would take thousands and thousand pounds of explosives and months of planting them. Yet they believe a story that says it takes 0. OS story believers say 2 jets can bring down 3 buildings with no explosives, but if explosives were used, it would have to be enormous. How does this make sense?

Because the explosion and impact of the Jet WAS enormous. Wouldn't you say? So enormous that there would be NO WAY to know BEFOREHAND if all "alleged detonation devices" would remain operable AT ALL.

Now, what kind of omnipotent planner would take such a risk? COULD take such a risk?

Say the planes impact rendered all of the demolition devices inoperable? Only to be discovered by FDNY, the Port Authority, and NYPD investigators.

The planners would hang, right?

No one would take that risk. No one omnipotent anyway.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Taxi-Driver]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

According to your logic of government mired in red tape, then Iran Contra never happened. Weird how that was done through people in our government, yet according you, it couldn't have happened .... too much red tape. Unfortunately, it did happen and semi exposed the powers behind our government. Maybe you should watch this video so that you can fully understand what I am saying here.

Taxi your responses basically show that you don't really understand the point I am trying to make, which may be my fault. Obviously the plan wasn't executed flawlessly because we are here discussing the problems with it.

You say that these "terrorists" have used these methods for decades. So why would Condoleezza Rice say no one could have IMAGINED this happening? Why did George Bush say the same thing? As did many many other higher ups. Since it was so obvious to you and should have been to everyone, doesn't that stand out as a lie to you? Did we just prove the people who were in control of giving you the story were lying to you? So why do you chose to believe them after all the lies?

Instead of saying mass numbers of people were involved, why don't you try to come up with a number. Instead of saying all the explosive devices, why don't you try to come up with a number. I don't believe the WTC were controlled demolitions, but I don't disbelieve it either. Since it takes 0 explosive to bring it down, couldn't a couple people just concentrated on a couple columns. It was going to fall anyway right? Couldn't there have been an effort to blow out just a couple columns to make sure it fell completely? Or to make sure it didn't topple? After all, they were going to fall anyway, right?

I think you need to get away from this being a "government" operation. This wasn't like passing a bill. I think most people are saying that certain elements, not the entire government, played key roles. If you read up on the hijackers leading up to 9/11, it is very hard to deny that someone was helping these guys. Either that, you just have to believe that these were the luckiest guys ever.

Just because the administration was against an investigation, under funded it, set a time limit, refuse to cooperate, refused to release important documents, refused to let all the members see the information, refused to testify, refused to testify under oath, refused to talk to the Commission by themselves, refused to let them take notes, would only release notes after they got to go over them, and would only release the Commission report after they went over it and took out what they didn't want you to see (and that is after they hand picked the people to be on the Commission), why would anyone question that? If that sounds to you like people that are telling the truth and have nothing to hide, then I feel bad for you, but I know that you are here ... so you will find what you are looking for. Some things just take a while to realize sometimes.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by RomanMaroni

Don't Waste Your Time, With This Guy. Spend Your Time Helping The 9/11 Truth Movement, The Zeitgeist Movement/The Venus Project.

He Can't Answer Your/Our Questions Logically, Because He Still Can't Comprehend Who His Real Friends/Enemies Are, The Real Nature Of Greed, Power, Evil & How/When The System Was Corrupted.

Until He Does Some Real Soul Searching, Real Research & Meditation, He - Like Many Other Of The Sheep, Unfortunately Won't Become Self-Aware Until They Do This.

The Thing Is Many People In My Age Group (34) were 100% aware of their surroundings & understood how Myths Are Created within 1987-1992. We Have Been Aware Of The Real Truths & Facts, Regarding Many Things Within Society & HISTORY, During The Last Years Of High School (1987-1992) & Learned More & More Since Then, Through Personal Experience, Study, Research & Employment.

Hopefully More People Awaken sooner, rather than later. The more/better we communicate to people, the more likely they will listen.


[edit on 1-7-2009 by Skyline666]

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