posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by apaulo
Hello Apaulo,
I will share one of my dreams that is a repeat offender in my dream world.
At the start of the dream, I become aware I am dreaming, and am able to fly. These dreams differ in context, but always end the same.
By the end of the dream, I am no longer aware I am dreaming, and I get a running start, and jump into the air, and float for about 20 feet, and land
back to the ground. I go to jump and I get lots of air, but can no longer fly.
Each time I try, my hang time becomes less and less, until suddenly I am surrounded by water. On all sides is ocean as far as I can see, and then I
sink into the waters, and unable to swim, and everything goes into slow motion, and feels like I am trying to swim in thick gel of some kind. Yet I
can breath as if I am on land. Yet my eyes feel like they are shut, and I am trying to open my eyes, but can not.
By this time in this reoccurring dream I wake up.
It always starts as a lucid dream, and ends in a dream so far out of my control.
5% of my dreams are fully lucid. And reoccurring.
90% of my dreams are vivid, but have no control over what I am dreaming.
The other 5% are dreams in which I do not remember.
Thanks in advance.