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Bach To The Future - New Deep Meditation Tool!

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Wow thanks for the great post, seems you have all the information needed, I will be trying this out with my normal meditation. It is always nice to be able to try something for free in this world of money

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:14 PM
Thanks for sharing these, lots of great info too. I've heard of lots of different expiations in passing for how binaural beats work but none as detailed as your previous posts. Nice one!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

Thank You very much for this post and the recordings.

I am downloading now (have a slow connection) so won't get to try out until tomorrow.

And especially thanks for sharing without any charge.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:42 PM
You are all most welcome and thanks to Nancy (miss_silver) for making it, it's really her work, though I had a bit of a hand in it.

And, please, report your experiences using it.

I notice how when I slip into the trance, the way my body experiences the onset of sleep paralysis, and I also notice how, later on, having fully returned to the land of the living so to speak, a certain color will really stand out, one time it'll be green, another, blue, or red, etc. and when I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes seem clearer and sparklier. I also experience a certain emotional tone or outlook, which seems to me like feelings that I haven't had since I was a kid, and my dreams are really vivid and filled with deep meaning and archetypes and when I wake up in the mornings I often feel like some deep resolutions have occured while I slept, and I have that happy feeling, as if I had good dreams all night.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:46 PM
It is wonderfull,
A really good contribution Omega, much thanks, and I have a lot of time for Binaural technology etc...

However using this technology, and apparently then being at the same states at 20 year yogi meditation masters, can I request you answer the following?

How do I when like when Jesus Was Crucified have compassion in my heart and state

"Forgive them Father etc"

If I am made Bankrupt, and homeless tommorrow and have no access to good headphones or electricity how do I then induce that state every day?

Are the effects in your opinion a "Trigger" to allow instant access to such states?

If when I us this method I am doing it only for personal experiance, that is to satisfy my Ego and own pleasure, is it really the same experience or EMOTION of the monks you mention repeating those mantras to themselves?

If a Dove and a Seagull are in the sky flying is there a differance between the two?

Will it enable me to transend my projected experiences and really gain access to the universal mind or just give me tastes?

Are you aware of when the silva mind control method is taught esp originally, and also NLP and scientology the feelings of "Faith" in such methods, and increased feelings of over zealousness (may seem trite in my q's but valid) on abilities, self development, contrasted with such same students answers a few years later?

For one example the role of NLP is now being whitewashed by most of the maJor corporations and the CIPD as a sales, training and development tool with their workforces and structures, as their own long term studies found the initial results very misleading to the claims?

Is frequency the same as wisdom in your veiw, what I am asking here is that if a robin reliant revs at 5500 rpm is it the same as a ferrari at 5500 rpm?

All in all though wonderfull, just some thoughts for you ponder in the contrast of meditation, which when achieved as you said by Yogi masters etc means that the sounds and all external stimuli are unexperienced, and you could scream his name into his ear and he would not stir......

Love and kind Regards,


[edit on 16-6-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:56 PM
thanks for posting, s&f
ive been looking for something like this

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

In answer to your questions - I do not know.

Surely there's more to Yogi level meditation than brainwaves, and more to compassion than gamma waves and a silent mantra.

That said, there is no fundamental difference betwen you and me, and these gurus, they are not superhuman, and to achieve their liberation, they also experienced their share of sufferings and frustrations, and they're just people too. So surely what they can access, we too can access. Even Jesus, as a Jewish mystic would, apparently, often stay up all night in deep contemplative, meditative prayer..

This is why I suggest sitting for 15 minutes to a half hour after listening, and remain in the silence and the stillness.

And of course we're all still on our individual quest and journey for the meaning and the purpose and the wisdom, and while we can read and study and think and ponder, any realization is of a deeply personal nature, since each person's spiritual experience is unique.

And I may be a Toyota (or a Robin Reliant) now, but there's a Ferrari in there somewhere.. in potential, just waiting to hit the road and go somewhere that's really amazing.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
reply to
And of course we're all still on our individual quest and journey for the meaning and the purpose and the wisdom, and while we can read and study and think and ponder, any realization is of a deeply personal nature, since each person's spiritual experience is unique.

Indeed so that is very true and salient point indeed.

And I may be a Toyota (or a Robin Reliant) now, but there's a Ferrari in there somewhere.. in potential, just waiting to hit the road and go somewhere that's really amazing.

And that is the basis of ALL Buddhism meditation, that we ARE ALL buddha's already, or enlightened but lifetimes of conditioning and bad karma mean the sun is obscured by clouds. To a lesser extent it is a large part of Hindu Yoga as well.

Again some more to contemplate in the wise 15 to 30 mins of stillness just being with no headphones lol, as will adding to much of this technology myabe just maybe not create some more clouds?

Wheras other proven methods have been shown to enable the light to shine forth brightly, unimpeded,and at all times, when the clouds are cleared as such.

Love and kind regards


[edit on 15-6-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:29 PM
s&f and thank you.


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:30 PM
s&f and thank you.


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Are we just supposed to be focusing on the sounds and close our eyes and listen?

Or are we supposed to be focusing on a key energy point (or a common area) your third eye point while listening to this?


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by toast317

Yes, that's it in a nutshell. Sit in a darkened room with no outside stimulous, with eyes closed, listening, thinking of whatever, or nothing at all, or doing a type of Buddhist practice of watching your thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky.

But, no nothing is required of you, at all, and you are free to use whatever meditation technique you like, or none at all.

I've been using a mantra, where I just repeat to myself wordlessly "I love God above all, I love myself, and I love my neighbor as myself"

But nothing is required. However, I find when I use something, or try to get into a connection with love or God or whatever, that I get feedback within the meditation, like a sudden flare of white light, or a feeling of joy or euphoria.

Whatever floats your boat, but the idea here is that the entrainment technology does it for you, so there's nothing left for you to do or not do.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by toast317

Now now then this gets interesting,

passive, active, dynamic....

Is it meditation?



Can you really meditate properly until you are such a "Yogi" with such extreme external stimuli esp as they affect your brain....

If you do focus on one spot, feeling, or such like as you ask.... is it possible to do so uninterrupted and gradually achive the samadhi's or stages orf concentration and absorbtions as revealed, practised and experienced by ten's of thousands at least over history..... or does this block, distract or change such an experience...

Mmmm damn good question.... indeed.


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:55 PM
A good way to think of it, isn't in terms of what the experience is within the meditation, but instead, as a type of stimulous applied to the brain and nervous system which provokes an evolutionary progression in increasing conscious awareness. More on this later.

So it's about dipping into the space of no-mind (delta), but also, and perhaps paradoxically, about stimulating the brain to increase left/right hemisphere synchrony and neural pathway communication, while at the same time energizing the Nadi channels
to purify them. Think of it as shakti in a can, though I realize that doesn't sound too elegant.

In my experience, the greatest progress realized through this type of meditation occurs during sleep, when the brain integrates the changes that have occured due to the stimulous. Just last night I dreamed about a vast universe, which, on magnification, turned into a single neuron type structure.

The benefits in this regard, are a decrease in separation and a greater sense of connectedness, as well as an increase in energy flow through the subtle bodies, and thus, more vitality, passion, drive, youthfulness, etc.

If you do this every day, one morning, you'll walk out your door and BEHOLD a new creation! Everything will appear fresh and new and you'll be noticing things you hadn't noticed before. That's been my experience anyway.

All that said, this is not putting anything "into" you, nor programming you in any way, and the brainwave patterns, these are also naturally occuring during sleep, and even the evolutionary process of increasing conscious awareness, that too is entirely natural.

And if anything surfaces for you during the process, that's coming from within you, not from the stimulous, which may be helping to pry loose the unconscious material. So while it "does something to you" at the same time, it's all you, so no worries.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 08:37 PM
I have downloaded this and will try it out. I have a very hard time focusing when I try to meditate. I also have a hard time sleeping at night, I have real bad dreams. Hopefully this will help.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Actually any music will do - there is no need for direct meditation music.. Basically any orchestra or pop music will do to sooth the soul...

Music has, and always will be apart of our lives.... What music does is overshadows the normal things we hear directly that we can understand, and puts us into one place with just us, and the music....

All one does is has to find a quiet place, turn on some soothing music you like that sooths you, and lay down, and go to sleep...

In the end tho the same thing can be had for the movies - the way the editors remove the unknown things around the scenes, shots so that way only the actors voices, and certain sounds are heard more directly...

Again all music does is overshadows the normal things that we do hear, but can't understand.

Example: right now you are listening to, and hearing more than you think you hear even if you can't so-called hear it...

Anyway I do like looong orchestra music - the longer the soothing song the better....

Music can, and has been used for good, and bad, used to control a slavish population, and to free the mind....

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 09:54 PM
So I tried this listening to the music you guys put up. I felt very relaxed when I was listening to it, and then I stopped after 30minutes (I had a alarm clock on me
) and then sat in silence for another 15 minutes or so.

Right now just after doing it, I feel kind of normal, but once I go to sleep and wake up the next morning, maybe ill start to feel a little different.

Just one quick question though, when you say sit in silence after your done, are you supposed to still be keeping your eyes closed? I think I was, but wasn't sure so I just kept them closed anyways.

Thanks again for putting up the music for free download though! Really calming

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Pinkarella
I have downloaded this and will try it out. I have a very hard time focusing when I try to meditate. I also have a hard time sleeping at night, I have real bad dreams. Hopefully this will help.

We look forward to hearing how this works for you, give it a couple weeks and I think you'll be quite pleased with the outcome.

reply to post by toast317

Yes, just sit with eyes closed, simply observing your thoughts, images, and letting them go by, the object really being to think of nothing at all and to "do" nothing at all, and just relax and let go.

But to experience a tangible result or benefit, that can take weeks of doing it daily, although you may find that you sleep better and awaken in the morning feeling more refreshed than usual, but I don't think it's going to happen in one day.

Also, while the classical music is nice, this isn't about music, but brainwave entrainment via the underlying binaural beat technology, taking the listener to the alpha, theta and delta states of deep meditation. Music by itself doesn't produce the same effect, not to say that music isn't good to listen to.

Update: In under one day, this has gone viral with over 1500 downloads! Way to go Nancy (miss_silver) and OmegaPoint! This has worked out even better than we expected!

[edit on 15-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

I have a question for you or anyone actually who can answer this for me. After serving in the USMC I got out with tinnitus in my both ears more severe in my right ear. All day everyday I hear ringing, of course it's really noticeable when all is silent. Granted I'll hear the Bach, however, will the tinnitus have an effect on the results of listening?

Also have you heard of i-dosers? It's recreational binaural beats (I guess that's how you'd classify it). They have crazy things like drugs (i.e. a beat for '___', peyote, coc aine, etc...) and many others that seem positive. Most are 30 minutes sessions with static as the background noise. Any opinion on i-dosers (if you know of them).

Thanks for your time!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:34 PM

i play bach on the piano ALL the time, i love that you put some hertz fq's alongisde em! funny i see this now, i am just about to do the sync.

good job brotha'

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