A good way to think of it, isn't in terms of what the experience is within the meditation, but instead, as a type of
stimulous applied to the
brain and nervous system which provokes an evolutionary progression in increasing conscious awareness. More on this later.
So it's about dipping into the space of no-mind (delta), but also, and perhaps paradoxically, about stimulating the brain to increase left/right
hemisphere synchrony and neural pathway communication, while at the same time energizing the Nadi channels
to purify them. Think of it as shakti in a can, though I realize that doesn't sound too elegant.
In my experience, the greatest progress realized through this type of meditation occurs during sleep, when the brain
integrates the changes
that have occured due to the stimulous. Just last night I dreamed about a vast universe, which, on magnification, turned into a single neuron type
The benefits in this regard, are a decrease in separation and a greater sense of connectedness, as well as an increase in energy flow through the
subtle bodies, and thus, more vitality, passion, drive, youthfulness, etc.
If you do this every day, one morning, you'll walk out your door and BEHOLD a new creation! Everything will appear fresh and new and you'll be
noticing things you hadn't noticed before. That's been my experience anyway.
All that said, this is not putting anything "into" you, nor programming you in any way, and the brainwave patterns, these are also naturally
occuring during sleep, and even the evolutionary process of increasing conscious awareness, that too is entirely natural.
And if anything surfaces for you during the process, that's coming from within you, not from the stimulous, which may be helping to pry loose the
unconscious material. So while it "does something to you" at the same time, it's all you, so no worries.
[edit on 15-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]