I have recently been asked a few questions concerning guidance.. I believe we are all drawn towards the types of things that we have a talent for.
Our, "place/eternal purpose". I decided to take part of a chapter of a book that I wrote; I have a copyright, but it is not published.
We have been shown the meaning of life through the medium of a crop-circle. I have to delete/not include some information because you have not read my
book, so you will not understand. The translation to the crop-circle is more complex than I am saying; however you might get the major point.
I am not a, "bible nut" however I believe some parts of the message made it to us.. Though there are many races and things occurring, I believe the
following is the main theme of the purpose/occurance of creation.
In many documented encounters with alien races, the ones making themselves known made it clear that they follow the will of God as a race; being
themselves raised and matured as a race. This signifies that they as a race have reached this level of, "maturity" by learning the purpose of
creation and moving in agreement with it.
Some important bases for the translation to what might be one of the most important crop circle glyphs are in, 'Field Opposites, Northern Lights, and
Light', demonstrating creation of matter; in our planets’ physical history as a result of the red layer of the earth, which is the layer that tells
us that the entire face of the Earth was covered with water. Salt crystals were found on the top of Mount Everest, showing that it was indeed covered
with salt water; coinciding with Genesis 7:20; and in bible history because of the account of the flood of Noah, the resurrection of Christ, as well
as in the book of Revelations.
With the proper information as a base for the true meaning of the crop glyph here,:
such as the insight as to what brings about a magnetic, "and"gravitational half life of 1,400 years, as provided in, 'Field Opposites, Northern
Lights, and Light ', biblical beliefs, as well as physical Earth facts and history, the crop circle glyph translation might be itemized in the
following manner:
[A]= (Deleted] demonstrated in “LIGHT”. [B]= the matter expands becoming more complex as it moves away from the denser field at the center of the
galaxy. [C]= 3 moving as 1 plant their vineyard, or kingdom. [D]=after the planting, our race went through. [E],=two millenniums. [ F ]=with a water
envelope on the outside of our atmosphere, coinciding with Genesis 1:7, and Genesis 2: 5-6. [ G ]=that period of time ended. Demonstrated literally by
not joining the two circles with a line, [ H]=we no longer have an envelope of water encasing our planet; because it was lost with the flood of Noah,
[I]=the first harvest occurs, [ represented by the cycle touching the Earth], which is the resurrection of Christ; coinciding with Matthew 27:52-53. [
J ]=Again the race continues through time. [K]=we have a second harvest. [ L]=as a result of this second harvest, an envelope is restored, probably
spiritual, coinciding with Revelation 20:4 [M]=What is established at this time continues until the third harvest, represented by K being together
with N. [ N ]=Represented by a second cycle opening, we have our third harvest. [ O]=It is the final harvest, represented by the cycle being driven
completely through the mass of the planet; coinciding with Revelation 20:7- 21:8. [ P]=after all of this has come to pass, we will raise races that
will have these seasons of water envelopes, [Q]= and progress through harvests [R]= they will be brazened unto right movement because of the
anti-life movement that they too must overcome; the moon representing the devil.
Thank you.
[edit on 15-6-2009 by noconsequence]