posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:55 AM
I think taxes on peoples income should never exceed 30% total, no matter the circumstances. I would like a flat income tax actually, maybe 10 or 20%,
on all citizens, and it should be automatic, people shouldn't go through any tax paperwork and BS every year. (basically every employer in the
country is responsible for doing it automatically. only business owners would have paperwork, and the IRS would exist to make sure the CEO's and such
all pay their fair share. The IRS could earn bonus revenue based on how much money they find is being fraudulently withheld by taxpayers. Lets say
some CEO withheld 10 million in taxes, the IRS hits him for 11 million, they send 10 million to the gov, plus a 10% IRS maintenance fee)
Things we should have: Free education (including college), free healthcare for all citizens.
Things we should not have: Bailouts of any kind, constant warfare (we should maintain a defensive military, and reprisals should be swift, effective,
and cheap. None of this occupation bull# like we are doing in Iraq), education or healthcare for illegal immigrants, sending aid to foreign countries.
(we should fix our problems at home before we give a damn about anyone else)
Food - I think it should be paid for, however I don't think we should have Monsanto and other megacorps running things anymore. Our food should be
neurotoxic-pesticide free, not be genetically modified, and small farms and businesses should not have to pay any extra fees, taxes or paperwork to do
business. We need to lay down some ground rules to keep our food supply healthy, and keep competition healthy for small businesses.
Our water supply should be completely flouride free.
Housing - Im not sure on this one. I know the housing market has been manipulated, but to be honest I don't study it that much. Maybe more people
should buy their homes and not take out absurd mortgages? I don't think homes should be free, however I do think basic shelters should be available
to the homeless, and for all of them. They shouldn't be fighting over spots or sleeping on top of each other. (This does happen at some places)
Car Insurace - I have strange ideas about this. I believe civil lawsuits, where you sue people for money, should be done away with. If someone has
really hurt you that bad, they should face criminal charges and a prison sentence. If you got injured in a car, and the other driver is responsible,
he needs to take responsibility for injuring you, and be punished, and this shouldn't automatically entail paying you $$$. If the injury is severe or
results in death, he could go away for a long time. If the injury is minor, maybe a fine or misdemeanor charge, but no money for you. As far as car
damage is concerned, insurance should be optional, and should only cover your own car, not the other driver's. I like to think that this kind of
system favors responsibility and personal accountability over the mindset of automatically punishing everyone else for "their" wrongdoing. People
today are way too eager to sue at the drop of a hat.
At a corporate level, I have even stranger ideas. I don't like the idea of patents. I think technology should be developed for the sake of progress,
and if humankind figures out how to make or do something, the people making or doing that thing should be the people who are most cost-effective at
doing it, not the people sitting on the patent.
For an example, Microsoft can make and sell Xbox 360's for $150. Lets say Sony can make and sell the same thing for $100, but it doesn't red-ring
(burn out) like Microsoft's does? No one is saying M$ can't make their version, I'm saying let capitalism run its course. The corps should compete
based on efficiency, quality, and price, and not wage patent-warfare with each other. The consumers would decide who makes what better, and that
company would profit.
What do you think?