reply to post by IntastellaBurst
The old beliefs of my people would be seen as somewhat similar.
Thought gains embodiment.
But, to be more specific in that: Thought,
when spoken gains embodiment.
The concept of which is held within an old saying we have "Kei roto i te kupu te oranga"
(Within the [spoken] word is the healing/life).
While that saying certainly refers to the more positive nature of also carries within it some acknowledgement of the power of the spoken
Essentially the desire and the internal focus needs to be verbalised in order for it to more readily find embodiment.
More clarity/background to that concept:
In some ways the concept could draw similarities to a more biblical understanding of embodiment and imbuing with life via breath.
The breath of the Creator placed within the previously empty vessel (first human being).
Our Creation mythology can be seen in a similar fashion...the forming of the first human being, the breathing of life into that form and so thus
awakening Human life into this world.
Perhaps what is also interesting is that concept was in existance within our culture well well wellllll before the first bible-holding Missionary
placed their feet upon our shores.
...but anyway, to bring it back to the subject of Speaking = Enlivening.
Via speaking we literally empower our thought with breath...and so that thought is embraced within and carried forward by our breath.
In some ways too is the perception that within us all remains, even in some form, some residual *breath* of that first breath by our Creator which
started human the concept also acknowledges/suggests that by *tuning in* to that original breath within us we may also in some way imbue
life into thought, into our creation...
Does that mean every single one of us - by my cultures understandings - could create life/whatever through speaking it??
Well...probably not...
How so?
Well...that *ability* (and sooo hate to use such terminology as it sounds so egotistical and overdone these days) was often seen as residing within
specific lineages and families. Members within those lineages were seen as carrying within them, being born into, those *abilities* passed down from
our tipuna/ancestors who in turn received them from theirs and so on and so on.
So while
perhaps something like that Thought/Breath/Life concept
may be available in some way to was also very much seen that
it was perhaps just more readily available/accessible to a very select few.
Now - another concept in line with that is our cultural concept of Makutu or Curses.
Some Makutu were essentially the sending of plaguing entities towards the target of the Makutu.
Some believe that there were those who had the *ability* of Makutu who not only were able to call up and dispatch various types of 'Entities' (and
indeed in some ways perhaps the nature/intent/activity/form of the Entity may well in some ways cause them to be seen as 'demonic')
but also
had the ability to
conjure up new entities...ones that were embodiments of that desire/intent of the sender of the Makutu. in that regard...from my culture...the old understandings would suggest a level of conscious creation of new 'demonic' entities...