posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 04:54 PM
I once met a man who could read past lives. He was terribly accurate in describing things about me he had no possible way of knowing. There was one
life in which I had ten children. To this day there are just ten people who I consider myself more maternal towards than just close. They even have
commented on this as how they felt toward me.
When I visited Heidelberg in Germany, I instinctively knew my way around the city without ever having seen a map.
After much discussion with my grandfather about people in his past I came to realize I was his grandfather previously. Independently confirmed by a
reader without knowledge of my relationships or discussions.
Many times we seem to cross paths if only briefly with others from our past lives.
The soul seems to be attracted to new births to go on with its learning and experiencing of the universe.
I hope my sharing has helped you and others in understanding this, feel free to contact me for further or private conversations.