posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:29 PM
May 11, 2009, 4:42pm the clouds overcast were dark and foreboding, and I was at my computer.
Suddenly, the clouds broke and bright sunlight broke through the room. For some reason I thought it was so unusual, so special I just had to take a
picture of this beautiful first (and only) cloudbreak of the day that I rushed to find my Blackberry to take a picture. Less than a minute later, I
stuck the camera out of the window and took a picture.
The result was surprising...
The cloud break takes on the form of man, and what appears to be an large demonic being can be visibly seen to the right (not included in the cropped
image window). Enveloped in brightness to the left is what I can only assume is an opposing being ie: God?
Between the two, you can see what appears to be two or three entities, one apparently shows the headless torso of someone in some dress, with a
different, dark demon in between, and an man or woman with what looks like a cross or a variation of a cross resting over his/her right shoulder.
The full, unmodified image is here:
I still have the original image on my blackberry.
[edit on 14-6-2009 by star in a jar]