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Reincarnation proven by 11 Year old boy? [w/video]

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:34 AM
The thing is with reincarnation and that we leave our bodies and then return from heaven a better spirit, wouldnt we be at the stage now where there is more good than bad in the earth, and wouldnt the spirit we have at this time, be concious of the fact that they have been on earth before and had learnt the from their previous mistakes, and so wouldnt we be a better more understanding race by now, after thousands of years of reincarnating.

Why are we still making the same mistakes, why cant we regress our past lifes in a moments thought.

If we have that spirituality and opportunity, why let bad spirits back to earth in the form of bad people, and people who have no thought for others and seem not to have learnt from their mistakes. Wouldnt the whole point of reincarnation be the next opportunity to do things right and on and on, why come back as a spirit in a new body, and not be able to know it.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:38 AM
By the way I dont like the new 'Flag Contribution Level'.
At least before you could see that people with our scores had at least made an effort to post and discuss, where as now accordign to mine, i have either just started, have made no effort over the last couple of years, and you get no encouragement to keep on posting, as when does it start showing a blue indicator.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:23 AM
It proves he's able to relay details otherwise unknown to him in seemingly impossible ways and that's where any proof stops and the investigation takes a wrong turn. It doesn't prove he knows these details because he was in this other life, nor does it inspire investigation of an alternate or opposing source that could have provided him this information and manner of how he expresses it. Whether or not he or his parents or anyone testing him is lying, it's necessary for them to play the role of the babbling naiive witnesses. Because the information is from the past and so detailed, it's assumed or suggested rather, he lived it.

This lack of inspirational thinking outside of the views suggested in the headline proves (you can convince people) reincarnation is real. That's all it proves.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by violet]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Blagojevich

Except... of course... Jesus himself reincarnated, and brought Lazarus back to life (fine, not the same but close.) Besides, who are these "they" you speak of? Is this in the Bible you read? If not, how can "they" speak with such authority?

First of all I would like to make the point that I am not associating with any specific religion, but simply making known beliefs and possibilities for the sake of discussion. That being said, I remember somewhere in the bible it says that once you die you either go to heaven or hell, both for eternity and that return to a life here in this world is not possible. Therefore from a christian perspective, at least, it is reasonable to assume that such memories of past lives and promotion of reincarnation is actually demonic influence for the purpose of driving people away from the word of God (the bible). Assuming the bible is correct and Satan/demons are real beings, it makes sense to look at the possibility that these reincarnation memories are not real, but instead influenced by higher powers.
As another note, I am not saying reincarnation is or is not real, or that the bible is or is not accurate. I do not know, I'm just putting out there what I personally understand from the christian viewpoint.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by multichild
By the way I dont like the new 'Flag Contribution Level'.
At least before you could see that people with our scores had at least made an effort to post and discuss, where as now accordign to mine, i have either just started, have made no effort over the last couple of years, and you get no encouragement to keep on posting, as when does it start showing a blue indicator.

I don't like this either. I went away, came back and it looks like I'm a beginner who's never contributed to this site. It comes across as gimmicky, to get people to stay and post to get the blue tint. It honestly made me think, why bother, I'm not going to 'work' for stars, flags and now blue tinted bars. Say something you don't really mean to be liked and awarded? Or say what you mean and stay a blank bar I guess

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by dalan.

It doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible.

That is just some tripe Christians make up when confronted with something that they can't explain...nor do they want to.

Its called "circle logic."

I understand (I may be wrong but I am fairly certain) that in the bible it does say once you die, you do not come back here for any reason. Either heaven or hell. That would negate any possibility of reincarnation.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by trollz

Originally posted by dalan.

It doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible.

That is just some tripe Christians make up when confronted with something that they can't explain...nor do they want to.

Its called "circle logic."

I understand (I may be wrong but I am fairly certain) that in the bible it does say once you die, you do not come back here for any reason. Either heaven or hell. That would negate any possibility of reincarnation.

Well you could be wrong and so could this Bible. In theory, if this is the case, then I suppose it would be crafty to attempt to convince people they can do whatever they want in life without any consequences because they get awarded another shot at another life. It negates the idea of judgement upon death and the belief in the God of this bible. Two for one's always been a good ad campaign.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:29 AM
This video has changed my perspective on reincarnation as a whole. Thank you for sharing, great find!

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:57 AM
Excellent find - never seen that before!! S&F!

This should every newspaper's headline EVER6Y day until the next international war/assassination/pandemic or global crisis.

I just really hope this is not staged.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by JustAThought
One of the things i read was about how memories may actually be transferred in our DNA which i must admit i find abit more interesting than the New Age spiritual interpretations.

Then how bout this.. ever heard of the 100th monkey syndrome?

in lieu of an awaited answer
this is where a monkey learns how to use a tool.. say using bit of grass to stick within an anthill as a sort of fishing rod..stick grass in, ants get on grass, pull out and voila'.. ant's on a stick. Great way to get a snack!
the first monkey discovers and continues to employ this practice, after 100 monkeys are born, the knowledge of the new found tool becomes known to all monkeys without being taught to one becomes inherent. No DNA is involved since the original monkey may still be alive. . hrmm.. There's a much deeper connection among everyone than I think we can begin to explain with connect the dot explanations.

------------ New development regarding my wife. After GREAT discussion with her and other family members regarding her "abilities", one thing I've noticed is that every case I've seen so far regarding reincarnation, is there seems to be a radius of distance involved. Meaning person a reincarnates within so many hundreds of miles from where they died.. same with person b. We've been doing so digging and have uncovered an interesting attachment to a cemetery around the same area of the school she had described when she was a kid.
Story goes: --

We like to take scenic drives. We live on the Gulf Coast and after Katrina we have taken periodic drives from where we live to New Orleans and back along the coastline. We live in the border of Alabama and the school she had described as a kid, with uncanny detail I've found out, is less than 150 miles from here in Mississippi.. On one of our trips she had this strange urge to turn down a road and we came across a cemetery in a place that was difficult to find given the twists and turns to follow, but she knew where she was going and said she wanted to see it "again". Once we got to the cemetery, we checked around for people she knew but but we were soon forced out because of the amount of mosquitoes flying around. The location was near the water in a really swampy area. and less than 2 years after Katrina.. mosquito party lemme tell ya

She said she wanted to be buried there though back then which was so very strange to me then..It was truly the nastiest cemetery I had ever been to. I was expecting to see the above ground chambers built from low grade concrete to have exposed corpses in some parts.. VERY odd cemetary.

Last night we were discussing the theories I've been talking about and turns out that her GREAT GREAT GREAT grandfather and family is buried in that cemetery. We didn't know this till now.

Needless to say, we're going back now to find out what more we can find. We've discovered more family members that haven't left that area that could give us more clues into the past that seems to have been concealed by a little bit of distance.

I find it EXTREMELY interesting that her and all the other stories I've read about have this location connection going on with reincarnates..


[edit on 16-6-2009 by Bspiracy]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:36 AM
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this is a reincarnation. It could be a haunting. I'd be interested in knowing what triggered it.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by ufoenthusiast

Yeah, I thought I was the only one who thought "green, in bill form" to the question "what reason could there be for this?"

Complete shash.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:20 AM
AWESOME video!!!!! I love stuff like this. Also some 3-4 year old girl in India started recalling her past life as a NASA astronaut in the shuttle Columbia(?? I believe was the name??) where it blew up and everyone died.

I'm a Christian, and got intellectually hacked by other status quo Christians when I brought up the possibility of reincarnation, which I believe in.

Since then, I left those peple and ride on my own as a Christian mystic.

I would pretty much bet my entire life savings that once a person reaches spiritual enlightenment (regardless of the path chosen) that person no longer reincarnates. WHole heartedly I know deep inside of myself that we are all here specifically to be in school and we graduate when we realize God.

I'll do whatever it takes to never have to come back here again, especially after getting a foretaste of what Heaven is like. It makes this planet look and feel like a ball of sh**

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by trollz
They say demons are capable of providing memories of past events, sometimes for the purpose of promoting belief in past lives and reincarnation, which is in contrast to the teachings of Jesus. Not saying I believe either way, but it is a point worth considering.

It seems just as far out there to believe in "demons" and a bearded man in the sky that watches over us (and still allows innocent children to die, be abused, etc., just to prove a point), then it is Reincarnation.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
reply to post by ufoenthusiast

Yeah, I thought I was the only one who thought "green, in bill form" to the question "what reason could there be for this?"

Complete shash.

I also was believing there story until I saw that they published a book.
I haven't heard of the book, how much money could they have made from it? Maybe enough to buy there son a PlayStation and put some money away towards college. Would this be a large enough incentive to risk there reputation? Possibly be mocked and ridiculed by there friends and family?

I don't think everyone that writes a book does it to make a buck. Some people genuinely have a idea or experience they want to share with people.
I can't say one way our another what these peoples intentions are.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:49 AM
I dont see how the Bible does not tie in with any other religion. They all have some degree of truth and nonsense in them.

I will mention again that when the Bible reffers to Deamon it is actually referanceing a demi-god/higher self in this instance rather than a work a day malignant spirit.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Ysterlong
Thanks for posting this story. S&F . All I can say is that we know so little of what's really going on out there. We all try to make sense of these things and perhaps one day we will really understand all these mysteries.

Sometimes I get the feeling that we take life much to serious and try to decipher everything, while we must just relax and enjoy the ride and make the best of this life.

not some day not maybe, everything is well understood just you need to get out of your fake comfort zone

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by violet
It proves he's able to relay details otherwise unknown to him in seemingly impossible ways and that's where any proof stops and the investigation takes a wrong turn. It doesn't prove he knows these details because he was in this other life, nor does it inspire investigation of an alternate or opposing source that could have provided him this information and manner of how he expresses it. Whether or not he or his parents or anyone testing him is lying, it's necessary for them to play the role of the babbling naive witnesses. Because the information is from the past and so detailed, it's assumed or suggested rather, he lived it.

This lack of inspirational thinking outside of the views suggested in the headline proves (you can convince people) reincarnation is real. That's all it proves.

You hit the nail right on the head, violet. I'd give you stars and flags if I thought they mean anything.

For those of you new to all this, there have been many claims of reincarnation going back to the 1800s. A spiritually romantic notion, but nothing has emerged from hundreds of cases that is compelling.

The mind is quite fantastic and capable of absorbing and processing incredible amounts of information. It is also capable of creating multiple personalities to house experience. There is a psychological disorder in fact where some people cannot manage these recessive personalities, which often have different names and their own created life histories.

There are cases where people have skimmed through books when young and create whole histories and characters based on them without even being aware of it.

There are so many miraculous things with the mind and imagination, but we await proof that someone has been reincarnated in a new body.

btw for those who think there is little money incentive in all this. New Age books sell well, and there are often foreign editions, media revenues and rights and opportunities to do the convention and talk circuit.

Book advances can be substantial, and many just go for this route as it is some kind of celebrity attention beyond their humdrum existences.


[edit on 16-6-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

I don't think we've reached the point scientifically and technologically to prove reincarnation. As study into the subject currently stands, the best cases involve a subject claiming to have memories of somebody else with some former people, places, or things that can be verified. For each case the age, reasons for remembering, and clarity of memories varies greatly. Then there is the issue of actually finding historical information on the deceased for memory verification. Since there are so many widely differing variables and so little means of historical verification, we're left with what we have now. Hardly what I would call a repeatable process to build a scientific theory from. In the future with more advanced record keeping and better scientific knowledge on human memory this issue will finally be settled, but not in the haphazard way its treated now.

Profit as a motive is certainly something to keep in mind, but I do not believe in using profit as a motive to debunk all reincarnation stories.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by tjeffersonsghost
Why is it because they are writing a book it must not be real. Tell that to Jesus and the Bible... Maybe his followers were just trying to exploit Jesus too.....

Well, now you come to mention it...that's exactly what i think.

IF Jesus was a physical person is in no way proven.

We're talking only 2000 years ago, and yet, there's not a single shred of physical evidence to support him even being alive or a real person, let alone 'the messiah'. It's all based on a collection of disperate writings, written at different times, centuries apart...and altered along the centuries to exclude or include certain books or chapters as the politics of the day dictated.

Perhaps he was around then, and perhaps he did have abilities the majority of the population didn't have. Perhaps he was an alien, with nanites and nanotechnology that cured the sick, or other embedded medical technology which gave the appearence of miraculous healing etc.

The point is, we just don't KNOW. We can believe pretty much what we want...that's what 'faith' is about, but faith is not proof regardless of how many people believe in something or someone.

Having said that, i do agree with more or less all the Christian moralities. Don't harm, if you can help it. Help others. Be kind to your mum etc etc.
It's called being a nice person, which i like to think i am. So not religious, but not a savage either. (It always beats me why religious people imagine non-religious people to be anything but nice, honest everyday people) For the record, i don't believe in 'The devil' or Father Christmas either.

Maybe if enough people write enough about David Koresh and his lot of followers, in 2000 years time, people will see him as a messiah, and how the evil state murdered the saviour etc etc. realistic, when a book sale is being promoted in this touching little story you have to admit, even if you are not particularly cinical, a 'little bell' must go off in your head?!

IF she said, we are going to publish a book, in .PDF format (or whatever) and publish it for all to download free of charge online (this IS the 21st century, even if he WAS born in the early 20th the first time), i would have said...Hmmm...there may be something to this, wow - they're obviously not in it for the money, there's no book sale or TV/Film deal...

But there is a book, and they didn't make it available for free.
Basically, The family really wants to share this miracle with the world. To show there is absolute proof that we come back to live life over again.

Why not make this book available free? Because they obviously want to make money flogging the book! So that's why it raises suspicions in people when a book is mentioned.

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