The weapons connection will always be that's for sure.
Israel having a well trained army does not mean they'll be fine.Being to confident and not respecting the enemy has been the downfall for many an
army over the years.
This collision course between Israel and the US is inevitable. The question is whether the current Obama administration will have the political
strength to survive an Israeli propaganda onslaught.
Israel has for decades built a fifth column within the US in all spheres of life and for good measure have also been allowed to deploy 'Bayonet'
(Kidun) units to protect its interests.
Further still, outspoken zionists have taken control of American neonazi organisations like American Renaissance. The objective is to control and
mobilise far right groups through grass roots activism. An example of rampaging racist zionists is Dr. Michael Hart, astrophysicist and neonazi
This same organisation, American Renaissance, spawned Jerome Corsi who is the author of "The Obama Nation" and who regularly appears on
"Pro-White" radio shows. Jerome Corsi was also the founder of the Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry in August 2004 that waged an
effective campaign to rail road US presidential election to bring about a second term of office for GW Bush.
Zionist involvement in grass roots activism extends into the realm of faith in terms of financing the evolution of Christian fundamentalism into a
largely pro Israeli and zionist artifice tasked with shoring up the zionist ideology in the US.
The likelihood of Obama succeeding in forcing Israel to comply with US interests in the Middle East is practically nil. Obama knows that his
presidency will not last further than the first term if attempts to impose unwanted pressure on Israel. There are forces in the US that will not allow
In likelihood the whole exercises is about playing to an Arab audience and drawing Arab populations away from the successful propaganda war being
waged by Iran and its interlocutors in the Lebanon and Syria.