posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 12:45 PM
Lol, I was watching the same Episode last night, and no joke, the first thought that crossed my mind was: "I wonder if this will be discussed on
What kind of caught my attention, seeing as I am not a so called "9/11 Truther", was the "Don't Tread On Me" Avatar that one of the board members
was using in the show (When they visited a web-site related to Conspiracies, but which was somewhat Anarchist in nature (Not like ATS in my belief) ).
I was sitting there thinking: "Please do not tell me that they are now making some "Right-Winger" statement either".
I like Law&Order, I always have and always will, and I thought that the "9/11 Truther" aspect was realistic (In the EXTREME) in regards to a small
minority of you folks (VERY Small Minority). I even told the person watching this with me that I did not hold much belief in what such individuals
theorized upon, but at the same time, I have yet to feel that any of you, at least on here, would ever be of such a violent, erratic nature.
BTW, I am well ware of the fact that there are plenty of whackos out there who are NOT "Left-Wing", "Right-Wing", "9/11 Truthers", "Conspiracy
Theorists", or any other label. Whackos are Whackos, and that is the bottom line, they know no boundaries.