posted on May, 3 2004 @ 06:41 AM
i have often wondered about the situation in the middle east and the stuff in iraq and what is going to follow in the coming years
the way i see it, one of the only ways the arabs can have any chance of fighting back against the beasts destoying there culture is to develop
psychotronic weapons.
it may not be a perfect sollution but it would make the situation more even in the middle east. i will give you an example of what the palestinans
could do
i suppose the palestitnans have hospitals right, then therefore they should have some smart doctors etc... the idea i have is that these resources
should be used to create crude forms of psychtronic weapons.
for example one weapon they could create is a small transmitter that in effect transmit a frequency or electrical signal that could stop the human
heart. with the doctors and equipment the palestinans have in there hospitals they could develop these weapons quite easily.
(there is an electrical signal from the brain that tells the human heart to beat and tells it to stop beating)
some would say why prolifirate these weapons, but it would put the palestinans on a level playing field. just imagine if the israel people commiting
these crimes had the weapons the jews use on the arabs reversed on them.
alright i admit the jews would already have these weapons, but giving these weapons to the arabs would bring the arabs an advantage, because it would
put the jews on the back foot, and bring these weapons out to the attention of the general public.
so you would say these weapons would not change a thing, but what i would do is the following. i would give one of these weapons to every arab in
israel. in this way if the jews start commiting crimes against arabs the arabs would have the power to turn of the jewish persons heart. therefore the
jews would be less likely to commit outrageous crimes against the arabs because it may be reversed on them.
just imagine if saddem hussein had looked in to psychotronic weapons, the iraqy people would be far more stronger than they are at the mo. psychtronic
weapon are silent weapons and just imagine the damage iraqis could do if they had these weapons. they could in theory terminate more soldiers than
they do with guns etc...
just sit down and imagine that some engineers could make some crude psychtonic weapons and directed energy weapons.
[Edited on 3-5-2004 by andy1033]
[Edited on 3-5-2004 by John bull 1]