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What year was 9/11?

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Myendica

See I was thinking maybe people get anxiety when they are asked particular questions that society, especially the U.S., deem they should know. Perhaps that could also account for some trouble remembering.

Then of course, one must ask, is it really all their fault? With so many distractions here in the states, it is not surprising. Just think about in the last year, the amount of critical events that have occurred.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:08 PM
Are non-Americans really this stupid to believe videos like this posted on the internet as actual representations of the American public? Wow. It's true. You foreigners believe anything you see on TV.

I laugh at such idiots. I get it all the time over here. The ignorance of foreigners is amazing, in that they actually believe what they see on TV.

Do you know how many British people I know who don't know who Lord Nelson was? Or what political party Maggie Thatcher was? Or who think English is a Latin language? How many French people who have never heard of Charles Martel? Or

So please, spare me the "Oh, look, Americans are so dumb" crap. Not only is it old, but it's a serious case of the pot calling the kettle black, as I have met so called "educated" people from other countries who make the most unwashed backwoods redneck from the trailer park look positively ingenious.

I have found such mentality survives in those foreigners who are miserable, sad people with little to really feel good about.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Crap, people. I've been going around asking people this same question since I saw this video. I don't think this guy had to do much editing on that video. I'm finding that most people don't know the answer. I asked successful business owners, salespeople, retired people who sit and watch t.v. news all the time, all kinds of people. I tried to pick people that I thought would know the answer. Most people don't seem to know what year 9/11 took place and the ones that do generally have to think about it for a bit. Try it! Tell me if your results vary.

Edit to add: Most of them typically use the internet less than a few hours a week. This may have something to do with it.

[edit on 23-6-2009 by theyreadmymind]

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