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9/11: Flight 93 Shanksville Flyover Indian Lake

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posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 12:54 AM


Original source: CIT Forum

Related ATS Thread providing supporting evidence:
United 93 Still Airborne After Alleged Crash According to ATC Radar

Here we have another great production by Domenick DiMaggio from CIT. Craig posted this video in the above ATS thread here:

I thought that was a different video, and thought I had already seen it! But this is not the same one you guys might be thinking of. So this needs its own thread! Craig's post got only 42 clicks on youtube, while it got 352 clicks from GodlikeProductions forum. Now surely we can do better than that ATS on something as important as this!

Quick, concise and to the point. And the point is, that Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville.

When the evidence is triangulated between witnesses from the whole area, we find out that 93 continued well past Shanksville, up to 15 miles away!

Many good other tidbits in this video as well.
I won't mention them here, you must watch it to see!

[edit on Sun Jun 14th 2009 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Wow, awesome find. Thats a very interesting video.

I'm about to watch it again, but it seems like the two female witnesses described some kind of white cylinder shaped object, and the younger woman said it had a 'spoiler'. I'm a bit slow but it seems to me like they are describing some kind of missile.

And what was the talk of it going totally silent and disappearing?

Then the guy said there was "already a cop there" at the scene who immediately told them to turn around and go back?? That seems extremely strange. They were out in the boonies it seemed...maybe it was a state park? But then, a cop wouldnt be there, but a park ranger would. That is very interesting.

Also, the same guy said that the FBI told folks not to talk. The Shanksville plane gets more and more interesting every time I hear about it.

It's about that time for DisInfo Central to dispatch their troops over here.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:13 AM
wow, this is a helluva video, S&F'd for certain!
This vid really creeped me out, these people seem very genuine and it's pretty eerie how well all of their stories match up. 12 miles southeast, that is a hell of a long way off from the supposed crash site. Good work, everybody should be privy to all these vids that shed light on the flaws in the official story.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:42 AM
I watched it a second time and took some notes.

The first thing I want to note is elderly female witness, Viola. She talks about the plane coming at her, nose first, and having to cover her ears from the roar of the plane. She says the plane goes over the tress, and disappears.

Now the video breaks to the 2nd and 3rd witnesses, but when they come back to Viola, she then goes on to say that after it disappears over the trees, everything goes completely silent. She says, "...then all of a sudden the roaring had stopped. There were no sounds, no birds no nothing. It was so deathly still..."

Is she referring to AFTER the plane was gone from site/sound distance? Her location is Stoystown, BEFORE the crash site, so obviously the plane kept going at that point. Her next line is very intriguing though. WHAT ON EARTH is she talking about her and her friend hearing that voice saying "Oohhh Myyyy Gooood"???

Then there is the other female, Susan, who says a LOT of interesting things:

"...I keep calling it a plane for lack of any other (word)..."
"...I shut off my radio, and that's when I knew there was no sound..."
"...It had to be below the power lines..came in, swooped up, cleared those trees, it was Fall, so it was full of leaves moved on the trees, nothing fell, because I kept know...there should be like, a disturbance..."

To add to that mystery, the video flashes text which says that she isnt talking about Flight 93, because it had already been long gone. I still get lost at this..?

Next is the fact the both of these female DIFFERENT CITIES...BOTH saw the same, small white plane.

Viola - "...white plane coming from the crash site area..."
Susan - " was pure white. There was not any marking on it. There were no rivits...looked like all one piece...cylinder...spoiler was molded...white and shiny..."

Now, if anyone wants to talk about credible about the MAYOR of Indian Lake, who confirms something that "sounded like a missile" flew over the lake prior to the crash?

The last thing is the fact that the "...plane reported an altitude past the crash site..."

Who can explain ANY of this with evidence?

Very awesome find. Let's hope that this thread containing a video from CIT remains open.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by P1DrummerBoy

I believe it was AFTER.

And at this point, it would be prudent to visit the link I provided to this post at the CIT forum, because Domenick and others comment through there raising further interesting things. It will provide further insight from the very people doing this great research.


Also, I really like you already P1. Someone really looking into this deep.
Welcome to ATS, and I'm sure Craig, Aldo, and crew over at CIT forum would welcome you there as well!

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Thanks for the welcome, its much appreciated. Plus it's good to hear a few of those since I'm sure that in my short time here on ATS there are already a few folks from the other 'side of the fence' who don't care for me too much

Also, thanks for the link. I'm in CA so I'm about to hit the sack, but I will definately be checking that out tomorrow.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 05:30 AM
The "white plane" seen after was a business jet going to
Johnstown airport north of Shanksville. The FAA asked the pilot to make
a pass over the area at about 1500 ft to confirn that United 93 had
crashed and locate crash site.

FACT: There was such a jet in the vicinity — a Dassault Falcon 20 business jet owned by the VF Corp. of Greensboro, N.C., an apparel company that markets Wrangler jeans and other brands. The VF plane was flying into Johnstown-Cambria airport, 20 miles north of Shanksville. According to David Newell, VF's director of aviation and travel, the FAA's Cleveland Center contacted copilot Yates Gladwell when the Falcon was at an altitude "in the neighborhood of 3000 to 4000 ft." — not 34,000 ft. "They were in a descent already going into Johnstown," Newell adds. "The FAA asked them to investigate and they did. They got down within 1500 ft. of the ground when they circled. They saw a hole in the ground with smoke coming out of it. They pinpointed the location and then continued on." Reached by PM, Gladwell confirmed this account but, concerned about ongoing harassment by conspiracy theorists, asked not to be quoted directly.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 07:35 AM
I dont think a plane crashed there either. and i think its fishy that the government wants 2200 acres and were going to take it by eminent domain. If a plane didnt crash there, why do they want the 2200 acres?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by thedman
The "white plane" seen after was a business jet going to
Johnstown airport north of Shanksville. The FAA asked the pilot to make
a pass over the area at about 1500 ft to confirn that United 93 had
crashed and locate crash site.

Is that right? So this business jet - which your quote from Popular Mechanics claims was no lower than 1500 ft - is the same white 'plane' that this witness saw fly UNDER power wires and crash after swooping over the trees she pointed out in the video?

How could this witness describe the details of this plane if it was 1500 feet up? Furthermore, do you have anything to show me how this business plane could pull something like that off? Fly UNDER power lines, swoop up over some trees maybe a hundred feet away, then CRASH, but still make it to the airport??

That's almost as crazy as a 757 flying 5 feet off the ground and hitting the Pentagon.

No, I don't think your business plane is the one she was describing in this case.

[edit on 18/6/2009 by P1DrummerBoy]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by P1DrummerBoy

It's like you read my mind before posting. This would have been pretty
much the same response I would have given to 'thedman'.

Spoiler, no rivets, under the power lines, no sound...ya..ummmm. NO.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Right on man. Hey Turbo, did you see the videos that Dominique (sp???) and Co. has over at the (presumably) CIT forums?

Follow the link that TrueAmerican provided a few posts up, on the 3rd page of that thread are some real good videos, they go into detail with this stuff.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by thedman
The "white plane" seen after was a business jet going to
Johnstown airport north of Shanksville. The FAA asked the pilot to make
a pass over the area at about 1500 ft to confirn that United 93 had
crashed and locate crash site.

FACT: There was such a jet in the vicinity — a Dassault Falcon 20 business jet owned by the VF Corp. of Greensboro, N.C., an apparel company that markets Wrangler jeans and other brands. The VF plane was flying into Johnstown-Cambria airport, 20 miles north of Shanksville. According to David Newell, VF's director of aviation and travel, the FAA's Cleveland Center contacted copilot Yates Gladwell when the Falcon was at an altitude "in the neighborhood of 3000 to 4000 ft." — not 34,000 ft. "They were in a descent already going into Johnstown," Newell adds. "The FAA asked them to investigate and they did. They got down within 1500 ft. of the ground when they circled. They saw a hole in the ground with smoke coming out of it. They pinpointed the location and then continued on." Reached by PM, Gladwell confirmed this account but, concerned about ongoing harassment by conspiracy theorists, asked not to be quoted directly.

can you name a resident who can corroborate this corporate jet?

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

You know if a "debunker" ever presented a video with this many mid sentence edits and cut aways it would be dismissed out of hand. But I forget about the double standards for evidence when trying to prove conspiracy fanatasies.

Doesn't it bother anyone that the video interview with the woman Viola starts with "....and"? Wouldn't you like to hear or at least see transcripts of the entire interview?

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by hooper
Doesn't it bother anyone that the video interview with the woman Viola starts with "....and"? Wouldn't you like to hear or at least see transcripts of the entire interview?

I know, because her saying "And they asked me to be an Ambassador up there and I refused. I said no, because I didn't go along with the stories. They weren't telling the right things" can mean so many different things.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by TrueAmerican

You know if a "debunker" ever presented a video with this many mid sentence edits and cut aways it would be dismissed out of hand. But I forget about the double standards for evidence when trying to prove conspiracy fanatasies.

Doesn't it bother anyone that the video interview with the woman Viola starts with "....and"? Wouldn't you like to hear or at least see transcripts of the entire interview?

are you accusing the author of this video of misrepresenting the witnesses?

Google Video Link

[edit on 21-10-2009 by wholetruth]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by ATH911

Originally posted by hooper
Doesn't it bother anyone that the video interview with the woman Viola starts with "....and"? Wouldn't you like to hear or at least see transcripts of the entire interview?

I know, because her saying "And they asked me to be an Ambassador up there and I refused. I said no, because I didn't go along with the stories. They weren't telling the right things" can mean so many different things.



Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10/21/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by wholetruth

Until I can see the whole interview or read the whole transcript - yes, definetly.

Please don't forget the serious nature of your accusations. All these videos are all put together like they are trying to win an award on MTV. The graphics, the music, the special effects. When in fact, what they are doing is accusing their fellow Americans of mass murder.

Could you imagine being in court and the prosecutor presenting the video of a confession and there is all this background music and flashy graphics and over written quotations? Can you imagine if the confession started half way into a sentence? The case would be thrown right out of court.

Why couldn't the interviewer just start the interview with the typical "my name is ....... and today is ........and the time is........and we are at....... interviewing......." and then start.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by hooper

Well why don't you contact Viola and do your own interview with her if you don't like that one?

You skeptics love telling truthers to call the people/organizations related to the subject matter we are questioning, so why don't put your money where your mouths are and contact her?

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by wholetruth

Until I can see the whole interview or read the whole transcript - yes, definetly.

well let me post the link again in hopes that you'll actually click it this time :

Please don't forget the serious nature of your accusations.


All these videos are all put together like they are trying to win an award on MTV. The graphics, the music, the special effects. When in fact, what they are doing is accusing their fellow Americans of mass murder.

no, not quite. in fact its safe for you to say that the author of the video actually hates mtv.

the video was put together in a way to piece together evidence in a way that explains the event in shanksville and manages to maintain the viewers attention.

i already linked the 40 minute interview with viola and you're a shining example as to why a short video was made. attention span.

Could you imagine being in court and the prosecutor presenting the video of a confession and there is all this background music and flashy graphics and over written quotations?

this isn't a video made for a court room but one made to generate demand that someday this event ends up in a court room where subpoena powers are granted and witnesses can be protected.

Can you imagine if the confession started half way into a sentence? The case would be thrown right out of court.

no one in shanksville confessed to anything because no one in shanksville was involved in this psyop. the fact you suggest these people are 'confessing' is disgusting and dishonest.

Why couldn't the interviewer just start the interview with the typical "my name is ....... and today is ........and the time is........and we are at....... interviewing......." and then start.

again i reference you to the link now posted twice in this thread............

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by wholetruth

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by wholetruth

Until I can see the whole interview or read the whole transcript - yes, definetly.

well let me post the link again in hopes that you'll actually click it this time :

Please don't forget the serious nature of your accusations.


All these videos are all put together like they are trying to win an award on MTV. The graphics, the music, the special effects. When in fact, what they are doing is accusing their fellow Americans of mass murder.

no, not quite. in fact its safe for you to say that the author of the video actually hates mtv.

the video was put together in a way to piece together evidence in a way that explains the event in shanksville and manages to maintain the viewers attention.

i already linked the 40 minute interview with viola and you're a shining example as to why a short video was made. attention span.

Could you imagine being in court and the prosecutor presenting the video of a confession and there is all this background music and flashy graphics and over written quotations?

this isn't a video made for a court room but one made to generate demand that someday this event ends up in a court room where subpoena powers are granted and witnesses can be protected.

Can you imagine if the confession started half way into a sentence? The case would be thrown right out of court.

no one in shanksville confessed to anything because no one in shanksville was involved in this psyop. the fact you suggest these people are 'confessing' is disgusting and dishonest.

Why couldn't the interviewer just start the interview with the typical "my name is ....... and today is ........and the time is........and we are at....... interviewing......." and then start.

again i reference you to the link now posted twice in this thread............

I know that no one there is confessing - metaphor, analogy.

I am always curious why no one ever produces transcripts of these things. I don't like watching videos either, but I don't mind reading.

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