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I am a victim of a hate crime regarding HOMELAND SECURITY

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:22 PM

I can certainly see why the people searching through your bags would have been peeved at your sticker. You are, after all, calling them murderers.

Thats utter poppycock. The sticker does not say "9-11 was an inside job and you're in on it". The sticker does not even come close to saying or implying that.

Everyone who thinks that OP was "asking for it" disgusts me.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:54 PM


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:37 PM
are you kidding me? just because someone infers something stupid makes it true? perception is reality? save it for the pre shift pep talk at tgi-fridays sir.

Should the lady at the DMV feel that since many people believe 911 was an inside job shes part of it? Shes a government employee. What about the postmen? IN ON IT. what about the janitor at west point? IN ON IT! OMG the first responders are in on it! the best case in point is that i bet anything the DHS agent who did it didn't even work for DHS pre 911.

Either way just because someone says 911 was an inside job does not mean that they imply all of the government was implicit. and to infer that is juvenile at best.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:48 PM
topsecretombomb; My opinoin is simple; you offended someone at airport security, or Homeland Security, with the "9/11" sticker. Also, it may be even simpler. Airport baggage checkers are notorious for damaging customers belongings. They have a well known (?) game of, "handle tear", which the baggage handlers purposely destroy the suitcase handle, and collect them! It is not limited to handles; some knuckleheads destroy whatever they can get away with. Maybe a real Baggage Handler will weigh in on this...REPORT THIS CRIME! That is what it is; a crime. Photograph it well, from different angles, send copies to all pertinent agencies; sue if necessary. It's up to you. I hope you get a new computer.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:53 AM
We need pictures of the computer and the protective case before any actual decision is made.

I flew back and forth between AK and australia, and AK and PA earlier this year (with many stops in between, both times) with "9/11 was an inside job" stickers on my bicycle and pretty hefty-looking knives in my luggage, but there was never any physical damage, aside from some missing shoes.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
OMG the first responders are in on it! the best case in point is that i bet anything the DHS agent who did it didn't even work for DHS pre 911.

I would bet anything that the DHS agent who did it didn't even work for DHS pre 911, too. Yeah...


Beacause DHS didn't exist pre 911.!

It wasn't even formed until November 2002.

You should have known this if you're trying to tear apart the subject, sir.

That (is) of course, unless you were talking about DHS - Department of Human Services...

As for your hate crime theory? Good luck trying to convince any judge in any courtroom in America that this was a hate crime.

One word that comes to mind here. Elaboration.

Pardon Me.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:12 PM


posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:43 PM
In my humble opinion, after working in the security industry for 3 - 4 years. And not to be insulting in any measure, but it seems as though rent-a-cops were gussied up and given a classy title and given a free pass with few constraints. That it tyranny to me. just saying..chill.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
Thats utter poppycock. The sticker does not say "9-11 was an inside job and you're in on it". The sticker does not even come close to saying or implying that.

Hmmm. My first response was deemed off topic by the moderators, and since their word is law, allow me to rewind and rephrase it.

In case you hadn't noticed, when you circulate these "inside job" conspiracies you ARE necessarily accusing the gov't and gov't employees of "being in on it". All you need to do is readthese boards to see people blatantly accusing the gov't (and everyone from Silverstein to Bush to even some guy driving a taxi by the Pentagon) of "being in out it". Remember, Homeland Security was specifically set up in response to the 9/11 attack, so out of all the gov't departments, they'd certainly be the most sensitive about it of all. Showing them an "inside job" slogan is asking for trouble the same way as going to a Jewish festival and telling them the holocaust was faked.

That said, I already posted I agreed that the destruction of the laptop was unprofessional, not to mention, illegal. The right to be free doesn't give anyone the right to not be offended by other people's beliefs. Such extreme intolerance to outside ideas is what almost certainly incited the hijackers to pull of the 9/11 stunt to begin with.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 06:23 PM
Um, hate crime? Skip the drama. You were subject to a random search courtesy of the department of security. Guess what. You aren't special. I've flown several times since 9/11, and twice I've opened my bags to find my belongings ruffled through and that cherry little note stating my bag has been randomly selected so they can have a peek.

It's entirely random. You were randomly slected. You won their lotto. Yay.

As for your laptop, it is more than likely due to baggage manhandling by the baggage handlers, probably had hundreds of pounds of luggage unceremoniously thrown on top of it. Temp and pressure can also cause delicate things to break. You really should have taken your lap top with as carry on.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by jprophet420
Thats utter poppycock. The sticker does not say "9-11 was an inside job and you're in on it". The sticker does not even come close to saying or implying that.

Hmmm. My first response was deemed off topic by the moderators, and since their word is law, allow me to rewind and rephrase it.

In case you hadn't noticed, when you circulate these "inside job" conspiracies you ARE necessarily accusing the gov't and gov't employees of "being in on it". All you need to do is readthese boards to see people blatantly accusing the gov't (and everyone from Silverstein to Bush to even some guy driving a taxi by the Pentagon) of "being in out it". Remember, Homeland Security was specifically set up in response to the 9/11 attack, so out of all the gov't departments, they'd certainly be the most sensitive about it of all. Showing them an "inside job" slogan is asking for trouble the same way as going to a Jewish festival and telling them the holocaust was faked.

That said, I already posted I agreed that the destruction of the laptop was unprofessional, not to mention, illegal. The right to be free doesn't give anyone the right to not be offended by other people's beliefs. Such extreme intolerance to outside ideas is what almost certainly incited the hijackers to pull of the 9/11 stunt to begin with.

I'm sorry but you're wrong. Everyone in enron wasnt "in" on it. All Christians weren't "in' on Waco. The entire government wasn't "in" on Pearl Harbor, not even the president. The entire government wasn't "in" on the Manhattan project.

Only a person with a biased, preconceived notion would think that implies the entire government. There are a lot of those people on BOTH SIDES of the fence around here.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Ben Niceknowinya

Originally posted by jprophet420
OMG the first responders are in on it! the best case in point is that i bet anything the DHS agent who did it didn't even work for DHS pre 911.

I would bet anything that the DHS agent who did it didn't even work for DHS pre 911, too. Yeah...


Beacause DHS didn't exist pre 911.!

It wasn't even formed until November 2002.

You should have known this if you're trying to tear apart the subject, sir.

That (is) of course, unless you were talking about DHS - Department of Human Services...

As for your hate crime theory? Good luck trying to convince any judge in any courtroom in America that this was a hate crime.

One word that comes to mind here. Elaboration.

Pardon Me.

Excuse me. What I meant to say was he/she wasn't a trained security monkey for the airport prior to 911, or working in any other similar position either for a private contractor or the government performing a similar duty. I didn't want to phrase it like that.

As far as it not being a hate crime, don't point out my fallacy and then try to use one against me. Your logic is that if a judge doesn't convict you its not a hate crime (at least thats the implication). I defined hate crime and it fit the definition and you posted nothing that changes that.

[edit on 23-6-2009 by jprophet420]

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
I'm sorry but you're wrong. Everyone in enron wasnt "in" on it. All Christians weren't "in' on Waco. The entire government wasn't "in" on Pearl Harbor, not even the president. The entire government wasn't "in" on the Manhattan project.

Only a person with a biased, preconceived notion would think that implies the entire government. There are a lot of those people on BOTH SIDES of the fence around here.

I am going by the Department of Homeland Security's mission statement, which says...

"This Department of Homeland Security’s overriding and urgent mission is to lead the unified national effort to secure the country and preserve our freedoms. While the Department was created to secure our country against those who seek to disrupt the American way of life, our charter also includes preparation for and response to all hazards and disasters."

Since this obviously covers investigating, preventing and guarding against 9/11-type attacks, claiming that the gov't was involved in the 9/11 attacks necessarily means that the DHS had to be involved as well. It doesn't matter if you believe it's the entire DHS, merely a few, or just the guys who take out the trash. You're still making accusations of blatant criminal intent against the DHS of which DHS personnel will naturally perceive as outrageous slander, particularly when they obviously do NOT subscribe to your claims of conspiracy in the first place.

As I said before, I do not condome their vandalism, but I do understand why would have done it.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Since this obviously covers investigating, preventing and guarding against 9/11-type attacks, claiming that the gov't was involved in the 9/11 attacks necessarily means that the DHS had to be involved as well. It doesn't matter if you believe it's the entire DHS, merely a few, or just the guys who take out the trash. You're still making accusations of blatant criminal intent against the DHS of which DHS personnel will naturally perceive as outrageous slander, particularly when they obviously do NOT subscribe to your claims of conspiracy in the first place.

The Department of Fatherland Security did not exist when 9/11 happened, only after, thus, it would be impossible to accuse them of anything in regards to 9/11.

I do not believe his laptop was smashed on purpose, but through typical airline baggage manhandling. If they had, then there would be no justification on their part at all, period.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 06:02 PM
I know how You feel. I used to travel back and forth from New Orleans and Houston to go offshore. I would have my hard hat, steel toes, & months supply of clothes. I always got pulled over and searched every time I stepped in a air port and multiple times at that. I was telling some guy about it and He was like what color where the people that did that? I answered black and he was like well their is your answer. I never noticed the reason why I was getting pulled over is because I shave my head and I guess look like a skin head. I am so pissed just thinking about it and what irritates me is a spend 9 months on a barge so guess what a #ing acceptable hair cut is not on any list of priorities. This here showed me that the so called victims are just as bad as they claim that we are if not worse.

[edit on 24-6-2009 by jkm1864]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

The Department of Fatherland Security did not exist when 9/11 happened, only after, thus, it would be impossible to accuse them of anything in regards to 9/11.

...but according to the "truthers" the 9/11 attack was only the beginning. Since then, we're supposedly been inundated by more conspiracies, coverups, disinformation, and armies of secret agents planted throughout society, to hide all the evidence that their conspiracies are real. Homeland Security's mission is to investigate such things, so by not rooting then out it by default means they're in on the conspiracy, too. "If you're not with us, you're against us" is the mantra for the truthers just as it is on the war on terror. All you need to do is read the truthers post to see that.

I do not believe his laptop was smashed on purpose, but through typical airline baggage manhandling. If they had, then there would be no justification on their part at all, period.

I absolutely agree.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dogmatic acceptance of the OS is just as ridiculous as the dogma of any given "truther". the official story is STILL (8 years later) at the conspiracy theory level. Everyone who doesn't see this is blinded by beliefs.

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