reply to post by stevedel0
Hello stevedel0.
I looked through the site and googled a little. The, "2 dimensional" geometry shown here is not the type that I have, "experience" with.
I could understand materials resonating through certain geometric structures such as is shown with proper materials. However I found myself at a loss
to understand how geometry in the form of 2 dimensional imagery can effect time/space for example, other than through effecting the psyche of those
viewing it.
Sorry I could not give a more helpful insight.
Russian scientist; they are aware that I am not concerned about the possibility of them killing my physical body.
While I am on the subject, "my thread", I believe the elite are also aware that I would consider working with them to build the geometric,
"device" necessary to invite intervention. It is because it would require the resources of a government in order to build it in the first place,
"bottom line".
Unfortunately, that would allow them to continue existing too; though things every where on Earth would in fact instantaneously change without
I know that the elite themselves may not have the resources to achieve the design. This indicates that it would be wise for them to move now.. I do
not expect that. Nor do I care for it. I know God might grant my rightous indignation/revenge more immediately without their help enough noW..
I also know what is to become of all of them at the point in question.. I am directly involved with the only thing that can deliver the race and I
know it completely and without a doubt..
There is no threat that a clean chronomonitor could not overcome because they are in their eternal bodies. It is mercy if they share their being with
you. They are quite literally more real than we are in our temporal bodies..
They move the captain that sits in their heart with their every whim while we could beg forever without response.. That makes me understand the
elites' fearing to invite it.
Ok.. You pulled it out of me. I believe the book is "the flying saucer reader" by Jay David, that talked about, "tektite" strewn fields wher they
believed that these tektites were, "craft or parts of craft".
They could not tell other than something came and overwhelmed powerfull and advanced craft without resistance around the Earth and at the same
The science of what I know happened is interesting.. The following pic shows the blue north gravitational field spiraling into the mass of the planet
dissapating into the atomic structure while it is passing through, drawing south field out of the mass of the Earth. entering and exiting the
planets' mass through what you might call its', "belly button" connecting it to the universe:
In a famous picture of Roma there is an, "air war" occurring where you see a disc with markings much like the ones in the video here:
In the picture the craft has a scorpion tail which merely represents death. The craft didn't have a scorpion tail. The fire on the other craft
crashing represented them being destroyed. They were not burning.
The tektites that Jay Davit talked about were craft that were robbed of the mass field, "feed" that all matter requires. When the timeless craft
came upon them, these craft that are made of our universe had no escape; though they were scrambleing all over the Earth to get away from one
The timeless craft encased the others running with an etheric universe and robbed them of their mass-field" feed. Without field to feed its' mass
the matter will shrink while only feeding on its' own cohesive field, reverting back into the etheric universe where field and anti-field come from.
gonna take 2 posts
Thank you.
[edit on 16-6-2009 by noconsequence]