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How Is The NWO Evil?

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by YSM85
Some people might think this is flamebait, but let me assure you that it isn't. I always hear and read about the different kinds of theories of how the NWO will take over the world, but I rarely--and this might be my fault--see articulate and reasonable reasons why this is a bad thing. So, can someone please explain to me why the NWO is considered bad in the first place? For example, people say that under the NWO people will have less individual rights, but is that necessarily true? And if so, why?

[edit on 13-6-2009 by YSM85]

Beats the heck out of me... ultimately the NWO will give everyone the rights more or less we have in the US worldwide and the planet will be industrialized so you don't have pockets of abject poverty and extreme wealth. We would as a whole all be wealthier and be able to bring about lifesaving, planetsaving, and intelligence enhancing technologies all the more faster. Think of how many geniuses there are in 3rd world countries that just never have an opportunity to develop themselves. The current situation, while good for some, for the whole world sucks quite frankly. Not saying you shouldn't be rewarded for personal accomplishment but the situation is really badly askew.. :-(

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by miragezero

The NWO is a grand idea and under direction of moral and just people it would be fantastic. The fact of the matter is that the people bringing this about are powerful bankers, rich oligarchs and royals that do not have your best interests at heart. They wish to consolidate power and form a tyrannical dictatorship in which no one may possibly oppose. Their goal is to turn us ALL into debt slaves, and reduce the population. You are seen as little more than cattle in their eyes that serve no purpose other than to do their bidding and make them rich. There will not be a global change for the better for our standard of living in fact quite the opposite. Those with relativley good standards will be lowered to that of impoverished nations, One only needs to read the news evry day to see what little of your rights and freedoms are being taken away through every new policy implimented. It is time to wake up and give your head a shake people.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Ellirium113

I very much agree with you.. I would like to add that Bush and many of the worlds leaders, "openly" come through the skull and crossbones fraternity; which is a cult.. Lizards/demonic, owls/human, whatever name is applied, they are a satanic cult.

Everybody knows that the Bush and Binladin families are closely associated/coordinated. There's nothing hidden here.. By condensing their power even farther, they clearly will raise their position above the people much farther than ever before; leaving many, many of their own people to the same demise of the race..

They will for the first time be able to be themselves openly; and without opposition. The height of these people are a satanic cult which is about to, "be themselves"; having their way with the race. Hitler; while the, "masses" of the Earth are the new Jews.

I hesitated after my invite to the thread here because I feel very strongly about the subject, and I wanted to answer in a way that was a little more, "cooled down".. The facts are obvious; there is no question; and I have no regard for the enemy of the children.. Definitely nothing good there.

They'll be making lampshades of childrens skin for novelty; etc. The people are allowing their own demise that is openly coming upon them. Without resistance.. Peoples' children will be their sex slaves; killed when they tire of them; "quickly".

In satanic sacrifices, the more a baby suffers before it' death, the more powerful the results are suppose to be for the ones making the, "glorious" sacrifice.. For example they will poke their eyes out and mess with the nerves behind the eyes which are the most sensitive ones in the body; etc, etc.

That is your New World Order.

Thank you.


posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by noconsequence

Sorry wrong thread.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Alright this is aggravating. I am a novice to this NWO plot (I just turned 18). I have been exposed to the entire spectrum of theories relating the the NWO, ranging from absurd, radical plans to depopulate 90% of the world's population, with the Illuminati reigning as the master of this work, to a less severe global militaristic coup that will effectively unite the entire world under the rule of a select few. From what I can tell, the only concrete evidence of NWO is the Bilderberg group. This is a FACTUAL group that convenes annually to discuss the challenges of the world. Granted there are many corrupt individuals who partake in these congregations, e.g. Geithner who wants to create a National Treasury, as well as proponents of the Lisbon Treaty and the establishment of a World Supreme Court (supersedes the US Supreme Court); however, there is much dissension among this group, as members claim things are being taken too far amid the consequences of the worldwide recession. I would be genuinely interested in hearing from someone who can provide conclusive proof to the existence of this Illuminati elitist faction that overpowers those at the Bilderberg. And no, sending me a myriad of links showing pictures of "Illuminati" gestures being made by certain individuals does not constitute as proof of anything. A well developed and SUPPORTED argument, such as the one I am giving now, would be far more appreciated. A consensus must be reached among ATS as to who exactly is the head of this NWO agenda. I find advocates of the depopulation goal complete delusional because of the commitment a major and obvious logical flaw: If these power-brokers seek to establish dominion over the world, then to reduce the amount of the dominated is contradictory.

I have thoroughly read about America's tacit shift towards fascism, most notably exemplified in the passage of the PATRIOT Act. I have not experienced, nor fully comprehend its severity until today. I was walking in the Port Authority on my way to work in NYC when I came across four daunting guards armed with assault rifles, positioned at their post keeping a vigilant eye over everyone. Only then did it strike me; It is incredibly frightening to know that these men could arbitrarily arrest and detain anyone, anytime. Anyway, back to my point, if a NWO were to be headed our way, the cooperation of other superpowers like Russia and China would be necessary in conjunction with a transpiring of tremendous global events. As far as I know, none of these countries participates at Bilderberg meetings. Our potentially hostile future relationship with China may pose some problems. We owe China couple trillion dollars we borrowed from them. Given the current state of America's economy, China is becoming increasingly concerned over the value of the American dollar, in which they have so much invested. If Obama continues his fiscal spending, in 5 years our Debt/GDP ratio would reach 100%, a figure the bond rating agencies DEGRADE Treasury bills and bonds to a status from AAA (safest possible). To hedge themselves against default of the dollar, they are currently investing in metals. That is also why they suggested the Dollar be removed as the world's reserve currency. In order for China to conspire with us, confidence in our country and our economy must first be restored. Conversely, if real disaster strikes and the world economy is sent plummeting into a true global depression, out of which protests and utter chaos explode, resulting in World War III, then the globalist agenda may be pursued. It is not to say that these possibilities are far-fetched, and that no action has to be taken to prevent this from occurring. I am simply suggesting that a series of cataclysmic events must occur, and that we be prepared to anything that comes our way. A crucial initiative would be to repeal the PATRIOT Act. Spread the word. Take back our country, our world.

Maybe I should have posted this in a different thread.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by 1 4M 7H3 1]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by 1 4M 7H3 1
I would be genuinely interested in hearing from someone who can provide conclusive proof to the existence of this Illuminati elitist faction that overpowers those at the Bilderberg. And no, sending me a myriad of links showing pictures of "Illuminati" gestures being made by certain individuals does not constitute as proof of anything. A well developed and SUPPORTED argument, such as the one I am giving now, would be far more appreciated.
[edit on 16-6-2009 by 1 4M 7H3 1]

Top Nazi's planned EU-style 4th Reich

Quote frome above listed page:

The foundations for the EU and ultimately the Euro single currency were laid by the secretive Bilderberg Group in the mid-1950’s. Bilderberg’s owned leaked documents prove that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency were formulated by Bilderberg in 1955. One of the group’s principle founders was H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer.

Most other information you are looking for can be found on this site & it's internal pages. Happy hunting.

NOGW:Illuminati page

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:46 AM
i have been pondering the same question.,... yes they do things that not all of us agree on .. but they are doing it for the betterment of humanity ... i think they set up this whole reality on material things.. to show us it brings nothing but sorrow and misery, the greed to want more, i mean look at society now.. i look at my firneds who have no idea what is going on in the world and their goal is to make money and buy nice things.. but i can see through them .. all their desires brings nothing but misery. you must know the bad before you can know the good... at least this is one theory i am pondering...

I think the reason people label them as bad ( as i did also ) because the fact is they are doing it behind our backs and lieing , and people fear what they do not know... i think the NWO is just one aspect, i still a lot of the info that we have from alex jones and moles inside, is premeditated in which they know what they are releasing or much of it...

2 Cents


posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Ellirium113
reply to post by miragezero

The NWO is a grand idea and under direction of moral and just people it would be fantastic. The fact of the matter is that the people bringing this about are powerful bankers, rich oligarchs and royals that do not have your best interests at heart. They wish to consolidate power and form a tyrannical dictatorship in which no one may possibly oppose. Their goal is to turn us ALL into debt slaves, and reduce the population. You are seen as little more than cattle in their eyes that serve no purpose other than to do their bidding and make them rich. There will not be a global change for the better for our standard of living in fact quite the opposite. Those with relativley good standards will be lowered to that of impoverished nations, One only needs to read the news evry day to see what little of your rights and freedoms are being taken away through every new policy implimented. It is time to wake up and give your head a shake people.

wow its like you actually talk to them...... how do you know all this , your just reciting other things that you have read , those are not your opinions they are those of others and you have not done any research in the aspect of your own, read and just really think about it, why would they do all this , with everything else going on in the world,,... this is not just one big coincidence, all this # is hitting the fan now... out of chaos comes order,...

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by InterconnecteD

You are correct in that these opinions are not my own, they are that of thousands of people regurgitated through me. My opinion is does not matter. Facts matter. Review the evidence, review the history of Naziism and what happened politically behind the scenes and the groups involved. You think it was just scientists they brought over after the war? Right now there are thousands of devices that can free us all from our burdens of sustenance and power needs but where are they? Why will they not release these for the good of us all? What possible reason could there be? Why do we have to work for a living? I have done my homework. If you feel this is wrong please show me how it is a good thing and for what people.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by InterconnecteD

i have been pondering the same question.,... yes they do things that not all of us agree on .. but they are doing it for the betterment of humanity

This is what they believe also. Please explain how it is noble to fight wars of aggression that cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars when children are starving and countries are going bankrupt. Those trillions of dallars could have helped a pretty good portion of the starving I would think.

i look at my firneds who have no idea what is going on in the world and their goal is to make money and buy nice things.. but i can see through them .. all their desires brings nothing but misery. you must know the bad before you can know the good... at least this is one theory i am pondering...

Indeed money won't buy you true happieness, Unless it is used to move away from that annoying neighbor

I think the reason people label them as bad ( as i did also ) because the fact is they are doing it behind our backs and lieing , and people fear what they do not know...

A lot of it is compartmentalized like the military. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, they are just told to do it. This is also how they are able to get people with generally good moral sense to do their bidding unwittingly because they only know a small fraction of the larger picture.

i think the NWO is just one aspect, i still a lot of the info that we have from alex jones and moles inside, is premeditated in which they know what they are releasing or much of it...

The NWO is an overall generalization of many groups involved, You must get information from many sources and find the commonalities.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Ellirium113]

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