posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:11 AM
In 1890, the French writer Joris-Karl Huysmans wrote to a young Dutch novelist he was searching for "a demoniac sodomite priest" who performed the
black mass. Joris-Karl - "J.K." for the friends - needed this man for a new book about satanism which would become "Là-bas" (translated as "Down
There" or "The Damned"). J.K. did find the priest... It was the Chaplain of the Holy Blood Chapel of Bruges, Louis Van Haecke. Now this "Super
Satanist" also wrote a book... about the Precious Blood of Bruges!
In this book about the Precious Blood of Bruges, there definitely is something like a "Da Vinci Code": his use of footnotes is rather idiotic and
the references to some Nostradamus quatrains are all too obvious...
Full story here:
The Code of the Holy Blood