Been into astornomy since i was 12, im 34 now
Well, it all comes down to what you want..
Refractors, the long thin scopes, arre suposed to give you the cirspest views, as the light entering the eyepice dosnt bounce of a secondary
mirror..but you wont find one over 5 inches, and their MAD MAD expensive... Theirs reflectors thats your best bet..yuo can get a 12.5 inch reflector
for like $500! that is considered backyard observaotry, for the record...yuo really dont want anything over 16 inches..because its not going going to
be able to be on an equatorial mount at all, and they produce alot of vibrations...
thiers schiddt and muskatov cassegrraines..which is what is mostly advertised..they all come on equatorail mounts, and a built in computer..yuo can
get a 10 inch one for $1,200 and up..
Rememebr, all those beutiful pictures we see of galxys, nebulas, rich in color, yuo will not see form any earth based teelscope...even the big meter
scopes ontop of hawaii, aka MT.palamor, KEck ect will not show much color at all. Thise photos, were taken tracking the object across teh sky over
huors of fil exposure time...thys yuode need an equatorkal mount and LOTS of patience....
As for planets, the bigger the scope, the more yuo see..they are close enough to use to see lots of awesome detail
to an extent.. as for
globular and open clusters, yuor eyes wil be amazed..
for eyepeices..the hgiher the number, the more it pushes the object away..thier for wide views of the sky yuor looking at. the lower the number on
the eyepiece... the closer yuo are bringing it too yuor eye, for detail. IDe recommend a 7.5 mm, 34 mm and a 40 mm eyepice. I alwasy liked the
explorer series form Orion telescopes...thier affordable!
I dont really like ro trust MEAD telescopes...their just too overpriced. thats where i think your going to find the best deals and values, brand new, and reputable name and assistance.
again, ide recommend a Dobsonian refflector... loko at a 10 to 12.5 inch. anyting over 16 inch is not regarded as ok, becasue the earths
atmosphere cotnains yuor going to be magnifying air turbalnace as well, thus not producing so good images.
Hope this helps!