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I did a radical thing...

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

If you read again, I think you will see I am comparing you using the internet for fun, to them watching television for fun. NOT them using the internet to. The issue of them being able to use the internet unsupervised or not is another thread entirely.

Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.

You can be amazed if you like, but I am alot younger than you, I grew up in a different world to you. It amazes my nan that I can speak to a computer game and it does what I tell it, but it doesn't amaze me. This was my whole point, you grew up in a different time, and what worked then doesn't necessarily work now.

I think you will find I do indeed have a life, don't insult me for trying to provide an in-depth response. I'm amused by the way the person who watched all the tv, played all the games, is being insulted by someone who took it away because its not good for you... sweet.

I think we all know what parks are, and I at least go to them regularly, please don't pretend you know how my life works, just as I didn't pretend to know how yours worked. But since you feel the need to apply such false claims...

I went to two different parks on friday with friends, I cut the grass today out in the garden and played with my dog. And in between I have talked to my friends on the internet.

Oh and yes, the park has no tvs, but a majority of the children in that park will have a tv at home, the world isn't all black and white.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by StevenDye]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Here is a tip for any parents whose kids do not like to read...

Read them Ben Franklin's Autobiography - Ben based it on a a series of letters that he wrote to his own son explaining what it was like for him while growing up...I had good results from this one book and so have the other parents I have mentioned this to.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:52 AM
I don't know... I know I use the Internet way too much... But on the other hand my job requires a 24/7 online lifestyle.

I don't have a television. I find it worrisome that I probably read less books now than before the Internet.

On the other hand, you can read books online too. This site has a lot of conspiracy theory books: Biblioteca Pleyades

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:54 AM
I don't watch movies and I have a TV, I don't really play video games when I have a computer that can play Crysis, I have so many gaming consoles in the house, yet I don't play on any of them.

It's all about self-control, and little kids will learn that.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:55 AM
Re watching television, YOU DID THE RIGHT THING

A psychiatrist who was detained by the Nazi's wrote a book called "The Rape of the Mind", his last chapter "Technology Invades our Minds" is about the dangers of TELEVISION, titled:

Excerpt, (sound familiar?)

Radio and television catch the mind directly, leaving children no time for calm, dialectic conversation with their books. The view from the screen doesn't allow for the freedom-arousing mutuality of communication and discussion. Conversation is the lost art. These inventions steal time and steal self-awareness. What technology gives with one hand-easiness and physical security-it takes away with the other. It has taken away affectionate relationships between men. The depersonalized Christmas card with its printed signature, the form letter, the very typewriter are examples of mechanical proxies. Technical intrusion usurps human relationships, as if people no longer had to give one another attention and love any more. The bottle replaces Mother's breast, the nickel in the automat replaces Mother's preparation of sandwiches. The impersonal machine replaces human gesture and mutuality. Children educated in this way prefer to be alone, with fantasies to escape into and gadgets to play with. Mechanization pushes them into mental withdrawal.

Technology Invades Our Minds

[edit on 13-6-2009 by seataka]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:58 AM
That's awesome man, It really is. I plan on always owning my tv, xbox, and comp. But I read all the time, and paln on not having cable when I move again.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by AccessDeniedI gave it all away.
The TV, the VCR/DVD, the movies..and the video games. ALL OF IT.

You get two thumbs up from me.

I quit watching TV myself, only rarely do I watch a movie. (And if I do, it's for feeding my retro 80's mood. The Goonies anyone?)

I'm glad you're being proactive and getting your children into books and other activities!


posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:04 AM
I applaud the OP. I was born in '53, and we got our first TV in '58, a black & white GE that got three channels on a good day. I was allowed 1 hour per day. Even later, when TV got really into vogue, I didn't watch that much, the TV belonged to Dad, and several hours at night was all I watched, along with evening news, which Dad never missed. We had no X-Box, no Cell Phone/I-Phone or internet. I read a lot in those days, and I still do, I read two books per week.
I now have two step sons who are addicted to TV and games. they would play all day and night if allowed to. They refuse to read all but simple books with lots of pictures. I gave the oldest a copy of Treasure Island, one of my favs, and he hasn't cracked it yet. Our children are being dumbed down at a fantastic rate, and most are powerless to stop it. They are not my kids, so that is the way of it.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by seataka
A psychiatrist who was detained by the Nazi's wrote a book called "The Rape of the Mind", his last chapter "Technology Invades our Minds" is about the dangers of TELEVISION, titled:
[edit on 13-6-2009 by seataka]

Well, most of television programming is just dog food created for the lowest common denominator. Not all, but most. TV just isn't very interesting. On the Internet you can at least find something interesting.

I think that books are a better media than the Internet since you concentrate on one thing for hours instead of being all ADHD with seven browser windows, Spotify, IRC and email at the same time... On the other hand it is usually very hard to find a book about what is most interesting at the moment, which means I often get hopelessly frustrated at a library or book store.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:11 AM
When one reads, one excersizes one's mind, to build 3 dimensional landscapes in which the story you are reading unfolds.

When one watches TV, all these things are done for you in 2 dimensions,- so the part of your mind that builds 3D landscapes in which to live a life, atrophies.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

What about the computer? We don't you get rid of the computer?
It looks like to me that you just want them to live almost like the amish people.

I don't see the problem with allowing kids to play video games.
My nephew is crazy about video games but he spends most of his time outside. Do you want to know why? Because we make him go outside and play. And as far as what there talking about....really are you that insecure?

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Well Kudos to you my friend!

It's one of the best things you can ever do for your child if the "Entertainment" industry becomes too prevalent within your home. Children should not be exposed to such mind numbing exercises in focus and boredom.

It's nice to see some great parenting in a world filled with sub-standard parents. Present company excluded ofcourse


posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:20 AM
wow this discussion could go either way but i believe what is best for the children and they are not hurting either mentally or physically then its a-ok.

many parents these days don't even take there kids outside and play with them or even see them for more than 45 minutes as they work hard to provide for them.

my mom worked nights and my dad worked during the day. i had to take care and raise my sister when i was in elementary but i still tried to have a child hood by playing with the kids in the hood or playing games.

so either way, tv or no, i think as long as you spend time with yer kids, grow with them, be the parent you can be to them instead of just either shadow figure or a person that doesn't give a damn, be a PARENT!

love yer kids

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by seataka
Re watching television, YOU DID THE RIGHT THING

A psychiatrist who was detained by the Nazi's wrote a book called "The Rape of the Mind", his last chapter "Technology Invades our Minds" is about the dangers of TELEVISION, titled:

Excerpt, (sound familiar?)

Radio and television catch the mind directly, leaving children no time for calm, dialectic conversation with their books. The view from the screen doesn't allow for the freedom-arousing mutuality of communication and discussion. Conversation is the lost art. These inventions steal time and steal self-awareness. What technology gives with one hand-easiness and physical security-it takes away with the other. It has taken away affectionate relationships between men. The depersonalized Christmas card with its printed signature, the form letter, the very typewriter are examples of mechanical proxies. Technical intrusion usurps human relationships, as if people no longer had to give one another attention and love any more. The bottle replaces Mother's breast, the nickel in the automat replaces Mother's preparation of sandwiches. The impersonal machine replaces human gesture and mutuality. Children educated in this way prefer to be alone, with fantasies to escape into and gadgets to play with. Mechanization pushes them into mental withdrawal.

Technology Invades Our Minds

[edit on 13-6-2009 by seataka]

And yet I don't see you throwing away your computer and the rest of you tech and going to live in a lodge cabin.

Looks like your inbracing the technology that "Invades our minds".

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Alien Mind

And yet I don't see you throwing away your computer and the rest of you tech and going to live in a lodge cabin.

Looks like your inbracing the technology that "Invades our minds".

Quite true, but try replying to an asinine comment on the television and perhaps you might perceive a very slight difference.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Moderation in all things as the saying goes, is one of the best lessons anyone can learn at any stage in life. You can drink too much water, eat too much food, play too many sports and yes READ TOO MUCH!

Quit trying to make busy overwhelmed parents feel guilty.

One of the most obnoxious troubled kids I know reads too much and his parents are very proud of that fact. Yet the kid is constantly in trouble with teachers and kids...go figure. Moderation.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:38 AM
being 'in trouble' can sometimes be evidence that the kid is THINKING in a world where THOUGHT STOPPING is universal.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by seataka
Re watching television, YOU DID THE RIGHT THING

A psychiatrist who was detained by the Nazi's wrote a book called "The Rape of the Mind", his last chapter "Technology Invades our Minds" is about the dangers of TELEVISION, titled:

Technology Invades Our Minds

[edit on 13-6-2009 by seataka]

This is insane. I realize the OP had the best intentions but how can you expect a child to grow up successful in this society without the knowledge of technology, etc.? I am a recently promoted manager at my company and am doing very well in my career a year out of college. I feel strongly that if I couldn't have held a conversation about the news, current events, technology, TV shows, etc. that I would not be where I am today. The kids will wind up feeling like outcasts all alone with less in common with their peers. It is hard enough being a young child in this world. I would restrict time spent playing games and watching TV for activities that are more productive but taking it away all together will do more harm than good in the long run. "Hey little Mike did you see the Super bowl!!" No.....

Come on! TV will not "brainwash" them if you are a good parent and spend a lot of time talking with your kids and teaching.

Furthermore my knowledge of technology pretty much got me recognized in my company. I couldn't use my blackberry well, email, etc., etc., ALL needed to succeed.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by Tmd111]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by seataka

Like i said unless you are willing to throw away all your teach then your words mean nothing.

Its easy to say you want to do something but its total different to do it.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by Alien Mind]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:50 AM
I believe with proper parenting you can evaluate the amount of time your

children are doing certain activities. If your kids are constantly just

watching movies and playing video games put your foot down, the kids

don't rule the house... you do. I have an eight year old and she knows all

about moderation, I think that completely robbing your children of the

advances in our technology would be more of a downside in the long run.

Video games can teach to interface with machines much better; something

that seems to be more and more of a part of everyday Human life. Not all

Tv and DvDs are necessarily bad for your children either, one hour of

watching certain programs on discovery or the history channel can be

more beneficial than an entire day of science class. Although I think these

things need to be moderated, taking them completely away is going to hurt

your childs potential in this ludicrisly fast growing technological world...

We're not in Kansas anymore.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by NoJoker13]

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