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Actual Proof of Reincarnation

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posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Angus123

Its a very nice story.

Not absolute proof, but it is extremely suggesting that re-incarnation is real.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Its a good story but i dont think its "actual proof" I mean like someone else said before its easy to just make it up, let the parents do most of the talking and make sure the boy knows his lines.

I keep an open mind about every thing i'm just saying its a possibility. Interesting video though. Would be great if true. Its very humbling to know that this isnt our last life and that it goes on.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
Fantastic find.

I wonder though. How is this more proof of reincarnation than it is of collective conscious? To me, just having someone elses memories is not proof of reincarnation. There are numerous accounts of memories and thoughts being transferred from person to person.

I think it is sort of both reincarnation and "collective consciousness". A lot of spiritual traditions basically say we're one body and we come from one "root". We may take form in a body, which is insignificant, but its the part of the body that we all share that is important. So the question is really, does this, if factual and true, support the case for spirituality.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by bvproductions

Originally posted by contemplator
This is one of the easiest things to fake and profit from.

1. research information on obscure area
2. get a kid to soak it all up
3. claim proof of reincarnation
4. get in local news
5. get in national news
6. promote book

This still does not explain the part where no one else knew about the painting other than two people..

Could have easily been a lucky guess. if there's a painting of one child, it only seems logical that there's a good possibility the other one had been painted.

I know that it makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside imagining this was real, but you have to realize it's easy to hoax.

p.s. why would anyone want to be reincarnated? forgetting everything and everyone i love? no thanks

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:33 AM
To those who think this is a fake, be aware that there are MANY cases almost exactly like this one, sometimes the child is even younger, like the age of 5. Incredibly young to all of a sudden know all this information.

I truly believe that there are things beyond the physical body, perhaps we have what some would call a 'soul' or 'spirit' I guess, but from my research on things like remote viewing and cases like this one, along with other stuff.. it seems almost obvious that when we die, we don't simply disappear and are simply non-existent anymore.. there is more to it than that, I truly believe.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:37 AM
While this story is very suggesting, I don't even think there is a way to scientifically prove this even if it's real, which I think it is anyway.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:40 AM
I have always believed in reincarnation. This is an excellent find!

We don't just have one shot at this.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:53 AM
Good find.

There's alot of evidence for reincarnation.

The boy knew the name of the ship.
He knew the name of the plane.
He called out crew members by name.
He knew his sister's name and his older sisters name.
He knew where the planes crashed.

People are saying because they wrote a book this means their lying. This is a silly assumption. Many people write books on many different topics. So you can't equate a book to lying.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
This is one of the easiest things to fake and profit from.

1. research information on obscure area
2. get a kid to soak it all up
3. claim proof of reincarnation
4. get in local news
5. get in national news
6. promote book

Pretty Much that is it...

Basically tho I'd add that today people don't know their environment, and will believe anything... Heck people today believe, and worship the Egyptian Pharoahs as Gods of the past without ever knowing it....

By environment I mean that our society has computers, and technology that can, will, and does create illusions in the minds of people...

All in all the people of today have the mind of a stupid slave who will obey anything told to them without any question, especially believing in magic, and re-incarnation....

and by people - I mean People in General...

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:12 AM
for reasons un know to me i just cant remember the book ,
but it talked about reincarnation and about souls ,

thing was souls travled withinn the family blood line and it was at certain ages the new host would be able to reincarnate the soul of the decesed family member , was one age at 3 an other at 7 and then one at 13 if i recall , and if the soul didnt pick its host/the host hasent recived one by then it would be one with anew soul or soul less , cant remember ,

il try and dig out that name.

good read

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:18 AM
I can not see a young family stoop so low, that is just my first me it was a very moving story,and quite belivable.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Angus123

Past lives is a fact that has been experienced by thousands. Many cases have been carefully researched to the point were there should be little doubt that it is the truth. Start here:

The problem with past lives (or "reincarnation" as some call it) is that the criminals on this planet can't stand the idea that people are actually beings capable of living (and remembering) forever and capable of knowing the truth of their (the criminals') crimes. So as they have become more powerful on this planet they have fought harder and harder against the idea. It is to the point now where most people think that past lives is "strange" when it used to go way beyond religious belief in most places and be considered simply a fact of life. Science almost totally refuses to research anything "spiritual." Look how Dr. Stevenson's work has been ignored. Everything is "brain."

If you can come into a new body and recall a life you just recently left hundreds or thousands of miles away, in detail, it is so obviously a non-brain thing going on that it is really pointless to continue to think only in terms of "brain." But they do! For the big criminals on this planet this is a matter of life and death!

Some have asserted that for every spiritually-caused phenomenon that exists in the physical universe there is a physical-universe analogous mechanism that can be discovered and used to mimic the spiritual phenomenon. So the scientists can continue in their work for years, continuing to come up with "new discoveries." But to develop technology for giving mortals "spiritual" abilities is walking down a dangerous road on this planet where the criminal minority has garnered so much power and financial resources. A dangerous road...

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:26 AM
Great find, s&f!

I've always believed in reincarnation, and for this boy's family to take a
school boy's musings a step further a research into this is a great step forward.

I wonder how many other cases there are like this that have been dismissed by parents.

Similarly, children with "imaginary friends".

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by nowshining

Great post!


''Reincarnation''.....So, if this is true,how many of the SAME reincarnated bodies can one have?
I mean, you hear of reincarnations of many famous people....SO, I don't get it!
How does One,two,three,four.......thousands upon thousands of people(or so they claim)be told they are the 'REINCARNATED' soul of that person?


posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:38 AM
i'm as impressed as i was when i first stumbled upon this story.

i see a lot of posts saying that this would be easy to hoax . . .

i'm not so sure about that.

Possibly a child genius with an overactive imagination?

i COULD buy that, MAYBE . . .

but in my mind, to hoax this would have been VERY VERY difficult.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:48 AM
really interesting story. I showed it to my mother and she teared up and told me that when I was around 4 or 5 I would tell her about things that I used to do before, like in another life, and I would start off the sentence with "When I was big" and then i'd tell her little bits and pieces of things i remembered. never gave her a name but my father and her did ask me on multiple occasions. Of course I don't remember any of this but maybe it means reincarnation is more common than we think. I've always been fascinated by the subject and as i've gotten older i've realized that you don't really have to believe in heaven or hell or god or a creater or any of that to believe that ones life force can be transferred to another. I believe that to be true.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 04:05 AM
Well done angus

I'm glad you've brought this into a better light. I've always heard of stories like this but it's amazing to hear it and see it in some detail.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 04:06 AM
I started this thread a day before you

Obviously the mods are not doing there job properly..

Amazing story all the same.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Ignorance Denied
I started this thread a day before you

Obviously the mods are not doing there job properly..

Amazing story all the same.

Sorry about that dude. I should have dug deeper before posting I guess.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 04:16 AM
I've watched the short documentary of this on youtube a year ago.

part 1 :
part 2 :

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