posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:49 AM
So I need to set up a private, secure, non searchable collaborative workspace for a few writers, and it needs to be free if possible, EDIT: I don't
mind paying a small monthly fee. (((I need a bit of diskspace but bandwidth will be minimal if it's private, right?))) I don't mind if it has a crap
domain name. I'd like to use the Mediawiki platform or the nearest clone. Other wikis I tried just aren't as good and I need real time
collaboration. I speak 3 languages and have written books but I am an imbecile when it comes to websites.
I don't want anyone to waste their time taking me through the whole thing, but if anyone can give me pointers to cool tutorials I'd really
appreciate it. Some ATS big names are involved but muggins here needs to do the donkey-work.
Is Wikia good?
Can translate a bit of Spanish for you as a trade off, or do an errand in Hong Kong.
[edit on 16f20095amFri, 12 Jun 2009 01:59:30 -050030 by HiAliens]