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BREAKING: Audit the Fed Bill Surpasses Crucial Benchmark

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Sliadon

You are taking my tone out of context... I say "evil North Korea" in sarcasm towards the MSM and TPTB. They are made out to be "evil" to sell the American public on war with them just like Iran and Iraq.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
The public may very well become aware of the unaccountability of the FED. Even though this will do nothing immediately, it's a step in the right direction.


Really? Seems like a step into HORRIBLE ECONOMIC DOWNFALL which we were only just struggling to avoid.

Once the news is all about how the fed is insolvent, won't the global economy kerplode? Won't all other countries immediately switch off the dollar and make USA a third world country? Won't USA as the world's leading citizens who love to spend and waste, cause untold economic devestation all across the globe when they stop buying anything ever?

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:46 PM
224 co-sponsors reached

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla

Once the news is all about how the fed is insolvent, won't the global economy kerplode? Won't all other countries immediately switch off the dollar and make USA a third world country? Won't USA as the world's leading citizens who love to spend and waste, cause untold economic devestation all across the globe when they stop buying anything ever?

Yes, you are correct. And THAT is why we will never get a true audit.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Anonymous Avatar

My apologies if I came across rude towards you, the main point I was aiming for in my post was acknowledging that you presented some very good points. As for misinterpreting your tone, my apologies there as well. Unfortunately with any form of written dialogue it is hard to catch the subtleties that make up certain peoples presentation if unfamiliar with their prose.


posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by komp_uk

I would like to see this audit occur, one of several things will happen:

1) The Federal Reserve System is handed its walking papers and perhaps we can salvage this "Titanic."

2) A massive dis-info campaign to lull the masses back to sleep. Considering recent economic problems, and widespread dissatisfaction with government ineptitude, this seems unlikely to work, though the outcome is not easily determined.

3) A false-flag op on or beyond the scale of September 11th to distract us and send us rushing into the arms of our oppressors. In this situation there resides a serious drawback for any willing to carry out such an operation, we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt who is responsible and no amount of dis-info will change that. Those who have slept will have cold water thrown into their faces, awakening to the harsh light of day. De-bunkers will embrace truth or run away, never to be heard from again. The truthers, whether you believe it was an inside job or that the upper-echelon of the government allowed 9-11 to happen, will be hardened in their resolve.

Spread the info concerning the audit far and wide, encourage everyone you know to contact their Representatives and let them know where they stand. If someone is dumb enough to choose option 3, there will be an increased likelihood that people will realize what has been and is going on. If there is a shadowy group of people working towards what is known as the New World Order, they will be forced to show their hand. Truth is coming.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:11 PM
why not audit? the greedy need to audit to wipe out the mess, so it looks good. hey, hey, hey there give me some of that money. the lowely speaks to you. "we the people", while your at it, borrowing money you will never pay back and write off with a stroke of a pen. write me a check for a million or two, ok. who cares right? we can just write it off with a stroke of a pen. all the countries we borrowed from, "what"?, war. they the elite know this will not happen for it will bankrupt the world. maybe a country big enough can kick mr. greedy where it counts and put them where they belong and we the peoples of the world are united. so go out and kick some greedy peoples you know what, and do it good.the greedys are all over the world, the more powerful are the not mentioned group. the do not exist all you greedy lock your doors, rearm your alarms and call the police when something goes bump in the night. be careful, the lowelys are paying very close attention to you wherever you are. im under your bed, with a you know what waiting for you to sleep so i can strike.

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