posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Merkabah
I just watched a heap of other videos by these guys and i am impressed an inspired by their distinct and consistent message
Everything is ok.
its seems to be a threat, at first. The people in uniforms feel they are doing their JOB by harrassing them about doing what they are doing. But
always the people in uniform don't know what or who they are actually representing.
They are representing themselves. Their anger and fear is the only thing that they have to work on, when it is clear that there are no laws being
broken. Its quite profound to see their reactions to the situations.
Total confusion, they want to hug but they can't. And it is only themselves they are trying to connect with under their uniforms.
its beautiful to see.
Just by doing this the police people are questioning their own humanity and sometimes it breaks free, sometimes they maintain their "charade"
others are left stunned by the truth and its obviously raising all sorts of things in their minds.( one example- the police man at the US embassy,
just staring at them for minutes)
I am going to link these videos elsewhere and would love to do something similar.
(need a megaphone, and some more courage!!! )
[edit on 11-6-2009 by 2theC]