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911 Truth - Somebody Please Give It To Me!

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posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by Big Unit

Well do not take it personal. It just goes with the territory. I have been called a troll just for starting this thread. There are some people who would call you a troll for not just blindly believing whatever they seem to think is true.

I appreciate your comments as well as comments that disagree with yours. I think it is important to discuss it from all angles.

Is that a real picture of you and your wife?? Are you a reverend?? Clever if you are not. I am not here to confess to anyone.

Take some time and do your own research.

Why did WTC 7 (not hit by any plane) fall at free fall speed?????

Do realize that every support column would by necessity need to give way at the exact same moment for that to happen???? Every single column gives way at the exact same moment...what are the odds of that occurring???

Check out! Read David Ray Griffin. Check out Dr Steven Jones work. It's easy just use Google.

I hope you will enlighten your flock!

Don't listen to this guy. He is giving you misinformation.

WTC7 did not fall at free fall speed. Thats a very common lie the 911 truth movement constantly repeats.

If you are curious as to why WTC7 collapsed, I'd advise you read NIST's final report on WTC7. It came out last August. There was a 2 year study by experts throughout the World. They found no evidence of controlled demolition. And these are the real experts we're talking about. I'm sure you can find their final report on line.

ae911truth is a fraudulent organization created by a fraud named Richard Gage. He recenlty appeared on George Noory's program and claimed some of the hijackers are still alive. The man is insane.

There was a thread started about the members of ae911truth where they speak. You should take the 40 minutes to listen to them. They are not smart people.

David Ray Griifin is a theology professor that milks the truthers out of their money with misinformation. He is a charlatan. A man named Ryan Mackey debunked his nonsense a while back. I'm sure you could find it too, on line.

Stephen Jones is unemployed now because of his fairy tales he spins to members of the 911 truth movement. The all magical thermite.thermate. Excellent comedy though.

I suggest you visit the various debunking sites crreated by critical thinkers. Don't fall for the lies of the truth movement. It's a cult. Peace.

[edit on 12-6-2009 by Big Unit]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Skyline666

Thanks for posting your odd theories of what happened on 911. Most truthers dont have the courage to do that. Kudos to you.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by notreallyalive

Originally posted by Blaine91555
WTC7 however was carefully cleared of people, double and triple checked to make sure it was empty and then destroyed using preset charges to protect sensitive documents and records important to the government or national security. (This is I think is the only conspiracy being hidden and it should just be admitted too to stop this nonsense)

Something to keep in mind is that the fires from the jet fuel and flammable objects in the main towers could only reach around 1100 degrees fahrenheit. This is based on chemistry and can be verified on the internet and physics/chemistry books.

It takes about 3000 degrees to cause steel to begin to soften.

you can "cook" chicken all day long at 25 degrees and it will NEVER cook.
you can burn a steel building at 1100 degrees all day long and it will never fall.
It takes more than jet fuel. There is evidence of explosives (high-tech, engineered, nano-thermite explosive) found in the wreckage of ALL THREE buildings.

[edit on 12-6-2009 by notreallyalive]

You are grossly wrong on the temperatures and no, nano-thermite explosive was not found in the wreckage.

Only Stephen Jones claims to have found this mystery subsatnce, and he is nothing but a charlatan and a fraud.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:48 PM
Notice i didnt say president?..I dont think Bush had any offensive part in it....The look he had after he was told of it,was one of ''I cant #ing beleive they did it..I personally beleive that the prez is not the top of our food chain in washington..

You are on the right track here. Bush and his Cabinet are not employed by the US Public. Like I have posted before "they are only a symptom of the disease", even Obama.

Since JFK was assassinated, everything changed dramatically for the worse. The PTB are not all Americans, but some very powerful members are.

The Reserve Banks that first started in the USA are a major, or maybe the most powerful problem/enemy for the people and the government. When you realize how Monetary System works -INTEREST, DEBT, TAXES and INFLATION were impregnated into the System by these Banks.

Some Presidents noticed and understood what these powers could do to the people and the country. Some succeeded, but they eventually came back when new Presidents were voted in.

Even if you go back to Pearl Harbor, President E new the public didn't want anything to do with Europe, and things had to happen for them to justify war, or he would be voted out of his job and cause massive public unrest.

He might of, or not known about the Pearl Harbor attack, only certain people from that era and in the right circle will know that. I was very skeptical on this subject for years, never to believing that Japan was given clear passage & the opportunity to attack Pearl Harbor, but when you investigate history, the future sometimes seems a lot more Clearer.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

There was construction done by turner general construction going on in the towers for some time..It included abating the asbestos in the elevator shaft..Wich is the core collumns really..Office workers were stated to wanting to peek to see what all the noise and dust was,on the other side of the barriers..

I work in construction,in allot of high dollar places,and you would be surprised what you could probably get away with if you have bad intentions..

Oh and by chance i think it was the owner of turner construction that got elected to some high political position in texas shortly after..

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

Ok so now you want me to believe that a bunch (probably 100's) of men were in there under the guise of doing the construction, but really they were rigging it for demolition... and none of them ever talked about it before or after 911?

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf
An angry bunch of Islamic extremists who had gone to the US to ascertain the possibility of undertaking pilot training to effect an attack such as was witnessed, achieved their goals of pilot training and then hijacked numerous airliners and flew innocent citizens to their deaths, some with casualties in mass numbers, all in the quest to attack western society from within, to punish our way of life for it's heathen values, and our imposing position in the world, which they are certain to have felt was an unwanted imposition on their conservative way of life, morals and values.

A soulless band of murderers under the facade of holy warriors, took the world into the new age of religious intolerance and today the flies of this conspiracy buzz about making noise and laying larvae in every orifice possible.

Every earthquake is an EMP device being tested. Every plane crash is a cover up. Every school shooting is a psyop tactic. Every tsunami is a HAARP experiment. Every bridge collapse is an harmonic weapon. Every government policy is the NWO.

If you can't see the fancy colours then you're just blinded by your reality goggles.

I simply had to quote this entire post to show how people who believe in SOME CTs get categorized. This is the problem with the other side. You buy into the propoganda that was started early in this countries history by the government where they began to slam conspiracy believers. They began to label them 'nuts' and 'whackos' and so on. So hard they pushed that campaign that people are scared to be labeled a conspiracy believer because the image is so negative. All false of course and fabricated to make those that want to question the actions of their government not to do it.

Why? Because what they do is always in our best interest right? WRONG.

Now, does this mean that every bridge collapse, or every time a bird falls out of the sky that some conspiracy is behind it? No. To be honest with you, I think that the majority of conspiracy believers don't believe that either.

You see, the problem is that on a site like this you are constantly bombarded by dozens of new conspiracies each week or even each day. Yes, that's a lot. What happens is the people that don't believe in ANY conspiracy think that it is a constant dribble of insanity coming from the conspiracy nuts. When in fact it is a theory that is presented by one person and is debated by other conspiracy believers or debunkers. I have debunked my fair share of wild conspiracies. But I do believe in some.

911 is one of those. Am I absolutely convinced that it was Bush? Nope. Am I convinced that they are covering a TON of things up? Yup. Do I believe that it was set up or allowed to happen by small factions within our government? Unfortunately yes. The evidence and lack of explanations from the government and holes in their explanation lead me to believe this. My understanding of physics and construction/design/engineering lead me to believe this. My experience in intel leads me to believe that certain sacrifices are easily made for what some may believe is the greater good.

This isn't conspiracy. This is experience.

For someone to come on here and make yet another blanket and absurd statement like above just goes to show the mentality of the other side (or, to avoid being hypocritical, some of those like the poster quoted above) is displaying towards CTers.

Stop trying to horde us all into the same cattle yard. It simply shows your lack of understanding of what a true conspiracy theorist does and stands for.

We stand for truth people. We just want answers. Not new miraculous theories of physics where thermal expansion, for the first time ever, causes a steel building to fail completely and fall at free fall speed for ANY given time.


posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

I dont want you to beleive anything..Thanks for tipping your hand though..

[edit on 12-6-2009 by Redpillblues]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by Redpillblues

Ok so now you want me to believe that a bunch (probably 100's) of men were in there under the guise of doing the construction, but really they were rigging it for demolition... and none of them ever talked about it before or after 911?

And they're just regular working folks like you and I who have no problem with killing thousands of innocent people. Yep. That makes sense.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Big Unit
Dod Bonez just say there were squibs? Squibs?

Nope, sure didn't. You will not find that word anywhere in my post. What you are doing by twisting or putting words in my mouth is being dishonest.

Originally posted by Big Unit
Operations Northwoods was a scheme that involved the death of zero Americans.

No where in my post did I say Americans were going to die from Operation Northwoods. You are, once again, twisting or putting words in my mouth. Dishonest.

Originally posted by Big Unit
Compressed air. Just like every expert in the world says.

Oh really? Every expert in the world? Please show a list of names of every expert in the world that has publicly stated the plumes are compressed air. Please make sure the list is considerably larger than the lists of architects, engineers, scientists and physicists at 9/11 research organizations. Please also show any other building collapse (besides controlled demolition) that exhibits these plumes.

Originally posted by Big Unit
This is a perfect example of how charlatans like Bone-Z try to mislead others. He takes a picture of the WTC and shows only the very top portion of it, then puts another picture of something that looks about 7 stories tall.

Debunkers occasionally state that since the top of the south tower tipped over, then it can't be a controlled demolition and that it tipped due to weakening by fire. The purpose of the comparison is to show that the way the south tower started to collapse (top tipping over) is not unprecedented in controlled demolitions.

Surely, Big Unit (Troy), someone as smart and "not fooled" as you knows Newton's Laws of Motion? Sticking with the first law, which is also referred to as the law of inertia:

1. A body at rest stays at rest, and a body in motion stays in motion, unless it is acted on by an external force.

In other words, a body (the top of the south tower) would stay in motion (continuing to tip over and fall to the ground) unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force (explosives being detonated (the plumes) in the lower part of the tower allowing the tipping top block of building to stop tipping and fall straight down to appear as if it's crushing the structure below).

Originally posted by Big Unit
that in itself wouldnt be considered a top down demoliotion

Top-down demolitions are not unprecedented. In fact, take a look at the image in the upper left corner of my collage:


Those two apartment towers in the upper left are top-down demolition as evidenced by the plumes being detonated up top first and then middle and bottom ones after. No two demolitions are the same. Everything in a controlled demoliton relies on timing and delays of the explosives.

Originally posted by Big Unit
You do realize the DNA of nearly every passenger on the plane that hit the Pentagon was recovered?

You do realize that you're blindly taking the government at it's word without so much as one question asked?

Originally posted by Big Unit
You know he only shows a still photo of that other building?? I can tell you why. Because he would never link you the youtube of the building being demolished.

Perhaps because there may not be a video? I've had that image for many years and don't know if there is a video to go with it.

Originally posted by Big Unit
Becuase you hear the loud bang bang bang bang bang as the detonations are going off.

There are several witnesses that heard the "boom boom boom" detonations going off as both towers collapsed. For instance, south tower survivor Brian Clark or by-stander David Long. Then there's all of the firefighter and first responder testimony.

Originally posted by Big Unit
You'll see the flashed of light going off. flash flash flash

Many people, including lots of firefighters saw the flashes of the detonations going off. I posted the oral histories and a video of some of the oral histories being read. Your fault for not taking the time to read.

Originally posted by Big Unit
This is another tool of manipulation that Bone-Z uses.

No manipulation. Just your lack of research and knowledge of what happened on 9/11.

Originally posted by Big Unit
I try to wake up members of the truth movement. I rarely succeed.

That's because all available evidence goes against everything you have to say. Not to mention you don't even know the half of what you're talking about and are wrong on just about everything you say.

Originally posted by Big Unit
Usually I'm called a disinfo agent. Or I'm asked who is paying me

Well, for instance when you make the false claims that nobody heard the "boom boom boom" from the detonations going off in the towers or saw the flashes, that is completely false either by purposeful deception or lack of research. Or when you make the claim of no wargames/exercises on 9/11 and I and others have proven you to be wrong. What do you expect to be called?

Originally posted by Big Unit
With a little research you can have figured this out yourself. My suggestion to you. Quit wasting your time reading conspiracy sites, they are conning you with lies and misinformation.

Says the person who doesn't know enough about 9/11 to know the names of people who heard the detonations going off, or the firefighter accounts of the flashes and other explosions going off. Or your dishonest claim below about no wargames or exercises. You've got much to learn.

Originally posted by Big Unit
Here's a link to another phone call to one of Gage's architects. It's 10 minutes of pure stupidity

The only part of that video that relates to the word "stupidity" is the interviewer that telephoned architect Barry Koren. You are the maker of the video and your name is likely Troy.

I've downloaded the video as evidence and contacted Richard Gage. Gage will be contacting Koren to make him aware of the video. You could be facing charges of impersonation, fraud, defamation and slander.

How dare you call an architect and claim yourself to be from AE911T and persist to interrogate him. And you have the audacity to say that truthers manipulate and lie? The credibility you think you might have had here is now gone.

Originally posted by Big Unit
Are you aware that the experts at the scene of WTC7 knew it was coming down.

The only reason one might think that it was coming down would be because the towers came down. That is the only reason. However, for WTC7 to fall the way it did (straight down), every single support column had to have been severed at exactly the same time:


WTC7 fell straighter and more perfect than the building it's being compared to. Fires don't do that otherwise demo companies would be using fire instead of wasting money on explosives and manpower.

Originally posted by Big Unit
3. Exercises never took place that day. No training took place that day.

You are the epitome of the definition of the word "wrong" and/or "unresearched".

In the following video at 6:10, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asks Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the wargames and General Richard Myers responds and talks about the wargames and training exercises:

As I've already stated, you have alot to learn and research. You should go take some time away now from these forums and research, research research!

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Big Unit
reply to post by dariousg

However, I fear that you are already decided on believing the hole riddled "official (lie) story".

Many consider the 911 Commission Report as the Official Story. Would you care to site just one sentence of error in the 911 Commission Report?

Dude. Not only have I read it I have listened to it. You want my opinion on it? It is like they hired a thriller writer to put together the story. Seriously, I posted an audio book of the report. Well, a link to it. It's truly filled with a ton of filler and some very broad speculation.

When we have 10,000 pages to go through and MANY huge questions weren't answered you have to wonder why.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

Thank you. I'm just sick and tired of getting attacked for doing exactly why little unit always ends up doing. He/she (assuming a he only because of the arrogant name) always asks for YOU to do the proving but hardly EVER provides any proof of his own. So thank you.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Big Unit

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by Redpillblues

Ok so now you want me to believe that a bunch (probably 100's) of men were in there under the guise of doing the construction, but really they were rigging it for demolition... and none of them ever talked about it before or after 911?

And they're just regular working folks like you and I who have no problem with killing thousands of innocent people. Yep. That makes sense.

There you are again putting words in mouths...I know the crew was ordinary people,a fellow brother i know died that day..But who knows what went down after hours..You dont nor do I..

the whole construction bit would have made a very good cover for anything out of the ordinary..

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Well the whole 'official' version of the collapses is based on assumptions.

They assumed the damage caused to the central columns.

They assumed the damage caused by the fires.

There is NO proof anywhere of the damage inside the buildings, so the official story fails before it even gets started.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

How is that tipping my hand? It is a question. How do you get to the truth? You ask questions.

I do think it is hard to believe that the greatest mass illusion ever could be done in a way that would have taken 100's if not 1000's of people to coordinate and not one of them felt the guilt or pride to run out and say I was part of it. The government cannot keep anything secret without some "unknown source" blabbing stuff to a news agency. How could this be any different?

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Big Unit
reply to post by Redpillblues

Are you going to provide 1 loose end that cant be answered?

MODS! Seriously? How many one liner fruitless posts by this guy are going to be allowed? This one is one of MANY. He is simply telling us to provide proof after WE HAVE. He is trolling and trying to cause conflict. He trolls the 911 boards simply to provoke and derail. It SHOULD not be allowed.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Wally Hope

Ok this is where I think you may be wrong. Sure there was probably nobody on site that documented the damage. I give you that. However, if you know how the building was structured you can run a computer scenario based on facts that will give you a good idea of the damage caused by a plane hitting a certain part of a building at a certain speed.

[edit on 12-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

I would venture to say it would take less then 10 people to drop the towers the way they did..And only probably 3 actually getting there hands dirty..That is without the people in the planes..

You assumed so that means your not looking for answers..

My original deduction still stands..# stirer..sorry preacher..

[edit on 12-6-2009 by Redpillblues]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Big Unit

Plain and simply big unit is lying here when he says that WTC7 did NOT fall at free fall speed. When in fact even NIST has come forward finally after CONSTANT and PERSISTANT grilling by people that actually understand the physics involved and said that yes indeed there was a string of time where the building indeed did fall at free fall speed.

Yet he continues to ignore this information and call lie on anyone who makes the claim.

SO it is NOT a lie. It is not some mystical situation fabricated by the truthers. It was admitted to by your masters.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

Honestly, do you think the OP was not a valid question? Shouldnt we expect a single theory to come forward. How is anyone going to get anyone to investigate this without a sustainable overall theory of events?

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