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If Your Output Drops You Will Be Messed With

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:46 PM
One thing I noticed a few months into my spiritual reawakening last year, is that I was messed with through other people. People seemed to do strange things, like snubbing me one day and be hugging me the next. Sometimes I would not be served at my regular bar, and the next day people ask me where I have been for such a long time. Just really strange situations, almost like sometimes they did not see me.

After a while I linked it to David Icke's material, and how he claimed that people are messed with through other people who actually have a high percentage of Alien DNA and do not realise it, yet can be interacted with and their perceptions twisted for a goal of higher vibrational entities, such as the Dracos.

Is this the case, I am not sure, and I would love to discuss that or hear some personal stories, yet I think it is a real scenerio. I think it really happens, and last week it happened to a buddy of mine where is seemed he was messed with from every angle.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by SoulOrb]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Good vid. I'm surprised that no one else has commented on your post. Maybe their perceptions are twisted right now? Lol. I wouldn't doubt it.

Its funny you have mentioned this, as I myself have noticed friends and people close to me. They just seem to react sometimes. I never understand that. Talk about not having control of yourself at all. Its especially awful when you don't even notice!

I could ramble on forever about this and how it rings so true within me.

However I'm just gonna say thanks for being conscious.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:26 PM
Well I rather not be noticed ha ha. I can't say i've ever been in this type of situation because I hardly leave the house unless I need to go somewhere (school/work/shopping).

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by ohh_pleasee
me. They just seem to react sometimes. I never understand that. Talk about not having control of yourself at all. Its especially awful when you don't even notice!
I could ramble on forever about this and how it rings so true within me.

Hey, thanks for watching. Yeah, it is amazing, and it is so true, people say things as if not even thinking, and it is almost the ones that do it the most now, I look and see often times others areas that they might be messed with in regards to other people too.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Yet again, another awesome post from you.

I think I have experienced this, although on a different level. I've been told to have very high energy by a few people, so maybe it could account for the difference.

Rather than not notice people, I feel some strange urge not to interact them, or maybe leave the area so I can avoid them completely. It is very strange, usually if they confront me later on it, I honestly have no answer, I'm not mad, or angry, I just can't explain why I wished to avoid them. Many times it happens with phone calls as well. Possibly something along the lines of your topic here, just rather than completely block that person from my perception, make it so I want to avoid them. Maybe this is a different method, one more covert, or just easier to carry out? Or maybe I just don't like to be controlled, and it is difficult to make me not notice something.

Who knows, let me know what you think. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts SoulOrb, always a pleasure to read and watch.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 04:35 AM
as I said on the other thread, -- great post, and

we are being tapped lol

... but then it poses the question to me 'why?'... why do they need this type of energy, -- can they not feed off something else that doesn't involve us? , veggies or something, ...

Is it that they can 'only' actually survive on these particular niceties, hate, jealousy, violence, blah blah, OR....are they just too lazy to go out and make a decent honest living like the rest of us

If we lived in a world where we all loved and respected each other with none of these harsh energy vibrations pinging around, -- would these beings even exist at all?.... or do they just come part and parcel with humanity....,

....Are they just part of 'us' in this 'inter-connectedness' that we cannot seem to get our heads around. Did we actually manifest them ourselves...

.. what came first, us, or them... however, it seems to me that one cannot exist without the other..., that is to say,-- in the current dimension we reside in...


I was in the supermarket the other day, and it had just been one of those days where humanity in general just seemed to be going out of its way to annoy the blazes out of me., it was one thing after the other after...

It is very unlike me to interact with the general public in a negative way, -- but this lady just pushed in front of me in the queue, almost stood on my toe, and and, just stood there literally cm's from my being...

I lost the plot and turned to her and said "um, excuse me, -- but did you realise that you are almost knocking me over??, --- did you not SEE me there or something", --- and you know SoulOrb, -- it wasnt the actual 'words' that I used as there was no swearing in there etc.... but it was the 'intent' and the 'inner impulses' of hateful energy that were coming out of me.... most alarming!

She waited for me to pay for my shopping, I could see her out of the corner of my eye, and I said to myself..... Okay, -- now you are in for it....shes 'waiting'

well it turned out that she WAS indeed waiting, but also, 'waving', ... some sort of card in front of my face to tell me that she was almost 'legally blind'...

How bad did I feel??.... so so bad, -- I apologised profusely, -- but funnily enough, I had a little laugh to myself when I walked away, because it was a lesson well matter what happens, -- just stay 'steady'...

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 03:31 PM
I'll just start out by saying I'm familiar with Icke and I'm fascinated by what he has to say but I am not sold on the reptillian thing - however, I do agree that we live in a multiverse and there's more to it than we understand, and that there are probably beings living in tandem with us on a different level. Probably some of them do not have our best interests at heart but with my meditation practice I focus on wholeness and love rather than focus on the creepy.

Anyhoo perhaps needless to say, I have never noticed anybody reacting to me differently or in a way that I would describe as anything but natural. (Though coincidentally I did get leered at by a creepy smiling man at the mall this weekend and I realized that nobody has outright followed me with their eyes in a very long time... not since sleazy men in bars in college - and I can tell I've been listening to too much Coast to Coast AM because my first thought was eww I'm being stared at by a reptilian! He made me shudder like I needed to shake his gaze off of me.)

But as much as I am fascinated by this I do try to keep a very grounded perspective on life - and I *have* noticed that sometimes when I have gone through a period of being very good about my meditation practice, and when I feel as if I am right on the edge of feeling "extra zenlike" - filled with gratitude and love of life, I have started getting what I would describe as a sort of crabby backlash.

At those times my inner monologue is telling my outer monologue (for lack of a better word) "Hey! Why are so you irritable, what happened to all that Inner Peace???" And there is a little part of me that thinks, that maybe the backlash for the struggle for inner peace is bouts of outer grumpiness?

I have never been a crabby or moody person. I think probably I am just more sensitive now to my negative thinking/emotion patterns than I ever was before.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by LordKnox
Yet again, another awesome post from you.

Thanks LordKnox, I wish I could take responsibility for my craziness, but it comes form some higher authority!

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Jacqua
well it turned out that she WAS indeed waiting, but also, 'waving', ... some sort of card in front of my face to tell me that she was almost 'legally blind'...

Yes, I can see what you mean. And that is what happens when we bottle it. Now there might be a joke in there, like OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, whew, I am sorry for whatever I did. This way you can deflect it and make your point idea. However it is a tough thing, but you would be suprised what you can get away when joking.

I think the idea is the Dracos are taking out energy, and keep us low so that they can control us as well, basically they want us under them, not over them.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by mysterybee
differently or in a way that I would describe as anything but natural. (Though coincidentally I did get leered at by a creepy smiling man at the mall this weekend and I realized that nobody has outright followed me with their eyes in a very long time... not

Sorry about that, I get watching womens butts sometimes, and I forget that I am not invisible.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by SoulOrb

Interesting topic!

I monitor my interactions with astrology, cause it works. After spending 100ds of hours studying I found that certain transits made people behave differently(quite like you described) with me. People are planets, in our chart. So the ultimate goal for me is to brake this astrological program, and yes I suspect some gross manipulative involvement not from this plane.

S&F, I will want to watch this video

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by HulaAnglers
reply to post by SoulOrb

Interesting topic!

I monitor my interactions with astrology, cause it works. After spending 100ds of hours studying I found that certain transits made people behave differently(quite like you described) with me. People are planets, in our chart. So the ultimate goal for me is to brake this astrological program, and yes I suspect some gross manipulative involvement not from this plane.

S&F, I will want to watch this video

I employ numerology quite a bit. Example, I did this video twice. I switched the background, I felt the original background was too harsh. The resulting video was 9:09 after I uploaded it, so a 18:9, and 9 6 3 is the numbers I shoot for cause they are my vibration. So I felt this video I hit it right on the mark. I do that alot.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by SoulOrb

Sorry about that, I get watching womens butts sometimes, and I forget that I am not invisible.

haha ...

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb

Originally posted by mysterybee
differently or in a way that I would describe as anything but natural. (Though coincidentally I did get leered at by a creepy smiling man at the mall this weekend and I realized that nobody has outright followed me with their eyes in a very long time... not

Sorry about that, I get watching womens butts sometimes, and I forget that I am not invisible.

Ahaha! I don't know why but I am picturing the infamous "dramatic cupcake dog" (google it if you aren't sure what I mean

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by mysterybee

Like This?

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Hmm a post after my own heart. I constantly am getting snubbed and called names for what I believe are official slander and lies by a certain someone who didnt like my attitude, being that I was completely right at a certain incident that was nothing to even do with me. But since I opened my mouth things got wierd. Months later I was randomly harrassed. Told to slow down on an icy uphill car climb going 5 mph by a rich looking passer by in an audi. I mean you couldnt get more pompus and these loseers know it.

Noserub snub, then they come into my work and smirk at me, playing nice customer and throwing me words to make it seem as though they are messing with me. Well its good that im a trained near black belt with lots of willpower to overcome fascism in america. I dont know what reason other than a made up one im being officially bothered. but its funny when the scales get balanced by something bigger than both of us and shows us were all the same, stupid creatures lost in a world of our own self made mistakes. Of course human gods cannot make mistakes, thats why there is media sanitization processes.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by SoulOrb

Yes, exactly like that cupcake dog!

So Ok, this might get away from me but I'll try to make sense... I've been thinking about David Icke's theories and what they would mean.... and I just want to see if I have this right....

If you go forward with the theory that somehow energy beings that feed off negative energy check to see why your newly-universal-loved-up-self aren't contributing negativity-food, and they try to poke you into producing some by sprinkling jerks into the world....

....and that in this theory these fear-eaters coming from a void plane between us and and the Infinity/God/Love/Paradise plane and that these beings don't want us to bypass them and start feeding ourselves on the love & peace from the plane above them - because then they will starve...

So here's a question: Does Icke think that the Paradise/Bliss plane is inaccessible to them or that they choose to reject it? Or do they reject it but still have access to it and filter down "divinity" to followers of organized religion the way a..oh I donno, vampire drugdealer might be feeding you drugs (drips of divine love?) while they siphon off your fear (of eternal damnation?)

And at any rate... does the theory go that the more you reject fear and work to embrace love, forgiveness, gratitude (all the warm fuzzy stuff) the less and less influence they would have on you to the point where eventually everything clicks into place for you and you would just instantly go completely under their radar and being "messed with" becomes a total non-issue. ?

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by mysterybee
If you go forward with the theory that somehow energy beings that feed off negative energy check to see why your newly-universal-loved-up-self aren't contributing

Well, not to say it is their source of sustenance. I took it more like, I enjoy art, so I might look at art, and give money to people who make more art. In a way I am feeding off the Beauty of Art because it resonates with me, but I still might eat.

Originally posted by mysterybee
negativity-food, and they try to poke you into producing some by sprinkling jerks into

They are just people, who are having their perceptions twisted in order to cause a reaction to you, mostly because they are unaware they even have input jacks to their senses that are accessible to someone else without their knowledge.

Originally posted by mysterybee
...and that in this theory these fear-eaters coming from a void plane between us and and
the Infinity/God/Love/Paradise plane and that these beings don't want us to bypass

Well, I am not inferring any kind of paradise or anything, I do not believe in this. However they are a dimension higher than us, and us reaching a level spirituality not anchored by fear will connect us with our nature which is in effect by default higher than them. So we are not longer in the reality presented to us through our media and perception by way of their manipulation, but we are aware of truths as they really are, and their false image is broken.

Example lets say Anunnaki at 5th. And we came from Anunnaki, and had this ability of them and more and then they left and we were here and these guys moved in and took control of our awareness before the Anunnaki returned. Oh man, I would be pissed if I was the Anunnaki, messing with my offspring.

Originally posted by mysterybee
So here's a question: Does Icke think that the Paradise/Bliss plane is inaccessible to them or that they choose to reject it? Or do

My understanding they simply lack the ability to leave 4th and connect any level higher, which humans most likely do all the time by default.

Originally posted by mysterybee
And at any rate... does the theory go that the more you reject fear and work to embrace love, forgiveness, gratitude (all the warm fuzzy stuff) the less and less influence they would have on you to the point where eventually everything clicks into place for you and you would just instantly go completely under their radar and being "messed with" becomes a total non-issue. ?

Yes at some point you cease to be trouble for them, an outlier, and you are just disconnected from the Matrix per se.

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:16 PM
I know this is way off topic, but that dog had me rollin

i got a tear in my eye from laughing so hard.
I have never seen that before.That is priceless...


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb

Example lets say Anunnaki at 5th. And we came from Anunnaki, and had this ability of them and more and then they left and we were here and these guys moved in and took control of our awareness before the Anunnaki returned. Oh man, I would be pissed if I was the Anunnaki, messing with my offspring.

Just out of curiosity, does David Icke go in for the Anunnaki theory?

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