posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:37 PM
I will never accept a mandatory vaccination ever! Its not like *they* care for the people, its about power, money, profit, manipulation and greed as
Us resistant need to group together and stand up for our eternal rights as beings of the universe. I would gladly meet with others aware and
conscious of whats really going on in the world and contribute to a plan of effective action to change this crap that others willfully allow... and
yea that sounds a little out there, but thats what is happening now.
Nazi like fascism seems to be slowly repeating itself in these current times, but I will not be one to stand for it and allow it to happen again. I
would rather die for exercising my eternal freedoms, lest I die for being cowardly and fearful of these insane peoples and their never-ending quest
for complete control.
Really, its time to take group action on our part, not to talk of a personal reaction to this crap everyone! This is all wasted energy if we
together, do nothing to stop it now.
[edit on 11-6-2009 by Sk8rDude7]