posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:52 AM
I remember when I first stumbled upon Above Top Secret, It was like stumbling onto a book or collaboration of minds that never had a last chapter or
an ending. It was great knowing there were MANY other individuals of every age, race and nationality with the same voracious appetite for knowledge
as myself.
One of the first threads that held my attention was one talking about Von Braun's predictions or insights as to the coming "artificial threats" we
would face in the future.
1. Russians / Communists
2. Terrorists
3. Third-world country "Crazies" / Axis of Evil / Nations of Concern
4. Asteroids
5. Aliens / Mock Invasion
The first 3 I do not want to get into too, simply because they really have already happened. The Cold War takes care of 1. 9/11 really takes care of
both 2. and 3.
Even when Von Braun mentioned 4. he chuckled, honestly I think he realized once TPTB had advanced enough after the first 3, blaming an asteroid for
destroying a town or city could be easy to pull off. It was easy to drop two building now wasn't it... but I digress.
The 5th point is wherein my question to you lies.
Given that we have no idea or credible information about the type and advanced nature of secret aircraft and technologies.. How easily could TPTB
fool the world of an alien contact/Invasion?
The capabilities of Vaporizing a city target from an aerial platform are there. You would really only have to do it to one maybe two cities to get
the full effect.
Scenario X would then take place and viola, we are at war with "home-grown intergalactic enemies" from planet Omahgawd.
Look at it this way, most people say that they would only believe in the presence of aliens if they landed on the White House lawn.. ok.
If you were to land an "man-made saucer" that was never seen or known to the public on the White House lawn, and two *insert whatever here* walked
out, that would convince a ton of people.
Then you say, yes but they would be looked over by doctors and scientists and completely scrutinized.. that is true, but by who? Not by your local
doctor, or by you or me. They would be examined by 'specialists' that are being paid TPTB anyway. So you are still going to get the data that they
want you to get.
Tie all this together with the "net" going down as a pretty little bow on top.... mass hysteria would ensue. In would have to come martial law, you
know just to get everyone calmed down.
So again I ask, how feasible could a plan not exactly like this, but under the same principles be pulled off against not just the American people, but
the world?
[edit on 11-6-2009 by TwiTcHomatic]