posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by alaskan
Hi Alaskan,
I'm a person that would question what it is that is coming out of the gun after it has been fired. I'm a scientist, and I see a round off-white
perfect sphere coming out of the gun at a much, much slower motion.
Not only that, I see it is not burning and there are no flames to make it disappear as some are suggesting.
So.... who else wants to make a suggestion that has something to it besides their foolish notion that it is on fire, or is burning? Because anyone
can look at it and see it is not on fire and it is not burning and yet it disappears.
I've fired untold amounts of ammo, thousands of rounds in a day, day after day, and I've never seen anything like that. I've also loaded untold
amounts of ammunition so I'm very familiar with guns and ammunition.
Now... I'd like to hear from someone that is really, really looking closely at that ball coming out of the end of that gun. I'd like to see someone
still frame it, and blow it up huge and post different photos of it here on ATS. I'd like to see photos of it while it is disappearing in particular
to see what is occurring. Anybody here with enough knowledge of how to bring those photos into play so that we can all see what is really
I'd also like to know if it is forming near the end of the gun or not. All of the gases have escaped, mainly because it is a revolver and there is
plenty of space between the cylinder and the barrel to let all of the gases escape, and we can see in slow motion that the gases escaped from the
barrel and from the areas around the cylinder. Nice big photos of this ball would be appreciated.
Thanks for your help people, but I'm looking for the real answer, not just some guesses that don't even come close.
[edit on 12-6-2009 by RussianScientists]