reply to post by sanchoearlyjones
I hope this theory worked out for you surfinguru. Dangerdeath, I looked into the Singularities, and wouldn't mind your input there.
Your presentation is so clear it inevitably sheds light on how things work in principle.
Since this thread depends on the input of news regarding the situation, I hope this will not be too much straying from the topic. I'll try to explain
from another angle what is really going on and why.
"Oil" can easily be deemed a "symbol", a multi-pronged symbol actually.
"Dark matter" and "Dark energy" can be treated in the same way as the "subconscious" of human mind.
"Oil" can be interpreted as an "attractor" as is explained in Theory of Chaos. Something everyone is focusing attention to.
Politically, "tension" is the source of energy much more valued by the PTB (or authorities) than the naphtha itself.
Tension as a result of "difference in potential" works as AC electrical power - it moves things, creates phenomena. Tension is the dynamo machine of
the politics.
The war itself can also replace this "fictional" liquid dark matter as a source of tension, and is also a great "short circuit" (dumping site)
which wastes everything into dust - consumerist approach to politics.
In this game, ironically, human life has the smallest value, although all is done in the name of "survival", while obviously some think "their
lives" are more valuable than others'.
Because, for those, life is an expression of power to control.
In truth, control means "have it your way" while treating other sentient beings as means instead of purpose. Control is violence.
This is exactly where humankind is stuck in its own ignorance. So the question is, apart from this war - the "grim rider of the Apocalypse", whether
there is another solution for us who are apparently all victimized and passivized by such game planning.
In times like this, people feel the pressure which is often expressed as a feeling that
Disclosure is about to take place. The meaning of
Apocalypse (Revelation) is exactly that, and this subjective "difference in potential" is not a political one. It is between physical and
metaphysical, and this is where the PTB actually lose control. Because they stick to their physical existence which is transient and therefore an
inexhaustible source of fear and anxiety. Their push is in this direction.
My experience of war is that many people were set free when showed against the wall of imminent death from some invisible and deadly missiles coming
from above in an undiscriminating way. People simply stopped caring, and only few I know were really panicking.
In this respect, war is the greatest mistake of the PTB because it sets people free, for the lack of articulated form of life - war is destruction of
life forms. It is also a medium where the least control over people is established.
The present political and economic situation is a form of life, a consumers model of existence, which is now falling apart. The war has already
started, the only question is how many lives will be lost. But loss of life is only a matter of calculus, because for the PTB only life which is
submissive is of some value. Those who oppose them are to be destroyed.
In my opinion, the imminent future will not be repeated as a consumers' future, like we know it. Oil, as a source of energy, is probably already
outdated in this respect. It really is more symbolical than realistic. This is why:
China has been given (or imposed) the role to simulate a New world power. China is now to play the role America and the West played for the last 40 or
so years. It is an illusion which is doomed to fall apart because the Earth's resources are on the verge of being extinct. And, here including the
idea of progress, which is also exhausted. Just like the previous dominating ideas, like socialism or communism. Nobody cares about those any more,
they are dead.
This possible war in Middle East and Central Asia (Caspian region) is going to affect China in the most powerful way. It will help China burn like in
furnace. China is made to depend on those resources and it is falling into this trap.
The Chinese are repeating history, they are attempting colonization, as it was in the last couple of centuries. They are buying ore mines all around
the world, establishing outposts in Africa, Brazil and elsewhere. This is all so nostalgic and pathetic from their side. Their isolationist politics
from previous centuries will cost them dearly while attempting to "catch on", just like what happened to Japanese attempt in the 20th century. They
were left behind and it cannot be repaired.
What I see here is a preparation for the Great Landslide.
It is all a brainless motion, the inertia is so strong, no calculation can save us from it.
The Globalization and NWO may have this effect of entropy.
And the entropy may work in a quick way as a series of short circuits (war). Here's why: at the Bilderberg summit there were two options in play: one
for a quick and intensive resolve (a painful one), and another for a slow way out from "recession" - a prolonged depression (agony).
This "way out" is, of course, someone's imagination that things can be repeated, and that the Golden Age of consumerism can be resurrected, which
is a total miscalculation in my opinion.
What we have as a parallel is the rise of totalitarian states in the West, Great Britain leading the way, just as it was described by George Orwell
some 60 years ago.
What the West is doing now is creating reality in the form of "optional realities" which will amortize any catastrophic event by instantly
reformulating it (as was done with the 9/11 event) and faking it into an "official reality". The skills and means to do so are very advanced and the
oppression of imposing this "view" is enormous and increasing on a daily basis.
The whole war in the Middle East will be nothing but a Simulation of War, I am convinced of it. Even the Iraq war is just a simulation for the PTB,
while for the Iraqis it is a permanent apocalypse into which they are burning themselves. This Iraqi apocalypse is affecting only them, it doesn't
affect anyone in the rest of the world. That is a fact. It is very much like the project of "controlled fusion". Iraq is now a controlled civil war
in which all goals are lost. It is a total chaos and there are no distinguishing foci or directions of movement.
To force China, and maybe Russia (which I doubt) into the same kind of controlled fusion is the goal of this Great Game. The political profit from
such development is much more important to the West than the oil.
It will provide enough energy to realize Orwellian vision, as if it was their own.
This thing is very realistic and I am not mystifying. The same happened with Homeric vision from his Iliad. A constant struggle for establishing
monopoly on all trade routes and political control in the known world is defined in Homer's Iliad and humanity is unable to escape his
Orwell's "1984" and Huxley's "Brave New World" are just a few indicative works and patterns which have very strong materialization. This is a
semi-subconscious (actually metaphysical) impact on the reality.
These artists clearly projected the pattern of logic which applies to reality in accordance to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The isolated system
must burn itself to total leverage of inertia, to a passive state of existence.
The only way to escape this fate is to understand how things really work, to distinguish from psychological conditioning which leads to this kind of
reality of "states in war" and to finally overcome this conditioning into a different dimension of existence, which is the real "Golden Age", now
only dimly remembered.