well, it's my last day on this fast, and i actually don't even know if i wanna go vegetarian or not...
i really wanna sink my teeth into a big cheeseburger right now - i don't know if i'm mentally ready for this yet...
i also don't know if my frequency has increased either - how can one measure such a thing?? i do know, however, that i've had some really lucid
dreams the last couple of weeks though...
last night, for example, i was taken up in something like a helicopter, and given the grand tour of some beautiful landscape, complete with mountains,
rivers, and valleys, and it was at dusk, so there was a beautiful sunset!
and, about a week ago, i had a dream where i had recognized that i was dreaming, and i was therefore able to control my dream and my actions within!
...i can't describe how awesome that ability is!!!
i wanted to fly around, so i did, and if i wanted to walk through the wall in the room i was
in in my dream, well, i did that too! i woke up thinking, "WOW!, that was frickin' cool!!"
what i might try to do, is continue eating very healthy like i have been, and see where it goes - if i wanna eat meat, then i'll eat it sparingly,
maybe on the weekends or something...
is there anyone here that already practices that?? ...like, being vegetarian for 5 or 6 days a week, and eating meat on only one day?? also, is
there anyone here who claims to be vegetarian, but still eats fish?