reply to post by mahtoosacks
Now_and_Then has the right attitude. Its not the gun that keeps you and your loved ones safe. Its your attitude, perception, and force of will.
You can carry as many guns as you want on yourself. But getting caught flatfooted negates carrying a gun. The only way you will survive that
scenario is if the crook was a complete moron with his/her weapon.
Having the mindset that keeps you aware is half the battle -- being perceptive. Telling yourself you may have to use the firearm to stop an attack is
important. Plus, force of will may keep you alive when the chips are down. You might as well stack the odds in your favor because crooks never
My friend and his wife finished eating dinner with us. Lets call them John and Mary. On their way home they decided to go to the supermarket because
they were out of soda. They live in a very nice neighborhood. At the supermarket, they parked their Honda Civic next to BMWs and Mercedes.
As they walked towards the store, John noticed a parked car with its engine running in front of the supermarket. There was a guy sitting in it
looking anxious. In front of the market's entrance were two gentlemen dressed in clothes not common to the neighborhood. John took noticed but
thought nothing of it. John also thought nothing of it when those two gentlemen disappeared as they went behind two pillars near the market's
As John and Mary approached the entrance, the two guys emerged from the pillars and approached them. The first guy went up to John, put is hand out
and said, "Wassup, homie?" John just stuck his hand out and replied, "Wassup."
That's when John went down on the ground. John was tasered. He struggled to get up because he heard his wife scream. Next thing, Mary is on the
ground with pain across her face.
John managed to get up and started to chase the two bad guys heading for the parked car. John grabbed one guy by the jacket. But the baddie squirmed
out of the jacket and got in the car and they took off.
At the end, both John and Mary got tasered. John's glasses were broken. And, worse of all, John broke two fingers when he collapsed on the ground.
His middle finger was bent at near 90-degree angle. John's middle finger got two screws and 3 months of physical therapy.
Could John have listened to that voice in his head that something was wrong? John could easily have said, "Lets just get it tomorrow morning."
Even to this day, John and Mary think nothing about the incident. They believe they're safe because it would never happen to them again. Hopefully,
it never would. But walking around town, especially in LA, that nothing bad will happen leaves you open to attack. Criminals look for such victims.