posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:19 PM
Yes, sibling rivalry is as old as time itself.
I too had been subject to sibling violence as a child (even though I was the eldest). I've had my front-teeth chiseled out with a screw-driver, a
Rutger .357 shot at me, a splitting axe taken to my bedroom door and shoulder, my skull fractured and partially caved in with a baseball bat, an arm
broken from being twisted behind my back, and a long line of other injuries at the hands of my younger sister. (And usually for silly reasons like I
wouldn't lend an album to her, or I got a better Report Card than she, or so forth.)
Do you know what happened every time one of these extreme incidents would happen?
I, the victim, would be the one arrested by the Police and taken to Juvenile Detention!!!
Besides being resentful that the Police would arrest the wrong sibling, I was always grateful, in retrospect, that a concerned neighbor would call the
Police and that they would intervene (Darwinism can only be on your side for so long before your luck runs out, after all!).
I lived through it all and turned out okay. Even though I haven't (understandably) seen or spoken to my sister for 23 years, I hear she turned out
okay after I moved out of my parent's house at age 15.
Some sibling violence is far more extreme than others. Some siblings are fine with pulling hair and spitting, or giving wedgies, and using a myriad of
other techniques to humiliate rather than physically injure. However, there are some siblings that take the violence up a couple of notches to the
point that the Police *SHOULD* intervene.
It is a very thin line where mild violence escalates to life-threatening when siblings fight, to where the whole matter becomes shades of grey rather
than a simple black and white scenario.
IMHO neither the concerned witnesses in the park who reported the incident, nor the Police did the wrong thing. I also don't blame the parents either
as most parents aren't aware of these kinds of hostilities going on behind their backs when they aren't looking. However, I would be genuinely
disappointed and incensed if the Judge ordered a sentence other than Family Counseling for *BOTH* siblings.