posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 08:26 AM
I keep reading stories on here about how folks disagree with what local governments/judges/police are doing. No matter if its here in the US, the UK,
or any other democratic country, you do have the power to change some of these things you disagree with. When you post an article on ATS with such a
topic, why not include the the phone numbers of those we can call and complain to within that local government. You can guarantee that if the mayors
office suddenly gets 10K calls complaining about an incident, or the way an incident was handled, that the mayor is going to get to the bottom of it
ASAP for fear of losing his next election. You disagree with a judges ruling on something? You think it's a mockery of the law? Well guess what,
judges are also elected officials, same with Sheriffs. The mayor though is often the best person to file a complaint with, because they will pass it
down the line and lean on the Chief of Police, Sheriff, or local Judge. Always go to the elected official that is one set higher then the person that
did the wrong, and call, write, and let them know your displeasure and how you will be voting the next time around. I am pretty sure that there is no
law which states you have to be local to do this either, they certainly will not have the time to sort out where all the calls are coming from, they
will just know a ton are coming in from PO'ed Citizens.